The barrage flew up one by one, and the heat of the live broadcast room reached an unprecedented new height.

These idlers are also full and have nothing to do, just to listen to these gossips or something.

"Tell me one more!"

"Yes, one more one!"

The screens in the live broadcast room are full of barrage reminders. The live broadcast will end in a dozen minutes, the fairy in green thought, I can talk about a short one.

"Since everyone likes the story I tell so much, I'll just talk about one more casually."

She thought for a while, and said in a clear voice:

"In a beautiful place called Yuanyangxi, there are seven handsome and pretty stone rocks. The locals call them "Seven Fairy Rocks."

There is a pool with rippling clear water under the rock. Because the Seven Fairies once bathed here, people called it "Xian Bathing Pool".

Legend has it that the seven fairies in the sky love cleanliness very much, and they must go to the rivers to bathe and play every day. As a result, Taihu Lake, Poyang Lake, Hongze Lake, and the Yangtze River have left their footprints.

However, although these places are full of blue waves, there is always a lack of quietness, so they want to find a quiet and elegant place.

These seven fairies roamed the world. They could not help thinking of Fan when they saw the loving lives of men farming and women weaving in the world, compared with the clear sky of the sky.

At the end of autumn one year, seven fairies roamed over the Yuanyang Creek.

They saw the clear waves in the desert of the mandarin ducks stream and the green trees on both sides of the lake. The scenery was peculiar. There were pairs of mandarin ducks playing in the water in the pool. They were very affectionate. They couldn't help but press the auspicious clouds, land on the beach, and untie the lotus skirt. .

Then, they jumped into the water, swimming and playing as much as they wanted, unspeakably comfortable.

Since then, they have often come here to bathe.

Besides, in the valley of Yuanyang River, there lived an old couple. They had seven sons named Dalang, Erlang, Saburo, Shiro, Goro, Liulang, and Qilang.

The seven brothers were born handsome and Huaiwu, especially Qilang was more intelligent.

They all reached the age of marriage, and their parents advised them to go outside the mountains to get married.

But the seven brothers are very filial, and they have to support their parents for life.

They reclaimed wasteland in the mountains, cultivated land, hunted for a living, and worked hard.

One day the seven fairies went to bathe in the pool again and were seen by Qi Lang.

Where is such a beautiful girl in the deep mountains and old forest?

Shichiro concluded that they were not mortals.

He counted, and there happened to be seven fairies, and he immediately thought that he had seven brothers. Isn't this a natural marriage?

Qi Lang remained silent at the time, and when the seven fairies took off, he returned home and told his brothers about his adventure.

The brothers immediately thought of a way to marry the Seven Fairies.

The next day, the seven fairies went to bathe in the pool again.

They just took off their lotus skirts and entered the water. The seven brothers who were hiding in the bushes by the lake jumped out, scared the seven fairies jumped onto the beach, put on the lotus skirts and flew away!

Unexpectedly, at this time, the youngest Seven Sister saw that Qi Lang, who was running at the front, was handsome and handsome, showing talent, deliberately slowed down, and Qi Lang grabbed Qi Sister’s lotus skirt with one hand;

The sixth sister who had already vacated saw that Qimei was dragged down, and went down to the beach to rescue Qimei again.

At this moment, the six brothers rushed forward. Da Lang grabbed the eldest sister, Erlang pulled the second sister, Saburo held the third sister, Shiro pulled the fourth sister, Goro pulled the fifth sister, and Liu Lang embraced Liu. sister.

The seven fairies saw that the seven brothers were handsome and talented, so they all affected Sifan's heart, and they blushed and hung their heads shyly.

The seven brothers gave a salute together and said: "We are both unmarried because we are supporting our elderly and sick parents. We still hope that the fairy sister will be fulfilled. The behavior just now is rude and rude, please forgive me for the fairy sister!"

The seven fairies saw that the seven brothers spoke earnestly, and that they were hardworking, kind-hearted, loyal and honest, and all of them were physically fit and willing, but they were afraid of punishment for violating the fairy rules, so they did not dare to speak.

It was the Seventh Sister who came up with a way, she said; "We can stay in the mortal world as long as we confuse the immortals in the sky!"

Six sisters hurriedly asked what way?

Qimei said: "We turn the fairy body into seven rocks, and the real body will follow Qilang to the world to become a mortal. It’s good if the man farms and the woman weaves, and the husband and wife love each other, isn’t it good?"

All six sisters nodded in agreement.

The seven brothers were very moved.

Therefore, the seven fairies used fairy techniques, and saw seven rocks stand out from the place where the fairy mist rises; in a short time, the seven girls smiled and stood in front of the seven brothers.

The seven rocks are very handsome and beautiful.

People say: The verdant trees on the top of the rock were originally the hair of the Seven Fairies; the smooth stone body was the jade body of the Seven Fairies; the many folds in the lower half were the lotus skirts of the Seven Fairies covering the body!

There is also a folklore that the seven sisters who love to act like a baby kicked Qi Lang with his left foot before the change, pretending to be angry and saying, "It's all you killed!"

With her kick, she kicked a hole in the rock on the shore!

Believe it or not, go and see Qinvyan. The left foot kicked out by Qimei disguised as angry is still faintly visible! "

Wow! so good!

The audience couldn't help being so happy. The fairy in green gave everyone the best welfare, telling the story of seven fairies all marrying mortals!

Ning Tian: "Hahaha! The Seven Fairies are so smart and cute, I want to pursue her!"

Ning Zhen: "Chasing! Brother, I support you! I will thread your needles and be a matchmaker!"

Ning Tian: "Ahem! You are a girl, and you should not go out of the door. You don't need to take things like this to your heart, let alone talk about it. It will make people laugh! Besides, if I find it for you Such a beautiful fairy sister-in-law, don't you still have to be ashamed?"

Ning Zhen: "?? Why am I shy? That's my sister-in-law, what's so shy about me?"

Ning Tian: "Because she is ten thousand times more beautiful than you! You are originally ugly. Under the background of the glorious fairy, do you dare to live with love?"

Ning Zhen: "You! People kindly told you a daughter-in-law, but you made fun of me! Humph!"

Ning Zhen left the live broadcast room in anger and ignored Ning Tian.

Ning Tian: "···Haha, I was just making a joke. Sure enough, girls are the most taboo to be called ugly, even if this is true!"

The Ning brothers and sisters, who flew barrage while watching the live broadcast, made fun of each other half seriously and half jokingly.

Below their barrage, they flew up a lot: "That is, you dare to say that girls are ugly, look at it, I guess there will be no good face for you within a year!"

"What a year! Obviously it's a lifetime! If you don't believe me, look at it, I can guarantee that if this little girl thinks of this thing for the rest of her life, she will definitely give her brother a face!"

Someone said with confidence, and then added, "Even when she was very old, she forgot everything, she can still remember it clearly!"

"Fogcao! Then Ning Tian, ​​this kid is miserable, this is really the endless end of this hatred!"

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