A vast and vast song brought the audience into the vast Turkic grasslands.

Datang's tourism industry is not developed, and even ordinary people think that traveling around is purely a prodigal behavior.

However, when the endless grassland scenery of green grass and blue sky appeared on the big screen behind Nizhmaiti, coupled with the melodious and loud singing, the impact on them was completely different.

At this time, the first part of the singing was over, and the musician behind Nizhmaiti played the matouqin.

When the sobbing matouqin sounded, the audience was silent.

The gentle and quiet tune permeates the vast artistic conception, bringing the audience a different enjoyment.

Amidst the sound of Matouqin's music, a woman in a white dress with blue and white clouds embroidered on the corners of the skirt stepped up.

She wore a pair of handsome riding boots on her feet. When the audience took a closer look, it turned out to be Ashinayan.

The concubine of the Tang king once again appeared on the public stage in front of the people of Datang.

Of course, Li Shimin didn't know it would be like this.

The atmosphere of Datang is relatively open, as can be seen from Tang Wang Li Shimin's acquiescence to Princess Gao Yang's live broadcast.

Although there is the blessing of Empress Wende, if she clings to her tightly, Ashinayan secretly goes to the live broadcast, at least he will be beaten into the cold palace with Li Shimin.

But not.

Not only that, Ashinayan stayed in the palace as usual, enjoying the treatment of her concubine.

Although not favored.

It can be said that Li Shimin is quite a good person.

This time she appeared in front of the public again. Although she was a dancer, she was still quite bold.

I'm really not afraid that Li Shimin will turn over the account and punish the last incident with today, and come to death with a Bai Ling gift?

In shock, the audience watched Li Shimin's face secretly, as calm as ever!

I really admire this Tang Wang's self-cultivation.

The so-called big belly can tolerate things that the world cannot tolerate, this is good.

After a brief wandering, the audience focused their attention on the dance.

The last time Ashinayan didn't show much talent in the live broadcast room, everyone was not familiar with her.

At this time, she danced gracefully in the far-reaching music of the song Hongyan.

The steady and steady steps and the flexibly dancing hands led the audience into the vast prairie.

In the background, Princess Gao Yang, after hearing the audience's admiration, curiously took out her mobile phone and opened the live broadcast of the Three Realms' good voices, just in time to see the dance of Ashinayan!

Really, too classic!

So professional! So soft! Princess Goyang, who is a fan of Turkic dance, can see Ashinayan's concentration and dedication.

She seemed to have returned to Turke, back to the endless prairie.

It is like a swan flying with wings spread, flying and dancing freely on the broad grassland.

That kind of scene is beautiful, of course, Ashinayan dance is also beautiful.

Even Princess Goyang had the illusion for a moment that Ashinayan’s soul had returned to the prairie...

The audience was deeply fascinated by the clean and beautiful swirling body, the fusion of song and dance, as if it had become a white goose, soaring freely in the sky.

The swan geese line up right in the sky. The river is long, the autumn grass is yellow, and the piano on the grassland is sad.

The swan goose, heading south, flies over the reed swing. The sky is boundless, where the geese go, and my heart is the northern hometown.

The sky is boundless, where the geese go, and my heart is the northern hometown.

The loud and empty voice of Nigermatt resounded again, accompanied by hearty, chic and elegant dances, perfectly blending together.

The sky is boundless, where the geese go, and my heart is the northern hometown.

There seemed to be tears on Ashinayan's face, and it seemed to be nothing under the neon light.

A chasing light followed her from beginning to end, revealing her dancing posture.

The sky is long, you experience the test of wind and rain; over the mountains and ridges, you cross the edge of life and death; you wave your wings toward the warmth, you soar into the sky, let the light of life shine everywhere.

Hongyan! You are a son and daughter of the grassland, and you are the pride of the Turkic people! The dances of the Turkic people are hearty, elegant and unrestrained.

As Nayan whirled, she thought of a lot...

On the barrage of the live broadcast room, feelings and comments continued to fly.

"Cool in early summer, Dongliang Hill is quiet, gentle depths, hazy fog, frost and bleak snow, a cup of tea, some dreams.

These simple forms of sound wave vibration will give people such a wonderful feeling, and people have to admire the magic weapon of nature and the charm of art.

It's so beautiful. Turkic is indeed a paradise for dance. Just think of those classics!

"Blue Roaring" is full of passion and unyielding, "Heaven" is soothing and tranquil, "Swan Lake" is melodious, "Sky Bound" is sonorous and tense, and "Luohua" is dim and sad.

These have become the depths of the soul of the familiar melody of the broad masses of people, as well as the existence in the world of my own voice.

And when the "flaming Sarilang" is light and comfortable, the "Turkic Love Song" is soft and attractive, and the "Jade Water Martinez" is light and lively...

Whenever I am confused and hesitated, I just have ears with a touch of music, and all the sharp knives in my heart will quietly disappear, slowly wandering and releasing three Tianlinger, never ending. "

"The one upstairs is very expert! Like it!"

"Solving the moon, the light wind, and the love of the wild geese, show the inner world of the singer in a unique way. Hunting for the west wind, the sound of nature, and their voice is an indispensable method.

A cheerful bird soaring in the sky, you may have smelled the breath of spring?

As the waves beat against the waves, you may have discovered what a grand and gorgeous nature is?

From the chirping of swan geese in the air, you may have heard what the nature of homesickness and sadness is?

Slow down, stop and listen, you can discover the beauty of nature, and let the sounds of nature benefit from infinite benefits. "


These barrage appeared quickly, but they were topped up quickly, and the post was simply maxed out.

Once the Hongyan song is sung, the touching and sad lyrics, the ups and downs of the melody, the melodious and vigorous matouqin sound, the desolate and bleak Humai call, whether it is the audience or the people in the live broadcast room,

They all resonated strongly.

Hongyan, return to the north, take my thoughts with me, the singing is far, the piano is trembling, and the spring is warm on the grassland.

Hongyan, Xiangtian, how far away the sky is, drink dry, and fill it up again, not drunk or return it tonight.

Drunk the wine and fill it up again. I won’t be drunk or return it tonight.

It seems that after a few years, the audience is immersed in the song, and the song has ended.

The sound of Matouqin seemed to be reverberating in my ears, and the beautiful dance seemed to be still in sight, but there was no sound on the stage.

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