Nizhmaiti completed the interpretation of the song and bowed to the instructor and the audience together with Ashinayan. People did not see enough, they shouted in unison:

"Sing it again! Don't stop!"

The invisible host's voice sounded: "Dear audience, this is a competition, not a performance site, please keep quiet!"

The audience stopped, but their eyes were still unwilling.

Fortunately, mobile phones are now developed. Although video recording is not allowed on site, the live broadcast room is fine!

Almost immediately, the audience in the live broadcast room posted the recorded video on the forum.

For a while, the forum began to become popular again.

"This is the swan goose? Is the concubine Tang with the dance?"

"It's so nice, there is no one, this is my favorite song!"

"Turkic is really a good place, not only the scenery is beautiful, but there are such beautiful songs!"

"What should I do, I really want to go to Turke, do you have any friends to form a group?"

While posting, they pay more attention to the song itself.

A netizen named Hongyan's hometown posted:

"Talk about the story behind the unknown Hongyan:

One autumn, on a stormy night, in a herdsman's home in Turkic, with thunder and rustling rain, a healthy baby boy fell to the ground.

He is the composer of the song Hongyan, Nigermat.

As early as when he was very young, the Turkic king, the father of Ashinayan, sent someone to choose the next king of the Turkic with potential from the people.

Ashinayan is a girl after all, especially after marrying Datang, she can hardly return to Turkic.

The aging Turkic king always has to find a suitable successor.

After a rigorous selection, the Turkic king and ministers all selected the five-year-old Nizhmaiti as the reincarnated soul boy protected and blessed by the Turks.

He was invited to live in the camp of the Turkic king and learn to manage the affairs of the clan.

From then on Nizhmet began his glorious and short journey of life.

He has studied and mastered many languages ​​and Turkic classics.

For many years, it has been the expectation and concern of his relatives, which has promoted him to study continuously.

When Nirimmat’s younger sister married far away to the Ordos region on the south bank of the Yellow River.

The siblings began a long-term separation.

Because of the long distance, they couldn't see each other from time to time. The two could only use letters to soothe their misses, but the younger sister couldn't write. It was very troublesome to find someone to read and write a letter.

My sister's strong homesickness and state made her mother-in-law dissatisfied, and the relationship between the eldest mother-in-law and daughter-in-law became a little nervous.

The younger sister can only quietly send a letter to her elder brother Nirimmat to tell her melancholy in her heart.

The elder brother can only persuade the younger sister to learn to be patient and pay attention to family unity, and to properly handle the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. There is a long way to life.

The letters of the two brothers and sisters resemble swan geese, traveling north and south, returning from autumn to spring, and they can only go back and forth once a year.

Once, my sister took her husband-in-law and children back to her natal home to visit relatives. On the way, she came to the camp of the Turkic king to visit her brother.

The same strong homesickness in Nigermat's heart began to surging beyond control.

After the Turkic king learned the news, he took his younger sister and family to live in the palace, and arranged for Nizhmet to go down the mountain to reunite with his younger sister.

Although the younger sister is back home, she misses her elder brother. After thinking about it, she still chooses to stay and have a reunion with her elder brother.

Nirmat is very complicated when he sees his sister. On the one hand, he wants to reminisce about the past with her sister, and on the other hand, she hopes that her sister will go back soon to reunite with her parents.

After drinking for three rounds, the Turkic king solemnly invited Nirimai to sing on the violin. Nirimai did not refuse at this time, and improvised a new song called Hongyan.

The word "Hongyan" appears repeatedly in the song-this is his affectionate call!

Then, singing indulgently over and over again, and uncontrollably plucking the strings, the tide of emotion rushes out with the singing and the sound of the piano, and quickly merges into a sea of ​​deep feelings:

The white swan roams the depths of the reed lake, before the gathering of relatives and friends. Wish each other, sincerely, toast and drink together, the friendship will not change.

This song is full of deep affection for my sister and family, thanks to the Turkic king, and reluctance to get together for a short time.

The songs are melodious, desolate, touching, and memorable.

Since then, Hongyan has been widely circulated among the folks as a banquet song.

My sister's mother-in-law heard the song later and was deeply infected, and she got along with his sister and got along with her. "

Once this long post was posted, it received tens of thousands of likes.

It seems that this story has deeply affected netizens, and the friendship between Nigermat and his sister is even more deeply felt.

The sisters and brothers who grew up together are separated in the end, which is indeed unbearable.

In the Datang Theater.

On the stage, Nigermat's mood could not be calm for a long time.

He sings the songs he wrote, and his feelings are even more unspeakable.

Every time I sang Hongyan, my sister's face would appear in front of my eyes, and that feeling of longing would naturally be revealed.

This makes his singing more contagious.

"You can say something," the audience in the audience seemed to just not let them go, and couldn't let them leave the stage just like that.

"Say what?"

Nigermat is a bit introverted, not good at words, and finally said something under everyone's expectations.

"Just say, about this song, about your story!"

"This is not up to the rules!"

Nizhmet hadn't answered yet, and the invisible host's voice sounded.

"This is a live canvassing. If the singer just now also canvassed for votes, it would be fair. Unfortunately, no.

The audience at the scene was also silent. Yes, the talented singer sang very well. Memories always wanted to cry. Ao Bing also devoted all his emotions to singing, and even evoked the memory of the Lord Tongtian, which made him sad.

If now, Ao Bing did not canvass for votes on the spot, and Niger Maiti violated the rules, the game would be too unfair.

The audience are all reasonable people, so they don't make unreasonable demands anymore.

However, a voice still sounded, a little abrupt, but it satisfies everyone's thoughts.

"Let the princess say something!"

This sound is like igniting a firework of hope, filling the hearts of the audience with hope.

The invisible host did not stop him, but encouraged him: "Princess Ashinayan, can you meet the audience's requirements?"

Ashinayan nodded, closing her eyes to Yingran, and said desolately:

"The sense of desolation in the song is very touching, and it evokes people's longing for their hometown.

Every time I hear "The Wild Goose", the mood is very complicated, which seems to remind us: time is rushing, learn to cherish the people in front of you, and don't wait until there is no one to read and become homeless. "

This sentence is really heartbreaking, and the faces of Tang Wang Li Shimin and Empress Wende who are sitting in the position of the mentor are unnatural.

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