Although the audience was moved by Princess Goyang’s singing and praised her for her beautiful dance, after all, the prestige of Buddhism is still great.

Not too many dared to resist publicly.

In the end, when voting, Princess Gao Yang only got 103 votes.

Seeing this result, she was not disappointed, let alone angry.

After all, she just wanted to confide in the public, and she didn't really care about the result.

As for the good-sounding game, she is even more casual.

Finally, Ao Bing and Nigermati came to the stage and asked their mentor Tang Wang to vote.

Without any suspense, Li Shimin voted for Nigermat. He will be the representative of the Tang Wang team and participate in the championship contest!

On the Forum of the Good Voice of the Three Realms, a new wave of hot topics has been released, all about the white fox.

Some people specifically dug up the story behind the song and posted it to the forum, which aroused great interest among netizens.

In several consecutive video jumps, a huge title attracted the attention of netizens:

"About what the white fox has to say is moving."

Western Han Dynasty.

At dusk, in the outskirts, pouring rain.

In the dark rain curtain of heavy rain, a snow-white fox is running desperately, avoiding the group of horses chasing it behind.

The young woodcutter Lin Sheng was rushing home in a hurry. He suddenly felt a sudden sink in the back of his back behind him. He hurriedly looked back:

I saw an arctic fox curled up there, trembling all over, looking at him with both eyes asking for help, tears flickering in his dark eyes----

Lin Sheng just looked at it, and his heart twitched: What a beautiful white fox, what a moving eyes!

"Hey, boy, did you ever see a white fox passing by. Our prince has been looking for it for several days. If we have a big reward for seeing us, we can chop many days of firewood for you!"

"Oh, no... I saw it, I ran to the south, go after it!"

The iron cavalry galloped away, leaving behind a dusty way.

Lin Sheng took the white fox home and took care of it all night, and released it to the forest in the early morning of the rainy day the next day: "Go, don't let the bad guys see you again."

The white fox rushed towards the forest, and when it entered the depths of the forest, it suddenly turned its head, looked at Lin Sheng with its human-like eyes, and then turned back...

Northern Song Dynasty.

Time flies, and a thousand years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the middle of the night, there was still a little candlelight in an ordinary residence in the capital, and scholar Lin Yunhe was studying hard in the cold window in order to gain fame.

The previous losses made him anxious, because the poverty of his family was unable to make him lose his name one after another.

"Oh", Yunhe couldn't help but sighed when he read the headaches, and walked out the door to get some air.

Breathing the cool air at night outside, Yun He felt a lot more comfortable.

Suddenly, he heard crying, and it was a girl crying. Whose girl was crying here late at night?

He followed the sound and saw a snow-white woman standing in the shade of the tree, hiding her face and weeping.

"Miss, why are you crying here, can Xiaosheng ever help?"

"The son, forgive me, the little girl disturbed him. It was just because the culprit was suddenly in the house, and both of his parents died. When he fled, I felt sad and angry in my heart, so I cry and don't want to disturb the son. Please don't blame it."

After speaking, he bowed down. Yun He hurriedly stepped forward to help, and as his eyes met, Yun He's heart suddenly shook:

What a beautiful girl, with fluttering white dress and long hair like a cloud, and the look in her eyes is so familiar, where she has seen it clearly!

The little girl's name calls Xiaoxiang, and there is a feeling of uninvitedness. The son can allow the little girl to stay away for a few days, accept the grace, and bring the grass title ring to the next day, and I will repay! "

"If the girl doesn't suffer from the poverty and inconvenience of the niche, the niche will be honored."

Yun He didn't even think about it somehow, so he blurted out.

With his dignified appearance, although his background is a little bit colder, there are not a few girls who fall in love with him, and there are no lack of attractive people in the Communist Party, but he has never been moved.

Today, in the face of such a woman who meets in peace, I feel a kind of heart-stirring feeling...

Since then, Lin Yunhe's house has lost the loneliness of being empty and empty, and the poetry of red sleeves and fragrance has been added.

Yun He was delighted to discover that Xiaoxiang was not only ingenious, but also read through poems.

Since she came, the room has not only been neatly organized, but also given him a lot of corrections in poetry writing, which has solved many of his puzzles that he had previously puzzled.

At night, when the two of them are tired of reading, they pull out the wicks and pair up the poems.

Looking at Xiaoxiang, who looked like a sinking fish and falling geese under the candlelight, Yunhe sometimes couldn't help being confused and infatuated.

But as soon as I saw Xiaoxiang's stunning black eyes, how familiar, it seemed that old friends had reunited, all the distracting thoughts disappeared in an instant.

What a good girl this is. She is shameless and smart. I must read her fame to welcome her and let her be my righteous wife.

South China Sea.

The lotus pond with clear waves.

"Xiaoxiang, you can think about it. Lin Yunhe has no life test to obtain fame and fame, so why bother to ask for it?" Guanshiyin Bodhisattva sitting on the lotus seat said slowly.

"No, I ask the master to fulfill him. It is more important than his life to obtain fame. Xiaoxiang is the white fox he released thousands of years ago. I have looked for him for thousands of years and waited for thousands of years. Only Xiaoxiang himself knows the hardships. The prince wants, the little girl is willing to pay all the price for this, no regrets and no regrets!"

"Oh, why is this, do you know what price you will pay?"

"I know, I have been self-cultivation for thousands of years and transformed into a human form. If he gets fame, Xiaoxiang will lose 500 years of skill, and there will be accidents at any time, but I am willing."

Looking at Xiaoxiang, who was full of tears and piousness, Guan Shiyin shook his head helplessly: The world is infatuated, and this matter has nothing to do with Feng He Yue. "Go, as long as you have no regrets, he will succeed."

"Little girl, Master Xie's grace!"

"Don't want to thank me, this is in exchange for half of your own celestial power."

Humble house.

The branches sway in the wind.

"Xiaoxiang, I passed the exam! I passed the exam!" Yunhe, who came back from the list, couldn't wait to cheer and report the good news to his Xiaoxiang before he stepped into the house.

However, Xiaoxiang did not float out as usual. He entered the house anxiously: Where is the shadow of a girl?

I saw a snow-white fox curled up on the ground and shivering. Just looking at it, Lin Yunhe fainted...

I don't know how long it took, Yun He woke up from a coma, and his Xiaoxiang was standing beside the bed in tears.

"Xiaoxiang, tell me, where did you go just now? Why did a white fox come to our house...Hey, where did that white fox go?"

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