Thousands of places pray for thousands of places to respond, and the sea of ​​suffering is often used as a boat to ferry people.

According to legend, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva was born in Miaozhuang country a long time ago, and the king is called King Miaozhuang.

He has three daughters. The eldest princess loves to dress up and puts on heavy makeup every day, wearing red and green; the second princess sings and dances all day long, eating, drinking and having fun; the third princess wears common clothes, eats vegetarian food, and reads poetry in the room.

King Miao Zhuang is getting old, he thought, to whom does this throne pass?

The eldest princess and the second princess spend a lot of time drinking and drinking, not enterprising, the third princess is virtuous and upright, and the people are born smart, which is more appropriate.

Therefore, King Miao Zhuang made up his mind to hire a son-in-law for the three princesses and set up a family as soon as possible.

One day, King Miao Zhuang said to the third princess: "My son, the prime minister's eldest son has only learned, and he can match my son. I want to ask the old lady to be a matchmaker, how about?" The third princess heard tears in her eyes and shook her head.

After a few days, King Miao Zhuang said again: "My son, the current new discipline champion only learns well. Would you like this marriage?" The third princess shook her head again after hearing this.

Within a few days, the King Miao Zhuang came again: "My son, you must be satisfied this time. The prince who found you for your father is the richest man in the dynasty. His family has a golden mountain and a silver mountain----"

Without waiting for King Miao Zhuang to finish, the three princesses shook their heads like waves: "Father, my daughter is unwilling. My daughter is willing to serve my father and will not marry forever."

When King Miao Zhuang heard the three princesses saying that he would not marry forever, he immediately turned blue with anger and jumped up and shouted: "Bold beast, you dare to disobey the will of your father! To tell you the truth, this marriage today, whether you want it or not, It must be done! Make a date today, hire tomorrow, and get married the day after tomorrow!"

In the early morning of the next day, the new horse family blew and beat them to give the betrothal gifts, and gold, silver, and pearl agate were continuously transported into the palace by car. King Miao Zhuang was pleased to see it, and he hurriedly ordered Gong E by his side to invite the three princesses to come and see, how decent and honorable it is to be married to such a rich family!

Gong E was ordered to go, and soon ran up in a panic: "My Majesty Qi, it's not good! The third princess is missing!"

The king of Miao Zhuang was also panicked after hearing the news, and he paused and said, "Come on, find the third princess for me!"

In an instant, there was a chaos in the palace, and the maids and eunuchs rushed to search everywhere.

King Miaozhuang sent people out to search everywhere. After half a year, he found him in Baique Temple on Taohua Island in Zhoushan.

The third princess has become a nun, and the name is Miaoshan.

King Miaozhuang sent a minister to persuade the third princess to change her mind and return to the palace.

Unexpectedly, the three princesses have a heart as firm as iron, unwavering.

King Miao Zhuang failed to persuade him, so he used a lot of money to buy out the master aunt of Baique Temple, and asked the aunt to abuse the third princess and force her to return to the vulgar.

The sister-in-law got the silver, darkened his conscience, and tried everything possible to torture the third princess.

She was asked to get up and work every day before dawn, until the three stars were all out at night, and she was allowed to go back to the room to do homework. If she was negligent, she would be whipped and beaten without food.

The poor third princess grew up in the palace since she was a child, and she had suffered so much, but her body was getting thinner day by day, and her face was haggard day by day. But she still clenched her teeth and persevered, living through the suffering.

In the twelfth lunar month of the winter, heavy snow flew, and the Peach Blossom Island was covered with snow everywhere, and it was impossible to catch firewood.

But the third princess knew that if she didn't carry the firewood and went back, the aunt would definitely not let her go. She braved the cold wind to crawl on the snowy ground, looking for firewood.

Gradually, his hands and feet became numb, and without a trace of strength, he fell into the ravine...

In the dim, the sound of water rang in her ears, and someone came over with a boat under the mountain.

After a while, the boat drew ashore, and an old man with white beard and white hair came up the mountain.

The old man walked up to the third princess and took out a bright bead and placed it between her lips.

With a "grunt", the beads swallowed into the mouth and slid down the throat. Strange to say, when the beads fell, the three princesses were refreshed and relaxed.

The three princesses got up, under the guidance of the old man, boarded the boat and followed the trend to a hill on the east side of Taohua Island. The three princesses grew up on that barren mountain, accompanied by birds and beasts, chanting and practicing.

After a few years, the whereabouts of the three princesses were finally found out by King Miao Zhuang.

This time, he drove his troops to the East China Sea and surrounded the small islands where the three princesses were buried. King Miaozhuang led people to search for the mountains. Snakes and insects on the mountain came out of the cave with a hundred feet, and they bite when they saw anyone. The people who searched the mountain crawled and escaped back.

King Miaozhuang was so angry that Qiqiao produced smoke, and ordered people to set fire to the mountain with sulfur and saltpeter.

The fire blew the wind, and the mountain became a sea of ​​flames.

Suddenly a red light rose up in the sea of ​​fire, and then the three princesses wore white robes and stepped on the lotus platform, hiding in the red light, slowly drifting towards a reef cave on the opposite side of the island.

Wang Miao Zhuang was in vain and was helpless, so he had to withdraw his troops and return to the palace.

Within a few days after King Miaozhuang returned to the palace, he suddenly felt itchy and painful, with headless abscesses growing all over his body. Visited famous doctors and ran out of good medicine, but it was completely ineffective.

King Miao Zhuang lay on the bed waiting for death to come.

Suddenly, a voice yelled in his ear: "King Miao Zhuang, if you want to survive, go to Putuo in the South China Sea and beg your daughter!"

King Miao Zhuang heard it clearly, and quickly ordered people to prepare cars and ships to ask the third princess.

King Miao Zhuang came to the reef cave and cried out in mourning: "Daughter, come and save the father! Daughter, come and save the father!"

Suddenly, a bright light came out from the cave, and only the three princesses were sitting on the lotus platform, and said to King Miaozhuang: "The father doesn't need to be anxious, just take the daughter's arm as a medicine, and the father's illness can be cured.

With a "click", he broke his arm and threw it in front of King Miao Zhuang.

King Miao Zhuang took his daughter's arm, but he was ashamed, regretful and worried, for fear that his daughter would lose her arm and become disabled.

While hesitating, suddenly saw the golden light dazzling in the cave, and suddenly countless arms grew under the three princesses' flanks.

King Miao Zhuang was dumbfounded, and said with joy: "My daughter has cultivated a righteous fruit, and has become a Buddha!"

It turned out that at this time, the three princesses had ascended the Three Jewels and became Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who rescued hardships.

The barren mountain where she practiced was Luojia Mountain, and the reef cave that she later showed up was Putuoshan Fanyin Cave.

Because she pulled out countless arms after breaking her arm, she was also called Avalokitesvara.

After the Avalokitesvara became a Buddha, in order to spread all living beings, he manifested the Bodhisattva and came to the world to save suffering and rescue. The Bodhisattva prayed in thousands of places and listened to the sufferings of sentient beings from time to time.

Because he rescued people from suffering and suffering, people believed in the Buddha and Bodhisattva, but the real purpose of Guanyin Bodhisattva was to enable people to learn the Dharma and practice to become a Buddha.

The stories told in the world are all such stories. For the Bodhisattva, no one would have thought that she also had a vicious side.

The two were talking while worrying. It seemed that Qin Hao was the only solution for the present.

"Why, is your majesty looking for me?"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded, and a long figure appeared, which surprised Li Shimin!

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