"Why, is your majesty looking for me?"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded, and a long figure appeared, which surprised Li Shimin!

"Big Brother!"

"Mr. Qin!"

Li Shimin and Empress Wende shouted in surprise, saying that Cao Cao is here, and as soon as they said that they can only be dealt with by him, he is here!

"Why, for the sake of the monk?"

Qin Hao was afraid that Li Shimin would be threatened by Buddhism, so he cut the monk in the middle of the debate and called him a long time ago.

Otherwise, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva came, Li Shimin was not surprised.

"Mr. Qin, what should I do now?"

"I have a way to deal with Avalokitesvara, you can listen to it or not."

"it is good."

The three people in the Tang Palace discussed all night about how to deal with Buddhism.

The next day, there was a post about Qianshou Guanyin on the forum.

"About the origin of the Thousand-Hand Guanyin, there is a moving story circulating in the mortal world.

A long time ago, there was a king named Miao Zhuang who had three daughters.

The longest is Miaoqing, the second is Miaoyin, and the youngest is Princess Miaoshan.

When the princess Miaoshan was born, the room was full of strange fragrances, and everyone in the palace could smell a refreshing fragrance; at the same time, the sky was full of glow, all over the palace.

Princess Miaoshan has been smart and wise since she was a child, and has an insight beyond ordinary people.

One day, the three sisters were playing together in the garden. The eldest sister Miaoqing said: "I wait for my sisters to take shelter in my father, Yuyin, to live a happy and peaceful life, and often have to play here, but I wonder if this will be the case in the future?"

My second sister said: "People often say that there is no permanent banquet, and we, as women, will follow our husband and son-in-law once we get married in the future. How can we always get together like this?"

Princess Miaoshan smiled and said nothing.

The two sisters asked her what she thought, and Miaoshan said: "Life is rich and glorious, like a passing cloud of smoke. I only wish to have a pure mountain place in my life, as a place to practice. Once I have cultivated righteous results in the future, I will regain all living beings and save them from suffering. Uh."

Time is fast, and the three daughters have grown up one after another in a blink of an eye, and King Miao Zhuang prepares to recruit sons-in-law for the three princesses.

The eldest princess Miaoqing and the second princess Miaoyin have recruited horses, but the third princess Miaoshan refused to live or die. She repeatedly said to her parents: "A child in his life only wishes to practice in meditation. Everything else is prosperous and wealthy. I hope my father can do it. It is sincere to be compassionate to the child."

King Miao Zhuang was furious, so she locked Princess Miao Shan in the back garden.

Princess Miaoshan began a serious spiritual life in the back garden. As time went by, her practice became more and more refined and her faith became firmer and firmer.

One day, Miaoshan proposed to his father to go to the Baique Temple to become a monk. King Miao Zhuang was unhappy, but then he thought about it: the monastery is so miserable, she will naturally return to the palace to get married.

So he agreed to Miaoshan's request, and secretly told the temple owner to let Princess Miaoshan work hard.

Miaoshan went to the Baique Temple to burn firewood and chop wood, carry water and sweep the floor, doing all sorts of chores.

But she never complained, worked hard, and if she had time, she would meditate and practice quickly.

Her sincerity touched all the gods and gods, so the eight dragons, guardians of the temple, the dragon king of the East China Sea, Liuding Liujia, etc. came one after another, and even the birds and beasts came to help, so that Miaoshan could free up more time to practice. The temple owner had to report truthfully to King Miao Zhuang.

King Miao Zhuang couldn't help being furious when he saw his daughter looking back and hopeless.

People immediately surrounded the Baique Temple and wanted to burn it down.

Miao Shan prayed to the Buddha, pierced his jade fingers with his teeth, and sprayed blood into the sky.

After a while, only dark clouds were rising, red rain fell from the sky in an instant, the sky-fires disappeared, and a catastrophic disaster was immediately resolved.

Seeing that the burning of the fire failed, King Miaozhuang was still angry and ordered Miaoshan to be executed immediately.

Miaoshan was escorted to the execution ground. The executioner was waiting to be executed. A red light covered Miaoshan's body, so the knife was broken, the spear and the spear were broken.

Seeing this situation, King Miaozhuang ordered the red silk to hang him again.

At this moment, a dazzling tiger suddenly jumped out, shocking the sergeants, and could only watch the tiger take Princess Miaoshan on his back and jump towards the black pine forest.

After being carried by the tiger into the black pine forest, Miaoshan slowly regained consciousness. At this moment, he saw a person driving auspicious clouds and slowly came to him and said:

"I am not someone else, but Sakyamuni. I am here to guide you a path. In the South China Sea, there is Putuo Rock, where you go to cultivate the Tao. I will call the Dragon King to turn into a lotus platform for you and help you cross the oceans. ."

Miao Shan chief thanked the Buddha and came to Putuoyan in the South China Sea, where he practiced for nine years and achieved success.

After a few years, King Miao Zhuang suddenly contracted a bad illness. Only by taking the hands and eyes of his immediate family members can he heal from the illness.

King Miao Zhuang thought that the two daughters of Miao Qing and Miao Yin were the most obedient relatives, so he told them to give their hands, but neither of the two daughters agreed.

At this time, the princess Miaoshan, who had already practiced the Tao, knew about this, so she cut off her hands and eyes, and gave them to the minister to take them back to King Miaozhuang for taking.

King Miao Zhuang recovered from his illness and felt very ashamed when he remembered that he had persecuted Miao Shan so much in the past and even ordered him to be executed.

When he saw that Miaoshan had no hands and eyes, he was very sad, so he appealed to heaven and earth, kowtow, and begged the gods of heaven and earth to help his daughter restore hands and eyes.

The gods of the heavens were moved by Princess Miaoshan's filial piety, which made Princess Miaoshan grow a thousand hands and eyes.

This is the allusion of Guanyin Bodhisattva's majestic appearance with a thousand hands and thousand eyes. "

In fact, there is another version of this story. Legend has it that the ancient king of Xinglin Country Miaozhuang had three beautiful princesses.

The first princess is called Miaojin, the second princess is called Miaoyin, and the third princess is called Miaoshan.

Miaoshan became a monk since she was a child, but her father refused to allow her to go, so she ran away.

There were 500 monks and nuns in the temple where Miaoshan was located. King Miaozhuang was angry and burned the temple with a torch. Five hundred monks and nuns were burned inside.

Miao Shan, who was practicing in the temple, was also burned. Fortunately, he was rescued by a white tiger. After all the hardships, he came to Xiangshan to continue his practice of Buddhism, and eventually became the presiding officer of Xiangshan Temple.

The Buddhist scriptures say that good is rewarded for good, and evil is rewarded for evil.

King Miao Zhuang had done evil, and he had 500 large abscesses on his body. All medicines were useless to no avail.

The doctor said that only one eye and one hand must be used as medicine to heal him.

The eldest princess is unwilling, but the second princess is reluctant.

The three princesses who practiced are Miaoshan, Goodness and Filial Piety. Even though King Miaozhuang did those evil things, when he heard that one eye and one hand of his own flesh and blood could cure his father’s disease, he dug an eye out. Cut a hand to make medicine for the father.

After Miao Zhuang Wang took the medicine, the abscesses all over his body disappeared and his body recovered.

When King Miaozhuang heard that the Xiangshan Bodhisattva offered his hands and eyes, he came to worship with incense.

How could a daughter be worshipped by her father, and when she saw her father worship, Miaoshan turned to one side and became a sideways portrait of thousand hands and thousand eyes offered by the temple.

Miaoshan's great filial behavior moved Shakyamuni, and Shakyamuni summoned Princess Miaoshan:——

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