Eat melon kept on the thread, saying: "No. Princess Miaoshan's horse, that is, the one chosen by King Miaozhuang for his daughter has no reincarnation."

Foggy grass!

What, that consort has no reincarnation, so how is he now?

Netizens kept asking after the posts.

Eat melon kept repliing: "The prince has a soft spot for Princess Miaoshan. Since the betrothal gifts have been paid, he has identified this wife in his heart."


The Buddha looked at the thread at the back of the post, his face was blue, and the little monks standing around did not dare to speak.

What is this person doing, holding on to this matter?

What good is it for him to offend Buddhism?

Tathagata looked angrily, wishing to know the content of his next post immediately.

"The consort did not enter the cycle of reincarnation, and is still a lonely ghost!"

After eating melon kept posting this post, I changed the topic directly.

"Do you know the fish basket Guanyin?

Legend has it that after the Guanyin Bodhisattva attained the Tao, he transformed into ordinary people, went deep into the lower classes, and edified them.

Once, Guanyin learned that there were many foreigners living on the coast of the East China Sea, who did not understand etiquette and did not know how to teach, so she changed into a fisherwoman and came to a small town on the coast of the East China Sea.

As the market in the small town was very lively, he carried a bamboo basket with two fishes in the bamboo basket, and then mixed among the group of fish sellers.

The crowd suddenly saw a very beautiful fisherwoman coming to sell fish, and they rushed to buy fish.

But the fisherwoman asked them: "What use do you buy fish for?"

Everyone said: "Of course I went back to cook and eat."

The fisherwoman smiled and said, "My fish, I can't sell it to you for cooking, but I can only sell it to you to release it."

When everyone heard it, they were unwilling.

As a result, the fisherwoman stood for a day, but neither fish was bought.

The next morning, the fisher women came again, still insisting that they could only be sold to them to release the animals, but no one wanted to buy them.

It’s just that a person from Malang started to pay attention to the fisherwoman. He found that the fisherwoman was selling the same two fishes yesterday, but the fish was still alive and kicking for two days after leaving the water. Mingtang.

Soon, the fishermen on the golden beach, especially the bachelors, saw that the fisherwoman was really beautiful, so they all rushed to say kisses, vying to marry her.

The fisherwoman smiled and said: "You have so many people, tell me to marry it? Well, I will teach you to chant the sutras. If you learn it in a day, I will marry someone."

When everyone heard it, they all thought it was feasible, so they agreed.

The fisher woman taught them to recite "Pu Men Pin", and one day later, half of them remembered it.

The fisherwoman said: "It still doesn't work. "Pumenpin" is just a beginner, and we can't tell the final victory. I will teach you to recite the "Diamond Sutra". Whoever recites the meeting overnight, I will marry him."

More than a dozen people agreed.

So the fisher woman taught them to recite the "Diamond Sutra". The next day, only three or four people could recite it completely.

The others had to leave unhappily.

The fisherwoman said to the remaining few people: "Don’t worry, the final victory has not yet been separated. I also have a Mahayana treasure, the Lotus Sutra. Who can recite it within three days, I Must marry him."

As a result, three days later, only Ma Lang remembered it by himself.

So the fisher woman agreed to marry Ma Lang.

But on the day of the wedding, the bride died for no reason, and the body quickly decayed.

Ma Lang was very sad, but there was no way. Although he was strange in his heart, he had to bury the body.

Since then, Ma Lang would often recite the three sutras taught to him by the fisherwoman when he was okay. After reading and reading, Jing also realized a lot of truths.

After Guanyin Bodhisattva got away, after a period of observation, he found that Ma Lang had already begun to enlighten.

So he became an old monk again, went to enlighten Ma Lang, talked to him about the classics, and pointed out the confusion.

Later, I told him that the fisher woman he had married before was changed by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Believing in doubt, Ma Lang really ran to excavate the tomb. There was really no corpse inside, but only a pair of golden clavicle bones.

The old monk said, "Believe it now. The Bodhisattva incarnates as a fisherwoman to enlighten you. Since she taught you three sutras, you should preach the Dharma and don't disappoint the Bodhisattva's heart of saving."

When Ma Lang heard this, he nodded repeatedly, and suddenly the monk disappeared.

Ma Lang knew that the Bodhisattva must have enlightened him again.

So after returning, he turned his three thatched cottages into a nunnery, and made a statue of a bodhisattva to enshrine him, still in the appearance of a fisherwoman. People call it "fish basket Guanyin."

After eating melons and posting this post, I added another sentence: "Netizens, have you noticed that there are two ways of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and there is a husband!"


It’s so shocking. If he doesn’t say it, the netizens would really not pay attention. Indeed, how come Guanyin Bodhisattva has every aspect of it...

Isn’t Buddhism very harsh in this respect? Isn’t it forbidden to have **** between men and women?

How come to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, you can blatantly go to get married?

Thousand-handed Guanyin was still passive, but this fish basket Guanyin was deliberately cheated.

Although in the end, that Ma Lang also understood that Guan Shiyin's true identity cannot be his own wife, but this is clearly a deception!

I deliberately pretended to be dead to make my family feel sad. Isn't this a bad conscience?

Thinking of this, netizens have posted posts on the forums, attacking them in groups:

"The concubine can't forget the third princess until now. He refuses to reincarnate. He would rather wander around as a lonely ghost. What do you think of Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

"When Ma Lang can understand the Dharma, are you not at fault? Don't you need to repent? Don't you need to be sorry?"

"Yes, I heard that Ma Lang never married a wife again, and has been thinking about that fisherwoman all his life!"

"Buddhism is too pitted, and it has been pitted more than once!"

"Her Buddhism!"

"Too bad!"

"Buddhism does not allow monks to make mistakes between men and women. How can Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva?"

"That's right, this means that only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light the lights."

"So severely reprimanding the arguing monk, the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva did such a thing. Isn't it called the great mercy! Didn't it mean to Purdue all sentient beings? This is how he came to Purdue?"

"Buddha, please take a look at it clearly. The monks under your opponents are different! One standard for Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and another standard for other monks!"

"Avalokitesvara, do you think you can fool around if you don't come out to speak? You can fool the people of the world? I advise you to be kind!"

"When you chant the Buddha's name, have you ever thought about the horse, have you ever thought about Ma Lang?"

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