Journey to the West: I Am Entertaining in the Great Tang

Chapter 1143: Need to be severely punished

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is very annoyed by the anger on the forum. If she is asked to find out who is on the forum and publish such a post, she must be knocked to death!

"Muzha boy."

After several years of cultivation, the Muzha boy who was smashed to death by Qin Hao's saint had recovered his soul.

Coupled with the magic power of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, he has returned to the appearance of a seven or eight-year-old boy.

For Qin Hao, his teeth tickled with hatred.

Because people with similar powers like him are all working diligently, only he has to start from scratch, and he is even more able to withstand the rumors in the Three Realms.

This hatred must be reported!

Muzha boy thought fiercely, came to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, bowed and saluted: "Bodhisattva."

"Go and check who is eating melons. If you find out, you must be severely punished."

"Following the law."

Muzha boy led the way and left.

Avalokitesvara thought for a while, still unwilling to take out the phone: "Hey, Venerable Kassapa?"

Venerable Kassapa was selling colored glaze in the live broadcast room, and when he heard the ringing of his cell phone, he looked down and saw that it was actually Guan Shiyin calling.


"In your live broadcast room, tell the fans the story of our rescue and relief, and we must wash our grievances."

"...Wronged?" Venerable Kassapa muttered to himself, "Is anyone else daring to wrong Venerable?"

"Yes. You can talk more about your deeds in the live broadcast room, or post directly on the forum to clean up your celebrity."

After the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva took up the thread, she still felt depressed. She was meditating and chanting in the lotus pond in the South China Sea, hoping to calm down.

Venerable Kassapa’s live broadcast room hasn’t been so lively for a long time. Since the sound of the Three Realms started broadcasting, fans’ attention has been attracted.

Even if it is a live broadcast room, apart from their own characteristics, like Chunlan and Li Bai, they all have their own unique features that can attract fans.

It just so happens that telling some Bodhisattva stories is a good opportunity to attract fans.

"One of those stories that have to be told:"

Once this post was posted on the forum, it attracted countless followers.

"Since the birth of Guanyin Bodhisattva, he has vowed to relieve all living beings from the distress and save the helpless sorrow and loneliness.

Therefore, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva can manifest various incarnations to speak of saving sentient beings.

If there are sentient beings who should be saved in the body of a Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva will appear in the body of the Buddha to save; if there are sentient beings who should be saved in the body of an Arhat, she will appear in the body of an Arhat to speak.

Do you know Guanyin for sending children?

Once upon a time, there was a small Taoist temple on Jieshan, and a Taoist priest lived in the Taoist temple.

This Taoist practiced a pill of immortality. After eating it, one can live forever.

But there are still a hundred children's hearts to be used as medicine. So, he stole a hundred boys and locked them in the darkroom, preparing to cut their hearts and use them as medicine.

At night, Guanyin Bodhisattva built the Luoyang Bridge back to Putuo Mountain in Quanzhou.

Passing by the Taoist temple, I suddenly heard the cry of many children, and my heart sank, and I looked at it and saw that the candlelight in the Taoist temple was dim. There was a pill on the table. A Taoist priest was sharpening his sword. A child cried into a ball.

Guanyin had an epiphany in his heart, so he ejected the pill out of the house, and the Taoist hurried to pick it up. Unexpectedly, the undead pill rolled when touched, and a sudden breeze blew the undead pill without a trace.

The Taoist priest repented and was annoyed, and went back to the dark room to see that a hundred children were gone.

At that time, the state official here was over forty years old, and there were no children under his knees. The common people accused him of corrupting the law and cutting off offspring and grandchildren. He was undoubtedly a corrupt official.

Guanyin was trying to cure him, so he quietly placed a hundred children in the government office.

One day, I suddenly saw the government officials hurriedly report, saying that there were a hundred children in the lobby and they didn't know where they came from.

The couple saw that a hundred children fell asleep peacefully one after another.

So the two came up with a trick: Zhang Bang notices that anyone who has lost a child can come to the yamen to claim it, and each child pays ten taels of snowflake silver.

In the early morning of the next day, the Yamen hurriedly reported: "Master, the notice has been changed!"

The state official asked: "Who made it? How?"

The government officer replied: "Change to these four sentences:'Save a hundred children and raise them in the prefectural government office. Rumor has it that you have lost the parents of the children. Go and claim them quickly.' But I don't know who reconciled them."

The state official became angry and said: "Idiot, you won't expose the notice!"

The Ya Ya murmured: "If you expose it, you just can't take it off!"

At this time, another government officer came to report: "Master is not good, there is a young woman who led many men and women, and claimed all a hundred children away!"

The state official suddenly jumped out of bed and stomped and shouted, "Get her up!"

The Ya Ya said with a sad face, "The woman said, if the master wants to catch her, go to Putuo in the South China Sea!"

When the state official and his wife heard this, they were shocked, and thought to themselves: Is this young woman the Guanyin Bodhisattva?

The more the couple thought about it, the more frightened they became. One lay down, the other stood up, and their bodies shook like sifting chaff, and they kept shaking until they died.

The news of Guanyin giving off his child spread like wildfire, so not only those who lost their children regained their children, even couples who could not have children also worshipped and begged the Guanyin Bodhisattva for a child.

"The second story that has to be told:"

Do you know fish basket Guanyin? Another version that is different from the folk story, I will regret it if I don't listen to it!

One day, the Guanyin Bodhisattva got up in the morning, barefoot and cut bamboo in the woods. He suddenly saw the bodhisattva and was puzzled, just about to ask why.

Without turning his head back, the Bodhisattva said, "Goku, you are here."

Just as the great sage was about to obey the matter, the Bodhisattva said: "Hold on, and wait outside."

Wukong walked out of the forest, attending Shancai, Dragon Girl, and other mountain gods all came to inquire about Wukong's reason for entering the mountain.

It turned out that Monkey King, Bajie and Drifting protected Tang Seng from going to the West to learn the scriptures. When passing by the Tongtian River, Tang Seng was captured by the monsters there and locked in a stone box. His life was unsafe.

Wukong didn't know the details of the monsters, and it was difficult to surrender, so he came to ask the Bodhisattva for advice.

As he was talking, Guanyin was holding something in his hand and hurried out of the forest. Everyone took a closer look, ah, it turns out that the Bodhisattva has been busy for a long time because of this bamboo basket!

"What else did Wukong say? It's important to follow me to save Tang Seng!"

Wukong hurriedly bid farewell to the gods and followed the bare-armed and barefoot Guanyin flying into the sky.

Soon, when he came to the Tongtian River, the Eight Precepts and Drifting Monks approached the Bodhisattva.

But seeing Guanyin standing on a high place, untied a silk ribbon tied around his waist, holding one end of the silk ribbon in his hand, and tied the basket at the other end, with a "porch" sound, and threw the basket into the river.

Then, stepping on the head, pulling the silk ribbon, slowly pulling the sinking basket in the river to the upstream direction, while muttering: "Dead, live! Dead, live!"

After reading this way seven times, he lifted the basket abruptly, and saw a big fish with bright golden light and wagging tail and gills struggling in the bamboo basket.

Bajie asked: "Bodhisattva, where are the monsters?"

Guanyin pointed to the goldfish in the basket and said, "Isn't this it?"

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