Journey to the West: I Am Entertaining in the Great Tang

Chapter 1147: Reapplying the old technique

One day, Cai Shouchang was called to accompany the emperor on a tour of the imperial garden.

With an idea, he thought, and secretly asked the little **** to write two large characters on the banana leaf with honey. After a while, ants climbed on the banana leaf and sucked the honey.

The emperor was surprised to find that the dense clusters of ants were arranging words on the banana leaves, and he couldn't help moving closer.

Looking at the handwriting on the banana leaf, he blurted out, "Cai Duan, Cai Duan, this mansion is an official!"

When Cai Shouchang heard this, he knelt down and kowtowed in thanks.

The emperor changed his mouth and said, "I just read the words on the leaf, not really!"

Cai Shouchang couldn't kneel down: "If you don't have a joke, how can you lose faith in the minister?"

Then frankly talked about the mother's wish to build a bridge. The emperor had to make him the prefect of Quanzhou.

Cai Shouchang rushed to Quanzhou day and night to take up his post. He immediately summoned his subordinates to discuss the construction of the Luoyang Bridge. He personally went to the riverside to survey and ordered the recruitment of bridge-building craftsmen to raise funds for the construction of the bridge.

When the people heard the news, they rushed to tell each other, cheering, and all the craftsmen arrived.

On the day of construction, the river bank was crowded with people.

However, because the Luoyang River was five miles wide and unknowable, a boat of rocks was thrown down the river and was instantly swept away by the turbulent waves; the turtle spirit basilisk desperately overturned the river and sank several wooden boats.

On the Luoyang Bridge, the Moonlight Bodhisattva Pagoda was built in the Song Dynasty. One day, he suddenly dreamed that Lord Guanyin told him to send someone to the Sea Dragon King for help.

When Cai Shouchang woke up, he was very surprised, so he wrote an official document asking for help to Poseidon and asked his subordinates: "Who can get to the sea."

An official immediately replied: "The villain Xia Dehai!"

It turned out that this person's surname was Xia Dehai, who mistakenly thought that the master called him and answered casually.

So he sent him to Poseidon to deliver the official documents.

Knowing that there will be no return, Xia Dehai bid farewell to his wife, bought a jug of wine and lay down on the beach drunk, trying to let the tide swept away, but when he woke up, the yellow briefcase turned into a yellow briefcase. Red briefcase.

But the palm of the hand was impressively written with the word "vinegar".

Xia Dehai hurriedly staggered back to the government office and reported to the prefect.

Cai Shouchang was frowning over the difficulty of laying the foundation of the bridge. When he saw the word "vinegar", he suddenly realized: Isn't the word "vinegar" taken apart as "21st Youshi"?

Obviously it was the time when Poseidon hinted at low tide!

Cai Shouchang turned his worries into joy, and immediately sent people to post a notice at the gates of the four cities, ordering the people and craftsmen on both sides of the Luoyang River to quickly prepare for the foundation laying.

At the 21st hour, the turbulent ocean tide really retreated, and the entire river bottom was bare.

Cai Shouchang personally directed thousands of craftsmen to throw stones to lay foundations and build bridge piers. The Luoyang River was full of traffic and shuttled.

A sturdy bridge pier stands majestically in the river.

But by the time the forty-sixth pier was laid, the stones on the river bank had been exhausted.

If the last bridge pier cannot be built within the three-day low tide of the sea, once the tide roars, the bridge foundation will be destroyed and all previous efforts will be lost!

At the critical juncture, Lu Dongbin, who happened to be among the Eight Immortals, wandered through here with clouds. He was deeply moved by Cai Shouchang’s extraordinary courage to build a bridge. He calmly fell down on the Wan'an Mountain, gently waving the dust, and suddenly filled with rocks. All nodded.

With another wave, all the rocks on the mountain jumped up; with another wave, the big rocks all turned into "piggy mothers", and they ran down the mountain in groups, ran to the beach, and jumped into the bottom of the river where the bridge piers were built.

In a blink of an eye, these "society pigs" were all turned into big rocks and stacked on top of each other.

There was a "pig mother" who accidentally injured a leg, walked slowly, fell behind, and when she rushed to the river, the last bridge pier had been built.

It had to lie next to it, becoming a plump "sowstone".

When the galloping tide swept again, Cai Shouchang had directed the craftsmen to lay the foundation of the bridge.

The first battle was successful, the crowd was full of emotions, and the cheers were thunderous. The forty-six bridge piers were like the mainstay of the prestigious town.

In the nearby Baisha Temple, there was a monk named Yibo who tried his best to raise funds for the construction of the bridge, and was ridiculed by many wealthy Zhumen.

He worked hard to spend every copper coin he bowed down on the bridge building business.

Regardless of the severe winter and scorching heat, the monk always worked tirelessly to make tea and deliver meals for migrant workers, and often went to Mangshoe Mountain to collect herbs and treat sick craftsmen.

Once, due to the wind and rain, the firewood in the room was burned out.

The firewood cut down temporarily from the mountain cannot be burned if it is wet.

In order to build the long bridge as usual, Monk Yibo quietly closed the door of the house, and resolutely put his feet into the stove to replace the firewood for cooking.

It is strange to say that the feet of Monk Yibo suddenly resembled two flaming firewoods, and a blazing flame rose up.

When his feet burned to ashes, the big pot and pot of rice in the room were all cooked.

The bridge-building craftsmen were all moved to tears.

Later generations wrote poems praising Monk Yibo's high-spirited deeds: "To sacrifice one's life to build the Hongqiao Bridge, and to cry on both knees and ghosts. The bottom of the cauldron is blazing red like blood, leaving a beautiful name forever."

In order to build a large stone bridge with a length of three hundred and sixty feet and a width of one foot and five feet, tens of thousands of huge stone slabs are urgently needed to be erected on the bridge piers.

At this time, there is a shortage of large quantities of Chinese fir shipbuilding and shipping stones, so the construction progress is slow.

Cai Shouchang was very anxious about this.

Late one night, Cai Shouchang was thinking about how to solve this problem. After thinking about it, he fell asleep on the table.

Suddenly saw a white-haired fairy in his dream, and instructed him to send someone to the foothills of Qingyuan Mountain to ask for the help of the "three one eye fairy".

When Cai Shouchang woke up, he was skeptical and summoned the official Xia Dehai to go down to Qingyuan Mountain to find out what happened.

Xia Dehai hurriedly rushed to Qingyuan Mountain and waited for most of the day, but did not see the shadow of the "three one eye immortal".

Near dusk, I saw three beggars in ragged clothes coming in file with their hands on their shoulders.

The first one is blind with one eye open and the other is blind; the other two are blind.

Xia Dehai couldn't help but be surprised and delighted: Isn't this just "three immortals with one eye"?

He hurriedly ran over, stopped him, and pleaded hard.

Seeing that he was very sincere and sincere, the three beggars agreed.

One of the mouths murmured: "Luoyang river head, an ancient well, wood can build boats, water can drink alcohol..."

After all, the three beggars suddenly opened their eyes, and they turned out to be Lu Dongbin, Li Tieguai and Zhang Guolao.

The three immortals laughed and went away like a gust of wind.

Xia Dehai was stunned with fright, and hurried back to report to the prefect Cai Shouchang.

A few days later, in an ancient well on the bank of the Luoyang River, many fir trees poured out like a fountain. Cai Shouchang and the bridge-builder were overjoyed and shook their palms in admiration.

The migrant workers who built the bridge went to the well to draw water, and the smell of wine was tangy, and the water was drunk to relieve hunger and thirst. Everyone, take a sip, and I have a sip.

And this well never dries up, and the fragrance of wine is overflowing, attracting people around to come here to fetch water, so it is called "Sakai".

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