Wei Tuo, who felt scammed, was very angry and went directly to an external reviewer.

As a result, he was kicked out by the outsider, and he didn't get a penny.

On the way home, I met Lu Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals.

Lu Dongbin just came back from a trip and saw Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva collecting silver coins to build a bridge for the people, so he came down and wanted to make a joke with Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Seeing Wei Tu go home unhappy, he stepped forward and stopped and said:

"Have you seen the woman on the river bank? She is also collecting silver coins for the bridge construction. You and her are the same idea. You also have silver coins on your body. Why don't you go to raise money? Maybe you can still marry a beautiful woman. Wife."

Wei Tuo said: "Just marry a wife. I have already vowed in front of the Buddha that if the bridge is not built, I will not marry a wife in this life. If this woman can really help raise the silver and build the bridge, then I will be grateful."

Lu Dongbin took Wei Tuo to the riverside and told Wei Tuo to throw silver.

After Veto threw out the silver pair, he said, "I just want to raise the silver pair to build a bridge, and I don't intend to marry a wife."

Lu Dongbin pointed his finger, and the silver of Wei Tuo hit Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

The gentry on the shore sighed very much.

Lu Dongbin brought Wei Tuo to Guanshiyin.

As soon as Guanshiyin Bodhisattva saw Vedo, he said, "Lu Dongbin and I played a prank but let me see Brother Yin from the previous life."

Then he said to Lu Dongbin: "Chunyangzi, you know that Buddhism can't get married, but you made this kind of joke with me."

Lu Dongbin smiled and said, "I'm sorry! Who told you not to show the appearance of the Bodhisattva! Then he said to the boatman and Wei Tuo, do you know who she is? She is Guanshiyin Bodhisattva."

Everyone was stunned!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appeared in his true form and said to the gentry on the shore: "Let you take silver coins to build the bridge. This is to allow you to accumulate merits, and you will get rewards in the future. I hope you can do more good deeds in the future. Then, to the county The grandfather said: As a parent officer, you do not benefit the people. You want to overthrow my boat. If you can change your mind to be a good parent officer, I will let you go. Otherwise, you will take off your black hat and sit in a cage."

The county grandfather was so frightened that he hurriedly promised Guanshiyin Bodhisattva that he must be a good parent official for the benefit of the people.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said to the boatman: "If you can raise silver taels today, you also have a contribution. I will give you a son today to help Veda build the bridge."

The boatman happily shouted to the sky, my old man has seen Guanshiyin Bodhisattva!

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva turned around and said to Vedo: "Bodhisattva speaks with dignity, I promise you."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva did not finish speaking, Vedo said: "Don't be embarrassed by Bodhisattva. I don't intend to marry relatives. I just want to build a bridge for the people.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva replied: "When you build the bridge, what I have said will be honored, and then I will come to see you."

After Guanyin Bodhisattva finished speaking, he left with Lu Dongbin.

A few days later, Wei Tuo led the villagers to rush to work day and night and finally built the bridge.

After Wei Tuo finished building the bridge, he fell tired under the bridge.

At this time, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appeared in the air, and the boat owner shouted: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Vetus is exhausted, come and save him!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva brought Wei Tuo to the purple bamboo forest of Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea.

When Dragon Girl and Shancai saw Wei Tuo, they shouted: "Brother Yin, you don't know us anymore. This is Miaoshan, Miaoshan who grew up with you."

Wei Tuo stood there blankly.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "Brother Yin has now reincarnated as Vedic. How can he remember the past."

Guanyin Bodhisattva gave Wei Tu mana to remind him of his previous life. After Wei Tu woke up, he shouted a good kind.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "That's a human matter, so don't mention it anymore, and tell Veda that the Buddha has named you a protector of the Dharma, and you will guard it here from now on."

Wei Tuo asked where the parents of the previous life were? Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "They have all cultivated to the heavenly realm, and they will be able to meet soon."

From then on, Wei Tu became a protector of the gods in the heavens, and there were statues of Wei Tu in every monastery. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saves all beings everywhere, and saves suffering. To this day, people also admire this bodhisattva Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, who is great compassion and great inspiration for relief. The story of Guanyin Bodhisattva has been passed down through the ages and is well known.

Venerable Kassapa finished telling the story to the audience in the live broadcast room, in order to tell the family that the consort who was obsessed with Princess Miaoshan had become the protector of the heavens.

Eating melons is to take this matter, and to challenge Guanyin Bodhisattva, in order to expose the hypocrisy of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Unexpectedly, the Bodhisattva would have long turned people who refused to reincarnate into gods.

No one thought of this, and suddenly they were speechless.

I want to see what I can say about eating melons without stopping.

Venerable Kassapa saw that the effect was good, and immediately put out a poem in praise of the Bodhisattva:

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is difficult to reward, pure and solemn, tired and repaired, thirty-two to Zhou Chencha, hundreds of thousands of calamities turn Yan Fu.

The nectar in the bottle is often sprinkled, and the poplar branches in the hand do not count the autumn, and the thousand places pray for a thousand responses, and the sea of ​​suffering is often used as a boat for people to ferry.

His actions like this were really good, and the situation of the original group attack suddenly turned into a nod of praise.

Venerable Kassapa hit the iron while it was hot and sent another post:

According to legend, a long time ago, there was an ancient ferry in a deserted village named "Wan'an Ferry".

The water here is deep and turbulent, and the ships passing by are smashed every time the wind is encountered. Many boats sink to the bottom of the sea, and countless passengers are buried in the belly of the fish.

It turns out that this is the river monster and water monster making trouble.

When Emperor Zhenwu became immortal, he took out his stomach and intestines and threw them into the Luoyang River. Unexpectedly, over the years, these intestines became turtle spirits and basilisks, which often stirred waves in the Luoyang River.

One day, when the ferry was approaching the river's heart from the shore, two monsters of turtles and snakes suddenly emerged from the water.

Suddenly, there were repeated shouts from the air: "Master Cai crossed the river, Hugh is rude!"

The tortoise and the snake hurriedly fled after hearing the sound.

It was calm and the waves were calm for a moment, and the ferry arrived safely.

The passengers were amazed, and they didn't know who was "Master Cai".

There is a pregnant woman in Putian, her husband's surname is Cai. She thought that the child she would give birth in the future would be an extraordinary person, so she secretly made a wish: If the child can become a weapon in the future, she will teach him to build a bridge on the Luoyang River.

After the woman returned to her hometown, she gave birth to a boy named Cai Shouchang, whose name is Junmo, and his horn is very intelligent.

Cai Shou was long and sensible, and Cai's mother told him about the experience of meeting his life after crossing the river. Yin Yin told her son to fulfill her long-cherished wish for building a bridge.

Cai Shouchang silently remembered his mother's instructions in his heart.

Soon, the court began to recruit scholars, and Cai Shouchang was selected to be an official in the court for his talents and knowledge, and he was highly regarded by the emperor.

He was thinking of his mother's long-cherished wish, but he felt distressed: when he always stayed in Kyoto, when would he have a chance to build the Luoyang Bridge in Quanzhou?

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