The man then picked up the ship and headed east, but before sailing far, the sailboat suddenly came to a standstill.

He looked down and saw iron lotus flowers floating in the sea, and sailboats were surrounded by groups.

Hui E was shocked and knelt in front of the statue of Guanyin Buddha and prayed: "If Japanese sentient beings have no chance to see the Buddha, I will follow the direction given by the master and build another monastery to support my Buddha."

Before he finished his words, he suddenly heard a "boom", and an iron bull was drilled from the bottom of the sea.

The iron cow swam forward and chewed the iron lotus.

A waterway appeared on the ocean just a short while ago, and it happened to be able to pass a sailboat.

The sailboat followed the iron cow and proceeded along this channel.

Soon after hearing another "bang", the iron cow sank to the bottom of the sea, and the iron lotus was nowhere to be seen.

The sailing boat returned to a mountain pit in Putuo Mountain.

Hui E thought, since Guanyin Bodhisattva does not want to go to Japan, he should build a temple here and let Guanyin Bodhisattva settle in Mount Putuo!

Not long after the temple was built, the Buddha statues were offered, and Hui E and others paid homage in the morning and evening.

Since then, this statue of Guanyin Buddha carved from sandalwood has remained on Mount Putuo. That small temple was respected as refusing to go to Guanyinyuan.

"The fourth story I have to tell:"

After Princess Miaoshan became a Buddha, she asked the Buddha to find a clean place in the world to practice and save sentient beings.

The Buddha agreed and set down the lotus platform for Miaoshan in Putuo Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea.

Miaoshan brought Dragon Girl and Shancai to Putuo Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea and began to rescue the people of the world.

I don't know how many years have passed, and Guanyin Bodhisattva has saved countless sentient beings.

One day, she took Dragon Girl and Shancai on the way back to Nanhai.

Seeing the heavy waves on the river, the boats in the river are about to tip over.

Guanyin Bodhisattva immediately used willow branches to resolve the storm and rescued the people of the ship.

Later, he told Dragon Girl and Shancai: "You go back first, I'll go down and have a look."

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva came to the river bank and turned into a village girl. She saw that the villagers had come ashore and said to the boatman: "Uncle, I want to go to the other side of the river. Take me over!"

The boatman said: "Girl, the storm is too big today and the boat can't go. Just now it almost capsized in the middle of the river."

Guanyin Bodhisattva said: "Uncle, please take me over! My father is sick, and I have to go to the other side to get medicine for my father. If it is too late, it will be too late!"

The boatman said, well, seeing that you are a filial daughter, I will take the risk again!

When the Guanyin Bodhisattva got on the boat, he said to the boatman: "Uncle, the river is so urgent and the people on both sides of the strait are so dangerous in the past, why not build a bridge on both sides of the strait?"

The boatman said: "Girl, you don't know anything! It's so easy to build a bridge! To build a bridge, you need the best stonemason."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva asked, "Can you not find a good stonemason here?"

The boatman said: "Sometimes there is one, and his name is Wei Tuo.

He raised money for the work of building the bridge day and night.

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked, "Can't you raise some silver taels?"

The boatman said: "The girl doesn't know anything about it. Where can the people find silver?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva asked again: "Can't the rich gentry in that place give me some silver?"

The boatman said: "The girl doesn't seem to be a local when she says this. How can these rich people be willing to do things for the people!"

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva asked again: "So the local government doesn't care about it?"

The boatman said: "The government has said that it will build this bridge, and every year it will add rents and taxes to the people.

However, as soon as the money enters their pockets, it is put in their private pockets, so they still think of the people! "

The boatman sent Guanshiyin Bodhisattva to the other side and said, "This trip is calm and the waves may be blessed by the Dragon King, maybe the Bodhisattva will bless you?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva smiled and asked, "Do you know Bodhisattva?"

The boatman said: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is helping the people, wherever there are difficulties. It's just that our place is too small, I'm afraid the Bodhisattva will not come!"

Guan Shiyin asked: "Where does the Vedic stonemason live? Can the uncle find him?"

The boatman said: "Girl, did you mean something about Vetus after I mentioned it earlier?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva smiled and said: "Weida is a rare good person. I don't have silver liang, but I want to help him raise silver liang to build a bridge to help him."

The boatman said happily: "That's great, as long as you can raise silver, you won't be afraid of not being able to find Vedo."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva came to the county office and pasted a notice on the wall.

It reads: "On the tenth day of March, there was a beautiful woman at the Dujiang Port of Yulinjiang River, who raised silver coins for the construction of the bridge. Who can throw silver coins to a woman, the woman is willing to accept each other with her body. Love and romance must not miss a good opportunity. "

After seeing the notice, the yavier immediately went to the county office and reported it to the county grandfather.

The county grandfather saw the notice and asked: "Who is so bold, dare to post the notice without the permission of the government. Go and arrest me."

The servant said: "Master, where can I find it?"

The government officer took the order out of the county government and came to the street, looking for a place to drink.

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva came over and said, "Didn't your county grandfather look for me? I'm the one who posted the notice. Go and show me your county grandfather."

The yaman brought the Guanshiyin Bodhisattva to the county office. As soon as the county grandfather heard that the woman who posted the notice came, he immediately told the master to be promoted immediately.

When the county grandfather saw Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, he said, "Don't you want to marry a rich man? Then you can marry me!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said, "My notice is very clear. If the county grandfather disagrees, then the little girl will cancel it."

The county grandfather said: "No, sir, I have to post a notice for you again, so that all the gentry of the county will throw money."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said, "The little girl will leave."

The county grandfather said: "Slow. You can't go. If you go, where will I find you on the tenth day of March!"

Guan Shiyin said: "I didn't break the law, why did you keep me?"

The county grandfather said: "What you said in your notice is a beautiful woman. I think you are a beautiful woman. You are obviously a young girl! So you have to stay."

On the tenth day of March, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva came to the river, and the boatman came to row Guanshiyin.

Some local gentry came to the river.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "Dear officials, today, the little girl builds a bridge to raise the silver liang, for the convenience of the people on both sides of the strait. Today, if there is anyone who can throw the silver liang, the little girl is willing to accept each other.

The county grandfather was very happy when he heard it, and said: "Those who were thrown on the boat belong to you, and those who were thrown into the river belong to me."

Guan Shiyin replied: "It's up to you."

In order to raise money to build the bridge, Wei Tuo worked for a tycoon. At the time, he said that he would give five taels of silver after he finished his work.

However, after the work is done, only two or two are given.

Wei Tuo was very angry and went to an external reviewer.

In the end, he was kicked out by Jiading, and he didn't get a penny.

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