Journey to the West: I Am Entertaining in the Great Tang

Chapter 1151: Don't want to explain

He also rescued Huang Tianhua, Xian Luoxuan showed three heads and six arms in the flames of the teaching flame, and shot Huang Tianhua down the jade unicorn in one round of the five dragon round.

Jin Zha and Mu Zha rescue Huang Tianhua.

Gathering with his father, Mu Zha's father Li Jing also came to the Western Zhou army to help King Wu cut down. Mu Zha mentioned to Jiang Ziya.

The teacher checked his apprenticeship, and all the immortals told their disciples fortune-telling. Mu Zha came to ask Mr. Fu Xian about his going down the mountain and cutting down the mountain, what will happen in the future. Mr. Pu Xian said that Mu Zha can only rely on Wu Gou who was passed on to you by his teacher. Sword, will not shame me on Jiugong Mountain.

Defeated by Kong Xuan, Zhou Jun met his powerful enemy Kong Xuan, Mu Zha and Jin Zha saw their father Li Jing, who had been captured by Kong Xuan’s five-color light, so Mu Zha and the eldest brother Jin Zha attacked with double swords. Kong Xuan fought with Kong Xuan for three rounds, then Jin Zha directly used the Dragon Stake, Mu Zha directly used the Wu hook sword, and both magic weapons were thrown in the air to hit Kong Xuan. However, Kong Xuan was not afraid and directly released Five-color divine light, both Dunlong Zhuang and Wu Goujian received their own red light. Jin Zha and Mu Zha wanted to escape when they saw this. As a result, the two brothers were still captured by Kong Xuan with the five-color divine light. Later, Kong Xuan was surrendered by the quasi-professional Taoist, and Mu Zha and others were rescued.

Sending the medicine to the mountain, Nezha was wounded by the blood sacred sword because of the battle against the former enemy Yuhua. Yang Jian relied on the appearance of the changed Yuhua to trick Yuhua’s master Yu Yuan into three antidote. Get rid of Yu Yuan's pursuit and bring back to Zhou to rescue people, one of the antidote is given to Mu Zha by Jiang Ziya and sent to Qian Yuanshan for Ne Zha to use.

Raise the furnace to open the way, explain and teach all the immortals to break the immortal array.

Yuanshi Tianzun ordered all the disciples to arrange shifts, and Jinzha and Muzha's respective portable incense burners led the three generations of Yuxu disciples.

In World War II, Lu Yue, the **** of plague, returned to the mountain because of his defeat. In order to avenge Zhou Jun, he cultivated his own Plague Poison Formation. Then he went down to fight with Zhou Jun twice. Muzha used double swords to fight with his father Li Jing and his eldest brother. Jin Zha, his third brother Ne Zha, and his fellow Wei Hu all rushed forward and surrounded Lu Yue in a gang fight.

Outsmarting the Wandering Soul Pass, before the Wandering Soul Pass, the two brothers Jin Zha and Mu Zha discussed with Jiang Ziya, using the calculation method to break the Wandering Soul Pass. The two of them led a group of soldiers and horses, and they were also attacking the Youhun Pass. Jiang Wenhuan made peace and provided some reinforcements to discuss strategies and take this pass. The two brothers pretended to be two Taoists from afar, claiming to be from Penglai Island in the East China Sea.

He personally took the initiative to meet Dou Rong, the guardian of the wandering soul. Jin Zha claimed to be Sun De and Mu Zha claimed to be Xu Ren, claiming that they had come to help him catch Jiang Wenhuan.

In order to gain trust, Jin Zha and Mu Zha secretly sent someone to report to Jiang Wenhuan and acted in a fight in front of Dou Rong's army.

Pretending to fight Jiang Wenhuan, he captured Jiang Wenhuan’s general named Ma Zhao. However, Dou Rong’s wife, Mrs. Chedi, remained defensive and reminded Dou Rong twice to be wary. , Madam Chedi had nothing to say, temporarily letting go of her doubts.

After that, Jin Zha gave a wink and asked Mu Zha to go with Mrs. Chedi to go up to the city to guard the gate. Jin Zha took advantage of Dou Rong to relax his vigilance and fight with Jiang Wenhuan. After killing Dou Rong, Mu Zha saw it on the tower, and took the opportunity to pull out Wu Gou's double sword and behead Mrs. Chedi, eliminating the two main generals, and thus succeeded in outsmarting the Wandering Soul Pass.

Physically sanctified, Li Jing and others paid homage to the king of war and civil and military officials; Ziya couldn't bear to be separated, and sent off for another ride, each shed tears.

Later, Li Jing, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Ne Zha, Yang Jian, Wei Hu, Lei Zhenzi, these seven were all sanctified in flesh.

In the Westward Journey, Mucha's dharma name is Huian Xingzhe, a disciple of Avalokitesvara, and a boy who does good deeds.

Once integrated with the master, as a wandering monk looking for people to learn the scriptures, he was once ordered by the master to subdue the monk.

Later, when Sun Wukong was defeated by Hong Haier and Tang Seng was taken into captivity, Mu Cha borrowed thirty-six Tiangang knives from his father Li Jing to assist Guanyin Bodhisattva to subdue Hong Haier and make him a boy under the Guanyin seat.

So much military exploits and prestige are of no use, because he was once again defeated by the facts.

It's really miserable.

Since following Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when he was so frustrated?

Still twice in a row.

He was so angry that he wanted to step forward again to compete with Qin Hao.

But he was stopped by Venerable Kassapa.

Venerable Kassapa understood, it turned out that Mu Zha was here to take revenge, but he attacked himself indiscriminately.

A fellow Buddhist, he can't look at Muzha and suffer.

Therefore, he could only stop him: "Muzha Boy! Mr. Qin is a good friend of Buddhism. The festivals back then were pure misunderstandings. Let those unpleasant things disappear."

He turned his head and said to Qin Hao, "I wonder if Mr. Qin has found out?"

At this time, the system happened to tell Qin Hao that the IP that kept eating melons turned out to be Bookshop!


How could it be your own home?

Qin Hao was very strange. He didn't do such a thing. Could it be Xiao Qian?

However, Xiaoqian is also a land immortal now, so she will be so boring?

Besides, she is preparing for the good voice competition in the Three Realms, so she has so much time to fight with Buddhism and Guanshiyin Bodhisattva?

It's totally unnecessary!

But the IP display is the bookstore, which is indisputable.

what is the problem?

He didn't tell Venerable Kassapa, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

It's not that you are afraid of Buddhism. It's just that you don't do it yourself. Why should you smear yourself?

He is not addicted to the scapegoat.

However, Venerable Kassapa was chasing after him, asking the bottom line: "Mr. Qin, who is it?"

After all, it is related to Buddhism and the reputation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Venerable Kassapa was repeatedly frustrated in the live broadcast room. He just couldn't find out who was behind the scenes. How suffocated?

Qin Hao couldn't help it when asked, so he could only tell the truth: "According to the display of the IP, this melon is always there, in the bookstore."


Venerable Kassapa was also stunned. It turned out that it was Qin Hao, who continued to fight against Buddhism?

"Donor Qin, Buddhism has already let you go. Why are you doing this?"

"Hey, sir, you have to know that the cause of this incident is Monk Pianji and Princess Gaoyang, not what I meant."

Qin Hao didn't intend to mix this matter in the first place. He knew that Tang Wang Li Shimin was enough, and he didn't have to act.

Unexpectedly, the inexplicable person was brought into the matter and became an insider.

It won’t be so easy anymore.

Looking at Muzha boy who hated him deeply, and at Venerable Kassapa who was blaming, Qin Hao suddenly didn't want to explain.

Because, in his opinion, it is useless to explain or anything.

Whatever you want, just do whatever you like, the big deal is the same as before, and then you'll be stubborn with Buddhism.

It's not that I haven't been tough.

In fact, sometimes when he is boring, he misses those days, thrilling but hidden opportunities!

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