However, Qin Hao was embarrassed under the gaze of Venerable Kassapa and Muzha Tongzi, and he told the truth.

"This IP that keeps eating melon is indeed in the bookstore, which is mine. However, I really don't have one."

He really didn't need to admit to things he hadn't done.

Who wants to take the blame for others?

"Then ask the donor Qin to help find out who is behind the scenes and planted the donor Qin."

Venerable Kassapa said in a deep voice, "Also, what was his motive for doing this? Is it just to target Buddhism, or to arouse the unhappiness of Buddhism and the Qin donor?"

"Okay, just check it out."

Qin Hao was also quite puzzled as to who was playing tricks in his bookstore.

There are just a few people in the bookstore, Xiao Qian, and Cheng Chumo.

After some verification, they were all ruled out.

Is there a ghost?

He suddenly remembered that when he was shooting A Chinese Ghost Story, there were really a few ghosts, but they all went to Yujing City with them, and there was no chance at all.

At this time, there was a squeaking sound from outside the window, it was the flaming red fox.

Qin Hao's heart moved, and he remembered one thing.

Once upon a time, there was a Zhaojia Village in Lingnan, and there was a young farmer named Zhao Shi in the village.

He originally farmed the fields, but when he saw other people making more money from hunting, he bought a shotgun and joined the hunting team.

There are often red foxes near Zhaojia Village.

This kind of animal is very clever, cunning and deceitful, and sometimes does some wicked deeds, and the villagers hate them very much.

However, many people believed the story in the legend, saying that it was a elves and ghosts, and would be "charming", so they were very afraid of them.

Zhao Shi was a young man and was not afraid of this.

He knows that fox fur can sell for a good price, so he often sets up traps and puts iron clips to catch red foxes. There is something to gain.

However, the red fox is really tricky and hard to deal with.

One winter night, Zhao Shi took the hunting dogs to hunt in the woods.

Not long after running, the hound found a big red fox, and it hurried to chase after it.

Who knows, the red fox didn't run deep into the woods, but turned a corner, got out of the woods, and fled westward along a small river.

There was ice on the river, but it was not thick. I saw the red fox pretending to flash in the middle of the river, and the hound leaped on the ice.

It was too late, and then soon, the red fox turned around and came back to shore, but the hunting dog did not stop, only a "click", the ice cracked, and the hunting dog fell into the river.

On another occasion, when the sun was about to set, Zhao Shi dug a few traps at several key crossings, hoping to let the wild beasts **** himself.

Unexpectedly, the big red fox saw it again, and it followed Zhao Shi sneakily, trailing to each trap, emitting a stench from a small hole at the base of its tail, leaving its own traces so that the comrades could know : Beware, there is danger under the leaves here.

Zhao Shi rushed for three days and found nothing.

Zhao Shi began to pay attention to this big red fox, and he was determined to catch it.

Another winter, the heavy snow fell for three days.

Zhao Shi guessed that the red fox had nowhere to hunt, and he would come to the village again.

At that time, his chicken coop still had five big fat chickens. In order to protect them from being infringed, Zhao Shi put eight iron clamps carefully designed around him.

These iron clips form a series of sleeves. As long as they touch one of them, the other seven will bounce, spread a piece of nylon mesh, and cover the "thief". Whatever they want, they can't escape.

A few days later, one late night, Zhao Shi was awakened by the sound of "Pala Pala".

He quickly got up, put on his coat and ran outside the door.

I saw something jumping on the snow next to the chicken coop.

Needless to say, it must be a chicken thief.

Zhao Shi hurried up, took off his coat and rushed to the prey.

Based on experience, he concluded that it was a big red fox.

In order to subdue this guy as soon as possible, Zhao Shi exerted all his strength and slammed the prey on the head.

After a while, the red fox stopped moving.

Zhao Shi ran to the house to get a flashlight, took the dead red fox out of the net cover, and carried it to the storeroom.

The next day, the whole family was excited about the capture of a big red fox.

That flaming red fox fur, complete fox fur, if you get it on the market, you will surely be able to sell it for a big price!

Zhao Shi was also very happy in his heart. He could see from the bones of this red fox that this red fox was the big red fox he wanted to hunt down.

He has to peel off the fur of the red fox well.

Zhao Shi spread out a pile of straw on the threshing floor outside the door, put the big red fox on it, and carefully opened his mouth for it.

At this time, the hound came and barked at the red fox.

Zhao Shi hurriedly took out the red fox's heart and liver, rewarded it, and said, "I've taken revenge for falling into the water. Go away!"

Normally, Zhao Shi peeled a rabbit or fox skin, with a cigarette in his mouth, and when a small piece of cigarette **** remained, the skin was peeled.

This time, he smoked three full cigarettes before peeling off the red fox skin completely.

He stretched the fox skin with a bamboo stick, and measured it with a ruler. Oh, it was two feet and eight inches wide!

Zhao Shi didn't dare to put this shiny red fox skin outside to dry.

He dried the fox skin on a bamboo pole and carried it to the balcony of his own small building, like a flag, let the sun and dry wind blow.

After finishing this important event, Zhao Shi instructed his wife to burn a big pot of red fox meat, and invite a few good friends from the neighbors to have a drink.

Everyone ate and chatted until the moon hung over the treetops, and they had not yet settled down.

Suddenly, a howl cut through the night sky, alarming the table full of guests.

Zhao Shi stood up "brushing", took off his shotgun from the wall and said, "It's a red fox. I'll just call it to give you a taste."

After speaking, he opened the door and ran out.

Several partners stood up with alcohol and went out.

Not long after they ran away, they smelled a strange smell, and from time to time there was a miserable cry in their ears.

Everyone widened their eyes and saw that in the cold wind, looming stars were twinkling on the snow. Those were the eyes of red foxes. There are more than 200 red foxes at a glance!

"No, the red fox is here to take revenge?"

I don't know who yelled. The hairs on people's bodies were all upright, and they were breathless with tension.

"What are you afraid of, let me hit it all over!"

Zhao Shi raised his gun at the "star" in front of him.

His wife stopped him and said, "Don't shoot! So many red foxes are brought to the door, and they are all aggressive, which is by no means a good sign."

People's surprises and discussions affected people in their neighbors.

They also gathered around, and when they saw the restless red fox, they were frightened. They talked with each other and sent a representative to say to Zhao Shi: "Odd, I'm more than sixty years old. I have never seen so many red foxes gathered. I'm afraid it might be a bad one!"

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