Regarding Qin Hao's explicit suggestion, the red fox just didn't understand, or it was trying to understand it and pretending to be confused.

Ever since she turned into a girl, Qin Hao deliberately avoided.

But as for her, most of the time she was still shown in the form of a fox, jumping on Qin Hao's lap at every turn, even sticking out her tongue to lick him, begging for caress and attention.

Forget this, she is getting more and more excessive, even...!

It should not be explained here.

In short, various behaviors show that the red fox is dishonest.

"Quickly say, does it have anything to do with you!"

There are just a few people in the bookstore, and the exclusion method can also be calculated.

"Yes. It's me."

The red fox blinked his big smart eyes and said with a smile.

"Ah, she actually admitted it!"

Muzha boy spoke with Venerable Kassapa in disbelief.

Qin Hao was also stunned, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because they are unhappy. People who watch their Buddhism are unhappy, so do this!"

The red fox is naturally unrestrained and has been raised by Qin Hao for many years, not to mention Buddhism.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva himself did such things, relying on his looks to attract people to charity, and there are so many partners. What happened to the monks in the debate, don't you just like a high sun!"

Here is the one who speaks out of feelings!

Qin Hao nodded, turned his head and said to Venerable Kassapa: "Sorry, it was done by someone under my clan, so it's the same as me. If I have anything, I will tell the Buddha."


Venerable Kassapa didn't want to pursue it either, he couldn't hold the key to it either!

Just go back to Lingshan and report the truth.

Watching them leave, only the red fox and Qin Hao are left in the room.

"Why do you want to do this? There are no Buddhists here. Tell me the truth."

"Have you heard of that poem? Suisui white fox, nine-tailed Pang Pang. I have grown into a family, and I am very rich."

The red fox said quietly: "It means that the white fox walking alone on the mountain road has nine thick and magnificent tails. If men and women get married, they will make the family prosperous.

This poem describes the marriage story of Dayu and Tu Shan's daughter.

The story takes place during the flood control period of Dayu. When he passed through Tushan once, he suddenly felt that he was already quite young and he should be married.

At this time, a nine-tailed white fox just came to him.

In ancient times, the appearance of the nine-tailed white fox was a sign of auspiciousness from the sky, and it also indicated that Dayu would get his ideal wife.

Sure enough, I met the Tushan girl, and the two quickly got together at first sight.

The Tushan people made this song to praise that the marriage of the two is an arrangement of heaven, which can bring auspiciousness and make the family prosperous.

Therefore, Dayu and Nvjiao are a match made in heaven. It is everyone's wish and everyone's blessing and support.

The beautiful scene described in the song, and the love story of the national hero.

It made me feel unfinished, so I wanted to know more about the story between them.

However, after getting more information, I discovered that there was no touching love story at all, but it was just a political alliance marriage.

Yu, surnamed Si, named Wenming, was the leader of the Xiahou clan and the founding king of the Xia Dynasty.

He was a sage emperor who was as famous as Yao and Shun in the age of ancient Chinese legends. His most outstanding achievement was the control of the monstrous flood that has been extolled all the time, and he also designated the territory of China as Kyushu.

Later generations called him Dayu.

According to legend, during Emperor Yao's time, the Central Plains suffered severe flooding and the people were in distress.

Emperor Yao ordered Gun to control the water. Gun was killed in Yushan by Shun because he built a **** and blocked the water.

After that, Gun’s son Yu took over as his father and continued to control the waters. Instead, it was led by the channeling of rivers and water control, and the natural tendency of water to flow to lower places was used to dredge the Jiuhe River, and finally control the flood.

Yu's spirit in water management has been extolled to this day. He is dedicated to the public, endures hardships and stands hard work, and takes the lead.

When he was dealing with the floods, when he traveled through the Tushan area, he thought that he was more than 30 years old and had not yet married his relatives. He was afraid of the twilight of the time, losing his restraint, and fear of losing his heir.

It means that it seems unreasonable to feel that I am so old and not married yet, and I am afraid that I will have no heirs.

So he said to himself: "If I marry, there must be a response." In other words, if I want to marry a wife, there must be someone who wants to marry me. "

At this time, a nine-tailed white fox floated and brought him auspiciousness. It didn't take long for the Tu Shan clan to marry a beautiful woman to Dayu.

The people of Tushan once wrote a song "Suisui white fox, nine-tailed Pang Pang, have grown into a family, and I am all in Youchang."

To show that the union of the two is arranged by the heavens, and the heavens will bless them and their tribe.

No matter how you look at it, it is a perfect and harmonious marriage blessed by everyone. But thinking about it, there seems to be a lot of confusion.

Dayu was already in his thirties at the time. He hadn't thought about getting married for such a long time. Why did he remember that he should get married when he reached Tushan!

However, accidental things have certain causes and effects.

In the process of water control, Dayu traveled all over the world and knew well the terrain, customs, and properties of various places.

And Dayu was also an ambitious, talented and broad-minded person. Facing the rivers and rivers he personally managed, how could he not want to be himself.

However, the flood has not yet been cured, and Emperor Shun cannot give himself up on the throne.

Even after healed, his Xia clan was weak and could not make other tribes surrender.

What he does in this world will not be stable. So he needs to find someone to form an alliance.

At that time, the Tushan clan was a tribe with a nine-tailed fox as its totem in Dongyi, possessing a powerful military force, and the strongest among the tribes in the Central Plains.

If he can form an alliance with the Tushan clan of Dongyi, it will certainly be of great help to his current water control work.

Water control is actually not a very easy task, it requires a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources and appeal, and Tu Shan's is fully equipped with these abilities.

Besides, the Tushan clan's military power can also support him when he leads the tribes in the future, so he chose to form an alliance with Tushan, and the most reliable way to form an alliance is to marry and become a family.

At that time, the leader of Dongyi was Gao Tao, and Gao Tao was also a legendary great man, one of the "four sages of ancient times" with the same fame as Yao, Shun, and Dayu.

He must also appreciate this young man who is dedicated to the people and working hard.

It was also far-sighted to realize that the future emperor was likely to belong to Yu.

Therefore, both public and private, he was willing to form an alliance to help Dayu, so he found the most beautiful girl in the Tushan family to marry Dayu.

The alliance between the Xia clan and the Tushan clan really provided great help to Dayu ascending the throne of God and securing the throne of the emperor.

The most important thing is the Tushan Conference recorded in history.

Dayu held a tribal meeting in Tushan, and the surrounding small tribes brought jade silk gifts to show their respect for Dayu.

This Tushan meeting, with the support and help behind the Dongyi Tushan clan, established Yu's status as a co-master in the world.

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