In fact, the stakes of the alliance were already expressed in Tu Shange.

The song doesn't say how the two people feel about each other or how they live after marriage. It just describes that their marriage is a matter of God's arrangement. Combining in accordance with God's will can prosper and prosper.

In this grand wedding blessed by the whole people, almost everyone has their own ideas and calculations, but the girl is sincere and gave all of his feelings.

After marriage, when Dayu did not return home for the treatment of the water, the girl was longing and waiting, looking at the highest point of Tushan every day, looking through the autumn water, not seeing the return of her sweetheart, she couldn't help sighing, and chanted: Waiting for people to come.

And this line of waiting for people is the first love poem recorded in Chinese history.

Waiting for people xi means waiting for the person I am looking forward to. The word "Yi" fully expresses the desire, anxiety, imitation, and helpless feelings of the girl.

Although Dayu got married for the purpose of forming an alliance in order to obtain the position he wanted in the future.

Do you really like it for female girls? I'm afraid not necessarily.

In the beginning, the purpose of marrying a girl was not pure, it was to form a political alliance and obtain support and help from the Tu Shan clan.

Four days after they were married, Dayu left.

After that, there was an allusion of not entering the house for three times, and everyone in the world praised Dayu for his diligence in water management and his dedication for public.

But no matter how busy a person is, there will always be time to eat and sleep! Even if he wants to show his diligence to win the hearts of the people, he won't have such an unfavorable approach.

Nujiao was originally his legal wife.

It is normal for two people to live together.

He evaded in this way, which makes people wonder whether his feelings for the girl-girls are really as deep as the legend.

As for the ending of the girl-girl, there are two versions in history.

One is that Dayu has ruled the water for 13 years. In the past few years after he left, the girl raised her son alone until he was eight or nine years old. After that, he returned home. After returning home, there is no record of two people.

Either death, or obscurity, anyway, there is no trace of the intersection of the two.

Dayu controlled the water, and his wife, Nvjiao, delivered meals every day. The two agreed that the drums on the mountain would be able to send meals to Dayu.

In an accident, Dayu accidentally hit a rock, causing it to bang the drum. Tu Shan came to deliver the meal, only to find that his husband had turned into a black bear. He ran away in panic and shame, and ran to the foot of the mountain. As for the stone, Dayu chased after the stone statue and shouted: "Return my son."

The stone broke, and the son came out.

This legend always feels that there are many doubts.

Some people say that the reason for the girl's departure was to see that her husband was a bear, perhaps because of fear or feeling ashamed.

From the perspective of mythology, if Dayu is really a bear, then the girl is a nine-tailed fox. Would the ancient beast, the nine-tailed fox, still be afraid of a bear?

From the emotional point of view, although I am not sure whether Dayu really likes Nv Jiao, it is certain that Nv Jiao really likes Dayu.

There is no evidence that Dayu became a bear, and it is only passed on from generation to generation.

However, history has recorded that Dayu became dry and dark due to exhaustion of water control and the wind and sun all day.

Dayu was originally a tall and burly man "nine feet two inches long", so he might be mistaken for a bear.

But there are still differences between bears and humans. Even if Dayu became as ugly as a bear at this time, given the feelings of the female Jiao towards Dayu, it is impossible to leave ashamed because of this change.

Therefore, there may be another reason why the female girl left.

History has also recorded such a small event. Because Dayu led people to treat water all the year round and tired, some people developed a thing that can make people more energetic after drinking.

This is what we are talking about now. After drinking, Dayu really relieved his fatigue, but he also found that it was intoxicating and easy to make mistakes, so he ordered the prohibition of excessive drinking.

If he has not practiced, how can he know that this thing can make mistakes.

Besides, no matter how deified Dayu was, he was just an ordinary man. He was exhausted all the year round, and his wife and daughter were pregnant, so a momentary mistake was possible.

Maybe just when he was making a mistake, it was impossible to say that he happened to be bumped into by the girl.

After Nv Jiao bumped into her, she turned around in sorrow and left. She was pregnant, exhausted and exhausted.

Premature birth was also very possible.

In the process of her fossilization, life is also passing by.

But Dayu’s approach was disappointing. He only thought about his son at the moment, so he shouted: "Return my son!"

In the end, his son Qi was born, and his wife, Nujiao, died.

Perhaps like most emperors in history, Dayu loved Jiangshan more, so he chose to live up to the feelings of the girl.

I don't know if Dayu will regret his choice in the years to come.

When I think of my wife who died young, is there any guilt in my heart? When I recalled that when Tu Shan first met that beautiful girl, whether the tenderness in his heart really existed.

Qin Hao quietly listened to her, and asked puzzledly: "Why do you want to talk about this?"

"Because, I want to speak."

After the red fox finished speaking, he turned and left.

There is no more explanation.

Seeing her slender back leave, Qin Hao fell into deep thought.

A new book appeared in the book city the next day.

Qin Hao actually wrote a three-life three-world pillow book overnight!

The owner of the book is just the red fox!

I don't know if he raised this one, but the fox, who is also Qingqiu, must have some origins!

Unlike usual, Qin Hao didn't put the brief introduction of the story, but went straight to the plot.

"Eastern Wilderness belongs to the land, it is called Blue Sea Cangling, there are emperors, who call themselves "Donghua", take all things as teachers, the heaven and the earth flood the furnace, the sentient beings are tempered, and the cultivation is focused.

It could be both a **** and a demon, but because of being impatient with the turmoil of the world, he abandoned the demons and cast them into the gods. He led the seventy-two generals such as Meng Hao to fight against the demons, stop killing by war, and finally settle down in the world, that is, the world is the master of heaven and earth. Position, palm the life and death of the six realms.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, the Demon Zun "fallen down" turned out to be unconvinced by the Donghua Domination.

Emperor Donghua couldn't defeat Miaoluo because of Canghe sword and soul-locking jade, so he had no choice but to build a seal and trap him in the forbidden area of ​​the demons.

Before dying, he swore a poisonous oath: "I must witness that Donghua's thoughts and loves are all reduced to endless purgatory."

After this battle, Donghua was seriously injured in Xiwu. For 30,000 years, he lived in the Palace of the Great Morning in the God Realm, and during this time he met the best friend of the water **** "Lian Song".

On weekdays, I am happy and nurturing, and chatting with him, nothing more than ordering his subordinates to look for Meng Hao, who has been missing for a long time.

The nine-fold sky is so cold and quiet, there are many people in the nine-fold world, and there are green hills in the depths of the world. Looking at the cloud marks from a distance, the sky is dark and the sun is full of flowers, and the jade trees and Qionglin are near.

Bai Fengjiu, as Qingqiu Emperor Ji, is a favorite of the family. Although he has spiritual wisdom, he has no meaning to participate in Zen and enlightenment. Except for the test of the gods and gods, the other subjects are no progress.

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