
There was not a single audience who voted for Xiaoqian, and the people in the theater roared with laughter. That's right!

"Remember this lesson and take part in the competition when you are ready next time!"

"Yes! You lost all of Mr. Qin's face. It is estimated that you are the failure of his life!"

"If you don't pay attention to the game or the stage, the audience won't pay attention to you!"


Xiaoqian heard the ugly words in her ears, but she still didn't care.

Turning around gently, her face still full of smiles, clearing her throat, she said, "Thank you for your vote."

what? Someone voted for you in Nima?

Thanks also?

Is this girl crazy or stupid?

Xiaoqian stood on the stage, still looking at everyone with a smile. After the audience calmed down a little bit, she said: "Actually, I participate in good voice, not for the game."


Why don't you come for the game?

The audience was quiet for a moment, all listening with their ears erected.

"It was Mr. Qin Hao who sent me here to check if there was any cheating during the game of the Three Realms Good Voice."



Is there any cheating in the test game?

Hearing her words, the audience was stunned.

Is there such a **** operation?

"Yes, today's improper performance was deliberately done by me. According to Mr. Qin's intention, I will test whether the judges and the audience will cheat for personal gains when I make a mistake!"

Ah, deliberately?

She forgot words and out of tune, unexpectedly on purpose!


Wucao, Mr. Qin Hao really knows how to play, so he can send a little Qian casually to be an inspection ambassador!

No one could think that it was a deliberate arrangement by Qin Hao. Fortunately, everyone did not vote according to the principle of fairness.

If you care about Qin Hao's face and vote against Xiao Qian against your will, then, in Mr. Qin Hao's heart, the people of Datang are dishonest.

Everyone suddenly realized, one by one, waking up like a dream.

The anger on Nuwa Saint's face also disappeared. As a mentor, Xiao Qian's expression just now was too slapped.

"Although you can't make it to the finals, I can recommend you to the crew and become an important role!"

"Thank you saint, thank you audience, Jixiang family, and look forward to your wonderful performance!"


"Mr. Qin, I don't think we need the protection of Dao Sect, so I returned to Datang."

Jiang Ge, who had settled down, called Qin Hao.

"Are you back? Anyway, many people get bonuses anyway. Even those who don't get bonuses have a lot of opportunities. Therefore, you are no longer in the limelight, so it's okay to come back."

Qin Hao was checking the merit value of the system, and he was quite surprised when he received a call from Jiang Ge.

"Yeah, my mother has always wanted to thank you in person, and have time to be a guest at my house!"


After Qin Hao hung up, the system's voice rang:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the good voice PK game. The system rewards the saint with a hit card. Please hurry up and complete the final of the Three Realms Good Voice. The big gift package rewarded by the system will surely stun the host."


Why is it a saint hit card again?

Qin Hao frowned.

The last saint one-strike card was rewarded by the system when he only traveled to Datang. After so many years, he received the same reward again, and Qin Hao was quite moved.

The saint at that time shocked the Three Realms with one blow, and made himself favored by the Master Tongtian, and then became his disciple.

Think about it now, as if yesterday.


After several months of recovery, Lu Yi's injury has been fine, but new problems have emerged.

The other trainees are very young, and all of them are very motivated and have made great progress.

His ability to accept is a problem in itself, and coupled with his age, it is really difficult to learn martial arts.

A martial arts action can be remembered and used freely by other students after learning it a few times, but he just can't remember it.

At the beginning, the monkey instructor still had patience, understood his difficulties, and taught him several times in the hope that he could master it.

But as day passed, he hardly changed, not even the most basic Changquan!

What a disappointment!

No, in today's study, the angry instructor can no longer stand it. He shouted angrily: "Lu Yi, you are suitable for wives and children. You can learn martial arts, it is obviously a shame!"

In front of dozens of students, Lu Yi's face blushed with blood, and he really couldn't help it.

A middle-aged man, who is supposed to be a dignified man, how could he not learn it?

He didn't feel that the instructor was too much, let alone hated the instructor. He knew that the instructor hated him for iron and steel.

"You obviously bear the hatred of taking your wife, but you haven't made any progress. When can you get revenge?

If it continues like this, let alone revenge, it's like eating and drinking in Huaguo Mountain!

Although the Great Sage is rich and doesn't care about having another mouth, I am ashamed for you! "

The instructor said fiercely, and ignored him again, and just went to teach other students.

Lu Yi stood there blankly, looking at the angry back of the instructor, wishing to hammer himself to death.

Seeing on the martial arts field, other students will behave in a decent way. Lu Yi's heart is sour. Maybe he is the stupidest person, and he is not suitable for learning martial arts at all!

As for revenge or something, don't even think about it.

He couldn't stay any longer, turned and left desperately.

Li Dameng has been at the martial arts school for several months.

With the help of his classmates, he had already started, and he was practicing earnestly when he suddenly heard the instructor cursing.

He subconsciously looked at Lu Yi again.

Alas, when he is old, he is struggling to learn everything. Liu Dameng sympathizes with him, perhaps because he is also carrying a deep hatred.

"Xiaoqiang, I'll go to the latrine first. If the instructor asks, you can cover it for me."

"Then you come back soon, and dinner will start right away. Today is your favorite braised fish in brown sauce!"


Liu Dameng, who was worried that Lu Yi would not think about it, quietly followed Lu Yi out.


When Lu Yi returned to the residence, he saw that the two women were doing laundry talking and laughing.

Seeing him coming back, Xin Xinniang was surprised: "Ayi, aren't you learning martial arts? Why are you back?"

"Well, I just miss you guys, take a look and go back." Lu Yi said, his nose sore, and tears almost fell.

"Then you go back quickly, learn martial arts early, so you can go home early!"

His wife comforted him softly. Although Huaguoshan is good, the students are very kind and united, but after all, they are not their own home.

If you can learn to do things, it is better to go home early.

After hearing his wife's words, Lu Yi felt even more uncomfortable.

For so many years, she has suffered with herself and was snatched away, all because of her lack of ability.

If you can't do anything well, you will always get nowhere!

Lu Yi thought wildly, walked out of the residence, looked around, and felt that there was nowhere to go...

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