A series of technical terms and explanations came oncoming, so that, as saints, in the Three Realms, the omniscient Tongtian and Nuwa were completely confused.

Qin Hao patiently explained: "The brain includes the telencephalon and the diencephalon, and the telencephalon includes the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The left and right cerebral hemispheres are the largest and most complex structures in the central nervous system, as well as the highest part. Master, sister, you See Figures 1 and 2; the brain is an organ that regulates body functions, and is also the material basis for advanced neural activities such as consciousness, spirit, language, learning, memory, and intelligence. The surface of the cerebral hemispheres presents different grooves or fissures. The part of the interprotruding part is called the gyrus. The cerebral hemisphere is divided into five lobes by groove and fissure: frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe and insula."

"The telencephalon is the main part of the advanced nervous system. It is composed of the left and right hemispheres. In humans, it is the largest part of the brain. It is the advanced nerve center that controls movement, produces sensations, and realizes advanced brain functions.

The diencephalon is composed of the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus communicates with the cerebral cortex, brainstem, cerebellum, spinal cord, etc., and is responsible for relaying sensation and controlling movement. The hypothalamus is related to maintaining body constancy, controlling the autonomic nervous system, and feelings. "

The two people haven’t figured it out yet, however, Qin Hao’s narration is not over yet: “The most mysterious part of our brain is a gland called the pineal gland located in the center of the brain. Because it is similar to the third one in the legend. Regarding eyes, in all legends, there is a record about the third eye: As long as the third eye of the human body is opened, extraordinary abilities can be obtained."

"Extraordinary ability?"

Nuwa looked at the Master of Tongtian and muttered to herself: "Brother, we can even destroy a world by moving mountains and reclaiming the sea. Isn't it an extraordinary ability?"

Without waiting for Tongtian to speak, Qin Hao said: "Auntie, you and Master are of course extraordinary abilities, but there are still differences in brain training that I have done."

"What's the difference?"

The two saints were completely attracted by Qin Hao's narration, and looked at him with trembling eyes.

Qin Hao took a breath and continued: "If we divide the abilities of the brain into ordinary abilities and metaphysical abilities, then ordinary abilities are language, movement, emotion, learning, memory, etc., and metaphysical abilities are. Spirit, consciousness, soul, blindness, foresight, etc. are very magical abilities."

"For the exercise of general abilities, my idea is to focus on method training. Vigorously promoting excellent methods and improving the work efficiency of the human brain will greatly improve the ability of the human brain. If this method of mine can really be promoted, it must be promoted. There can be a large number of people with extraordinary abilities."

"A person of extraordinary ability?"

Master Tongtian murmured as if asking Qin Hao, or asking himself.


Qin Hao nodded heavily, expressing affirmation.

"For the development and exercise of extraordinary abilities, I have found several methods, and now, we can see one of the methods."

As Qin Hao said, he handed the phone to the Master Tongtian and the Saint Nuwa.

The two of them leaned into Qin Hao's hands to take a look, and they were stunned!


The Lord Tongtian subconsciously said, the most commonly used online language on the forum!

"What are the kids going to do?"

I saw a large number of boys and girls in blue school uniforms, filed out of the tall teaching building, walking to the playground in twos and threes.

On the playground, the sports coaches in black suits stood and commanded in the four directions of north, south, east, and west.

The children lined up according to the class, and then a loud man’s voice resounded on the campus: Datang First College’s first set of brain training radio gymnastics "The Time Is Calling"!

Immediately afterwards, there was a piece of music that was full of momentum, but had never heard of it: da da da da da da!

Hearing this voice, the children consciously stood in line and stood up straight.

Then the loud man’s voice sounded again: “Get ready! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, three, three, five, six, seven, eight! Stretching! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... ··Shoulder exercises, chest expansion exercises!"

Seeing these little boys and girls, stretching their waists, stretching their arms and legs, jumping and jumping, the leader of Tongtian and the sage of Nuwa became even more encircled.

"Tell us, what is this doing?"

Their eyes were about to come out, and they asked eagerly again.

"Broadcast gymnastics."

Qin Hao uttered this word and threw them off.

"Guang... broadcast gymnastics?"


Datang First College.

As soon as Mr. Zhu's words fell, the children's eyes were stunned, and when they looked outside the door, they were really stunned.

An elegant man in a lavender suit is holding his mobile phone and walking in gracefully!

"Hello kids!"

There is a smile on his face, his voice is also very gentle, and the petting in his eyes can melt people.

"Are you also a teacher for us?"

"No, right? He is the prime minister just now, who specializes in live broadcasting!"

"I remember, come to our classroom, is the class live?"

Children, you said a word to me, all of a sudden, looked at the phone in his hand.

"The kids are so smart, I'm here to broadcast your class."

Wei Zheng pointed his mobile phone at the front, back, left, and right of the classroom, and an all-round three-dimensional broadcast came out.

In the live broadcast room, all those concerned about this matter have seen the classroom environment.

Clean and hygienic, and tidy and comfortable.

It is very pleasant to be able to learn in such an environment!

"Dear viewers, please let the teacher introduce you to the course."

He pointed the phone at the teacher Zhu.

Teacher Zhu nodded and spoke very politely: "Our college welcomes students to come and study. We start grading for each of our majors and are directly supervised by parents and audiences. Also, please help everyone in the whole process. Professional grading, grading for each teacher.

The score is divided into ten grades, from one to ten. In this way, all majors and teachers will be supervised, and they will be better able to teach knowledge and train children better. Of course, it is also easier to classify teachers. After all, the higher the score, the more money the teacher earns! "

Teacher Zhu introduced in detail that the audience in the live broadcast room also listened carefully to the professional rating.


When talking about the front, the audience still heard decently, and the last sentence made everyone laugh directly!

Nanhuang Daiichi Tiano: "Fogweed! I really didn't expect this teacher to be so humorous! What's more unexpected is that he dared to mention the money on the table!"

Little Loach’s father: “Hahaha! It’s normal. Teachers also have to eat. Earn more money to live a richer life?

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