Little Loach’s father: “Hahaha! It’s normal. Teachers also have to eat. Earn more money to live a richer life?

Born to be a slacker: "As far as I know, teachers are never poor, and they earn money according to their scores, so they don’t dislike earning more!"

Datang No. 1 Workshop: "The grading is still very interesting. The teachers have accepted everyone's supervision, and the teachers with high grades should earn more money!"


In the live broadcast room, people talked a lot, and it was so lively.

At this moment, Teacher Zhu looked at the phone, and then came to Wei Zheng's front: "Prime Minister, excuse me!"

Wei Zheng looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Prime Minister, we should do radio gymnastics!"

Broadcast gymnastics?

Hearing this very fresh word, the live broadcast room boiled again.

These are the people of Datang, who are very unfamiliar with radio gymnastics and don't understand at all.

And this word is rather esoteric, and it seems difficult to understand it literally.

Therefore, netizens asked in the live broadcast room: "Excuse me, what is broadcast gymnastics, please explain!"

Wei Zheng ignored the questions of the netizens, but nodded to Teacher Zhu: "Okay, let's start!"

This is the main purpose of starting a college, and there is no one!

Of course, the children are for those practical majors, all to learn a skill that can be used in the future.

The knowledge that can be used is useful!

What the children didn't know was that Qin Hao summoned the monarchs, and the real purpose of opening the academy was to broadcast gymnastics!

In this way, the brain domain is developed, and the brain domain is cultivated!

Although the children don't know what the brain area is, they are the ones who benefit first!

When the loud man's voice sounded, the children followed the sound strangely. On the tallest tree, there was a guy with a narrow mouth and a wide mouth!


That loud voice is from it.

"what is that?"

The children were very curious and asked one after another.

"It's called a big horn, it's a low-level magic weapon that can amplify people's voices infinitely."

"Big speakers?"

So amazing?

Not only the sound of music came from the loudspeaker, but also the sound of men shouting slogans.

In the beginning, the children didn't know how to do it. They looked at the sports coaches in front of them silly.

Those coaches did very standard movements, stretching their arms, kicking, bending over, and jumping, and they did every move very seriously.

Finally, some children tentatively learned their movements and began to practice.


After taking a few eight beats, some children felt their eyes suddenly light up, and their minds became sober.

They looked around in confusion, as if they were looking a little further than usual!


Although this discovery made the children a little bit happy, they didn't think about radio gymnastics at all.

They just thought, maybe the weather has suddenly changed for the better?

Or maybe the surrounding environment has improved, so their eyes and brains are also better.

The sports coaches did the demonstration from beginning to end seriously.

They were all specially selected by Li Shimin, and their movements were standardized and beautiful.

After selecting them, Li Shimin sent them the action diagram given by Qin Hao.

After a night of practice, they remembered it completely.

Then, they felt a change in their bodies.

This change is obvious, that is, the breathing becomes smoother and the brain is clearer.

Today, in front of the children, they demonstrated again from beginning to end, but the physical changes are even greater!

"Is there a mystery in our radio gymnastics?"

Finally, a smarter sports coach murmured to himself and raised his doubts.

His voice was louder, and he was heard by several people around him, including several children.

"What do you mean?"

The few people asked strangely.

"After I practice radio gymnastics, why does my body feel so comfortable?"

"Oh, you said this, then I have it too!"


"It feels like the pores all over my body are opened, and my breathing is very smooth!"

"But why is this?"

No one answered his question, because at this time, the loud male voice came again: Datang First College's first set of brain training radio gymnastics "The Time Is Calling"!

That section of music that is full of momentum, but has never heard before, once again sounded!

The loud man’s voice shouted loudly again: “Get ready! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, three, three, five, six, seven, eight! Stretching! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... ··Shoulder exercises, chest expansion exercises······Full body exercises, running and jumping exercises!"

When doing exercises for the second time, the children were much better than the last time.

After all, children have a natural love for sports, and this set of radio gymnastics is very suitable for children, with fancy movements and good music.

Children still love to learn.

In addition, there are many children with strong receptive ability and strong physical coordination, and they have learnt in such a short period of time.

This surprised the teachers and coaches alike.

Wei Zheng and the teacher in charge of each class, along with the children's team, came to the playground early, holding their mobile phones to broadcast the scene completely!

Although the children are not very good at it, they try to imitate the movements of the sports coaches with a meticulous look.

Accompanied by the last command in the big horn: "Stop!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room flew again:

"Hmm! This broadcast gymnastics is a bit interesting!"

"Yes, the movements are beautiful and coordinated, and it is not neat at the moment. If you practice for a period of time, it will look good!"

"Hiss——! Can you send less barrage to block the children in the camera!"

"Looking at the kids eating well, living well, and getting fit, I want to go to school!"

"Pull it down, you're the same generation as my aunt, who are properly middle-aged and elderly, what school do you still go to?"

"Hahaha! That's right, when you arrive at the college, the children call you classmate or grandpa?"

"Seriously, what's the use of children doing radio gymnastics? Except for jumping around, it looks useless."

I don't know who it is, he complained on the barrage.

Master Tongtian, Saint Nüwa, and Qin Hao were watching the live broadcast at this time. Seeing this barrage, Master Tongtian was also puzzled: "Disciple, this person is asking the right question. You broadcast gymnastics is very important for cultivating brains. What's the use in terms of domains?"

Without waiting for Qin Hao’s answer, the puzzled Sage Nuwa also said: “Yes, the children are jumping around, and it looks lively, but don’t you want everyone to cultivate their brains? My understanding, The cultivator should be the brain, this one who stretches his arms and kicks his legs has something to do with the brain?"

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