The East China Sea Dragon Palace is magnificent and magnificent, and the perfect maid in the Crystal Palace shuttles through it, and the East China Dragon King smiles at the dancing girls below.

They don't have anything to do in the East China Sea Dragon Palace at all, so they can only mess around like this.


At this moment, Prime Minister Turtle came up and said in a deep voice.


The Dragon King glanced at him and said lightly.

"Report to His Majesty the Dragon King. Just received the news that Young Master Qin Hao's men suddenly came to the East Sea Monster City, as if something was going on."

When Prime Minister Turtle said Qin Hao, his voice was very low and he appeared extremely cautious.

"En? Qin Hao's men?"

The Dragon King froze for a moment, and then asked: "Then what does he do?"

"No, but the behavior is very strange. The minister looked at it and didn't know what they were doing!"

As Prime Minister Turtle said, his eyes were filled with confusion.

The Dragon King pondered for a while, although he was just one of Qin Hao's subordinates, and logically speaking, he didn't need his attention at all, but it was Qin Hao's concern, and everything should be cautious.

It was a bomb, and he didn't want that guy's subordinates to have trouble here.

Moreover, since his subordinates can appear here, it must be Qin Hao's instruction!

Waved to let those dancing girls go down, only him and Prime Minister Kame were left in the hall.

A mirror appeared in front of the two of them, and the figure of Niu Er appeared in the mirror.

"Well, it's just a little demon who hasn't reached the immortal yet."

The Dragon King saw through the opponent's cultivation base at a glance, and then the mirror turned, and a picture appeared again.

I saw that this picture is a bit dark, but there are many little demons, but they are all busy with one thing, that is, printing paper!

Seeing this scene, the Dragon King and Prime Minister Tortoise looked at each other, a little puzzled, and didn't know what these little monsters were doing.

The angle of view narrowed, and then both of them were stunned, even a little bit incredulous.

"Well, let them make trouble, as long as they don't harm the little demons in the Demon City, just do it!"

After a long silence, the Dragon King stroked his long beard and said lightly.

But if you look closely, you can see that his hands are shaking slightly, as if extremely agitated.

"Yes, the minister obeys the order!"

Prime Minister Turtle also had a strange expression, and then nodded and went on.

"What exactly does Qin Hao want to do? Little monsters are everywhere, so why not come to my East Sea Monster City to pull people?"

The Dragon King looked puzzled. According to reason, there are not many other things in this world, but the little monsters are everywhere, and Qin Hao is good enough to send a little monster to the East Sea Monster City to pull people?

Isn't this nonsense?

Immediately, he forgot about this matter. Even if Qin Hao took away some little monsters, it was nothing to the East Sea Monster City of Nuo Da. The most important thing was that he believed that it was missing. How much will be added in the end.


As night fell, on this day, all the monster races returned to their homes, and they were busy all day. Everyone was very exhausted, both physically and mentally. Therefore, most people basically fell asleep.

It was getting darker and darker, but suddenly, some people appeared on this empty street. As these people appeared, more and more little monsters appeared on the street. They were dressed in black and acted. Somewhat weird.

"Big brother, the job we received this time is not bad, very easy!"

"Hey, that's for sure, thinking about the taste of the white rabbit toffee, I'm so excited, it's really memorable. I heard that there are so many in the Yujing Demon City. After finishing this work, we will work together. Follow Niu Er's boss to Yujing Demon City."

"Stop talking, start now!"

With some dialogue, many dark shadows scattered, and every household started to act.

Here, every household is a fence made of wood, but any little demon can easily jump in. When I see a dark shadow, I don’t know what is posted on the wall, even the chicken coop. I posted it all over again in places like kennels.

The night is getting darker and darker, as if it is a perfect cover for those dark shadows.

It wasn't until the early morning that these dark shadows slowly disappeared, and soon after a new day came, the sun slowly rose, shining on the earth, making people warm.


Hu Da is a tiger demon, relying on his body, among the many workers, he is still very capable, so he can be regarded as a small amount of money. On this day, he just got up, walked out of the room, wanted to wash, and then went to work. live.

However, at the moment he had just left the house, he was directly stunned, and a pair of tiger eyes were filled with a dazed look.

At first glance, there were papers everywhere, and even the door of his room was stuck with paper.

Hu Da saw this scene, and his heart suddenly became angry. Who is this?

Is there any more ethics?

It's so wicked!

"What the **** is this?"

Hu Daqiang held back his anger, took one down and took a look, and was stunned again.

I saw that there seemed to be something written on it, but it was a pity that he didn't understand words!

"Ah!! Who is it? Which **** is actually putting them on my doghouse? Is there any humanity?"

At this moment, there was a terrifying roar next to him, as if it was about to blow up the sky.

Hu Dalian hurriedly looked, and saw the opposite house, there were such papers everywhere, even on the fence at the door and the gate at the door. There was no humanity!

Huda saw this scene, his face suddenly showed an expression of behavior, at least, his own home is OK, not so excessive!

Turning his gaze slightly, he saw a scene that surprised him. Some papers were posted on the well of his house, and even his dog had it!

Tiger: "..."

At this moment, his mood was very complicated. If he were to let him know who did this, he would have to kill the other person. It was too much!

"Brother Tiger, are you the same?"

A person walked slowly across, and saw that this person was a little thin, but his eyes were a bit fierce.

"Hehe, Brother Leopard, do you know what's up here?"

Hu Da heard the words and smiled slightly, and at this time, with the arrival of Brother Leopard, the door opened, and at a glance, what papers are even on the ground on the street, you can say, at a glance, you can See these things in any corner.

For a while, Hu Da was speechless.

"Get to know some, it seems to be saying that the Yujing Demon City recruits demon races. The treatment is very good. You can take care of food and housing. If you want to go, sign up!"

Brother Leopard heard the words and glanced down.

Huda lowered his head subconsciously, almost laughing to death, because even Brother Leopard had one on his pants, so you can see it when you lower your head!

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