"Yujing Demon City? I seem to have heard of it, but I don't know where it is!"

Tiger thought for a while, and said in deep thought.

"The owner of the shop not far away understands words, let's go and ask!"

The two said that they turned around and left. What they didn't see was that there was even a piece of paper hanging on their backs.

This day was very cruel to the little demon in the East Sea Monster City, because after they got up this morning, they found that the world had changed, and the changes were very great, and they no longer knew the world at all.

Small advertisements are everywhere, the chicken coop, the dog's body, the fence at the door, the door, and even a little too much, even on their own body!

Even, bad remarks have appeared, saying that the East Sea Monster City is being targeted by some major force. This is to make trouble.

With the emergence of some rumors, the little demons panicked, because the East China Sea has never appeared to explain anything, or even as if they didn’t know at all.


At the entrance of Tongfu Inn, a lot of demons gathered here at this time. Most of the little demons are not very literate. They have some knowledge, but they only move a little.

The owner of Tongfu Inn is very powerful. He has a somewhat high cultivation base, so he basically knows most of the human fonts.

"Old Wu, what do you mean by this?"

"Yeah, it's been everywhere since early morning, it's scary, but we don't know the words!"

"Hey, I have this thing in my well!"

Many demons looked at Old Wu with helpless expressions.

They are just a group of little monsters, they can do their work every day, and now they are well, they are in bed together, and there are such things everywhere. It's so scary!

"Well, you can!"

Old Wu smiled and nodded, then looked at the advertisements with a weird face, and said softly: "The meaning of this is that the Yujing Demon City recruits little monsters, but anyone who goes now will take care of food and shelter, and work is not enough. Tired, even paid a lot of wages."


All the little demons looked incredulous when they heard this.

And also pay the wages?

There are still such good things in the world?

It should be noted that they have only one job, that is, work to pay, or take care of food, choose one of the two, as for the other, don't think about it.

But Yaozu eats a lot, so basically the wages are the money for the meals.

And now, if you take care of your food, you can pay back?

"Where is the Yujing Demon City?"

Many little demons were suddenly excited, and hurriedly asked.

"This...it's not written on it, but it says that you can gather at the gate of the city. In other words, as long as you want to go, you can go to the gate of the city now. There should be someone waiting there!"

Old Wu looked down and said with a weird expression.

In fact, he didn't have some words at all. It wasn't about hiding anything, but the writing on it was weird.

"Yujing Demon City, recruiting little monsters and human races, no one refuses to come, as many as you want, here you have everything you want, whether it's work, food, drink or shelter, it will arrange for you clearly, even, just Even the wife can’t talk about it, what are you waiting for? It’s better to take action!"

This is just a simple introduction, and there are other bells and whistles.

"Yujing Demon City, the home of the little demon!"

"Yujing Demon City, a stable home, where there are all kinds of the best food in the world, only you can't think of it, there is nothing that is not here!"

However, in general, it is the Yujing Demon City that is looking for the little demon to join.

Looking at the little demons who left with excitement, Old Wu hesitated. If it were normal advertisements, he would still believe some, but these advertisements are too unreliable!

It's so bells and whistles to the sky!

After a moment of contemplation, Old Wu gritted his teeth and followed the little demons to the gate of the city.

At this moment, most of the little monsters in the East China Sea had already moved after hearing the wind, and they were not fools, of course, they would go wherever it is good!


Outside the Demon City, Niu Er was wearing a suit and sunglasses. In front of him was a small table with a notebook and a pen, and he was sitting leisurely on a stool.

Behind him, stood a group of big men in black, everyone in suits and sunglasses, just looking from a distance, there was an inexplicable sense of oppression.

These people are all his former brothers. Since they are brothers, they naturally have to give some benefits.

Otherwise, why should people do things for him?

"Huh? Coming?"

At this moment, Niu Er's face changed slightly and became serious. Even the group of people behind him was slightly nervous. When have they seen such a scene?

But I don't know why, there is some excitement in their hearts.


At this moment, the city gate opened, and a large number of little demons poured out. From a distance, it looked like a sea wave, and the momentum was very scary.

Even Niu Er, looking at a group of little demons coming towards him, his face was slightly ugly.

"Here, here!"

"Wow, is this the registration office?"

"Look, what are they wearing? They are so handsome!"

"Tsk tsk, this looks like a rich man, I believe it, I really believe it!"

A group of little monsters quickly ran in front of Niu Er, and everyone's expressions were extremely excited.

"Brother, I want to register, I want to register, I want to go to Yujing Demon City!"

"I want to sign up too!"

The scene was chaotic for a while, and it was even somewhat uncontrollable.

Niu Er quickly pressed his hand to quiet everyone.

"Ahem, you must have seen the advertisement? Yes, the Jade City is recruiting monsters, and as long as it is successfully recruited, it will give you twelve taels of gold, how about it? Are you very excited?"

As soon as these words came out, all the little demons breathed heavy-heavy, and their eyes flushed red.

Twelve taels of gold will be given as long as the recruitment is successful?

This is incredible!

"And don't worry, as long as you have no physical problems, you are not a fool, and can work, you will be recruited. There is no limit on the number of people, so don't worry, sign up quietly!"

Niu Er looked at the blushing faces of a group of little demons, and quickly comforted him, for fear that these guys would fight in the next moment.

Sure enough, when he heard this, many little demons suddenly became quiet.

Can you be recruited as long as you have no physical problems?

Then they must have no problem!

"Big Pig, what are you waiting for? Remember their names, and then let's go together!"

Niu Er looked at the little monsters who couldn't see the side, and quickly changed the color to Big Pig, with a smile on his face.

He knew that this thing had already been done.

There are at least tens of thousands of these little monsters. If you add their family members, then there are tens of thousands, tens of thousands!

Just one thousand yuan per person, that is a sky-high price!

Made a fortune!

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