"I have to say that Nezha is really smart. Although he didn't perform very well at the beginning, he has adapted now!"

"Yes, Yang Jian has his own path to follow. With the help of those high-ranking officials, it is very simple to inquire about the news, and Nezha, although the resources in his hand are lagging behind, they also have their own path! "

Everyone looked at Nezha and asked, and they were suddenly amazed!

After all, they are gods and they certainly cannot adapt to the lives of mortals, but now, they have adapted to the life of their hearts in just two days, and they have to be convinced!

"Little sir, your question is a bit strange, but if you want to talk about it, there are still a lot of strange things. For example, the son of the old man Wang used to study very well, but he doesn’t know why this time. I was actually taught by Mr.!"

"Yes, yeah, who else's..."

Although the two women didn't quite understand what Nezha meant, they still talked about it.

Nezha didn't feel disgusted either, but listened carefully.

However, with more and more information, his brows frowned, because he found that these things are all short of some parents, and there is no useful information!

"Ahem, two, it's okay, this is your money. In addition, what I want to ask is, things that shouldn't appear, people or other dead things, not all these miscellaneous things, if you can give me For more information, you can come to the inn to find me!"

Nezha hurriedly interrupted the two chattering people and chuckled: "But next time, there must be useful news, not this kind of short stuff among parents. Of course, I will give you more money, 50 texts per message. If it is determined to be useful information, then I will pay you fifty taels of silver!"


Upon hearing this, the eyes of the two women suddenly shined, and they said in shock.

"Of course, well, you can now ask others and remember that it is useful information, not those parents' shortcomings!"

Nezha nodded, not paying attention, as if I was very rich.

"Okay, don't worry, little sir, we will be able to find out soon!"

The two women smiled and left with ten cents. Of course, it was ten cents for one person, which was very good.

"Hey, it's a pity, if the Jianglong Arhat appeared here, he might be pointed out directly!"

"Yes, but I have to say that this is also the cleverness of Jianglong Arhat. He just wanders around in the inn. Where is the inn? Those who are usually home with some money often go there, and then some businessmen, they Well-informed, I don’t think a monk is so strange!"

"Yeah, if it were for these ordinary people to see, it would be completely different!"

In the live broadcast room, everyone felt a pity, which is why Jianglong Luohan was in the inn, and no one thought he was strange.

Because those who can eat in it are rich and powerful people, as well as businessmen, they are knowledgeable, so monks are nothing.

But if it is seen by ordinary people who have never seen a monk, it is a very strange existence.

Nezha watched the two women leave, shook his head helplessly, and then again looked for someone who seemed well informed on the side of the road to inquire.

His method is still very effective, although nothing can be seen in a short time.

But there are so many people!


The screen turned and looked at Hong Haier. Hong Haier was different from Yang Jian and Nezha. He was starving!

But he doesn't have much money yet, which is very uncomfortable!

"Hey, Wucao, I knew I should choose a hundred taels of silver, instead of choosing which thing to summon the government, this thing has a shit!"

Hong Haier muttered as he walked, but soon, he rolled his eyes and came to a pawned place.

"Misty Grass, no, is this guy selling his clothes?"

"Uh, what I have to say is that this guy's clothes are very valuable. Although all the formations on it are sealed, the materials themselves are very valuable!"

Everyone was almost dumbfounded when they saw this scene. This red boy is really a bit awesome. People are doing tasks directly, but he is very good, selling clothes directly!

Then everyone saw that Red Boy's clothes were still very valuable, and they sold a hundred taels of silver!

"Fogcao, 6666! This routine is amazing!"

"But by the way, is Red Boy's clothes worth a hundred taels? Isn't that right?"

"I also feel that something is wrong. Logically speaking, this is the second generation. His clothes and materials are all things that are only available in the sky. How can this money be?"

"Maybe it was Mr. Qin Hao who moved his hands and feet and said it is not necessarily true!"

Not only was everyone confused, even Red Boy himself was a little confused.

Logically speaking, his clothes are not worth ten thousand taels of gold, but there are still several thousand taels of gold, but now he has only got one hundred taels of silver!

This makes people wonder. The most important thing is that he walked several pawns, and they were all at this price!

It's as if it was negotiated!

In the end, he could only attribute this weird thing to Qin Hao.

If it hadn't been for Qin Hao to intervene, it couldn't have been this way!

"Forget it, just have money, haha, I'm still smart, you don't give me the money, I will make it myself!"

Red boy's excited little face flushed.

However, what he didn't know was that at this time in the heavenly court, the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan almost flashed to the waist when they watched this set of actions by their son.

What a shame!

I'm ashamed and thrown home!

Take a look at Nezha, and just start to do the task, but what about their son?

Actually go to sell clothes!

The most embarrassing thing was that Qin Hao seemed to have guessed that there would be such an appearance a long time ago, and then notified the bosses of the pawns, so this was only a hundred taels of silver!


If Qin Hao hadn't guessed, they would think that his son was still very smart.

No money, just make it yourself!

But everyone has guessed it all, and the meaning is completely different!

It's like, if you want to cheat, you just poked your **** and the teacher knew what you were going to do.

"Hehe, you two don't have to be like this, Red Boy is only a child after all!"

The Jade Emperor looked at the expressions of the two of them, then looked at the performance of Nezha and Yang Jian, and he was immediately happy.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Look at the gods in their Heavenly Court. Although they are all second-generation, no matter whether it is quality or practical ability, they are not comparable to the second-generation of this monster race!

This is the gap!

However, the next set of Red Boy's operations made everyone dumbfounded.

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