I saw Hong Haier directly holding a hundred taels of freshly baked silver, and then plunged into an inn!


With a cry from Hong Haier, Xiao Er immediately started serving dishes, and all kinds of exquisite dishes were placed on the table.

Hong Hai'er was not welcome, and immediately began to behave stubbornly.

"Fur Grass, don't tell me, he exchanged a hundred taels of silver, just to eat a meal?"

"This operation makes my scalp numb!"

"Finally, with a hundred taels of silver, is this guy wasted on eating?"

"The prodigal, the prodigal, this table of dishes, to say that you have to have eight or ninety taels of silver, it is estimated that this guy will not have a very good life in the future!"

"Hahaha, in fact, it is understandable, after all, it is a child!"

Everyone burst into laughter when they watched Red Boy eat Hesai.

This guy is really amazing. He uses the money he exchanged for his clothes to eat!

Very beautiful!

Bull Demon King: "......"

Princess Iron Fan: "......"

Don't know why, they now want to kill their son directly.

What a shame!

Both Nezha and Yang Jian have already begun to take action, and their son, who has just started to exchange clothes, is fair enough. After all, there is no money and it is impossible to move in the mortal world.

However, using this money for food is going to heaven!


The Bull Demon sighed, his eyes a little complicated.

He hadn't really noticed before that his son was so unimpressive!

"Hehe, you two don't have to be like this, he is still a child after all!"

"Yes, yes, I was hungry for a day and a night. Although I ate a lot of wild fruits during the journey, there was not much energy in that thing. For the child, there was no supplement at all!"

Many gods were holding back a smile, but their faces were calmly comforting.

At least, they are still very happy in their hearts.

As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison. Only with a Caipi player like Honghaier can the brilliance of Yang Jian and Nezha be reflected!

Bull Demon King: "......"

Princess Iron Fan: "......"

The faces of the two were even more ugly.

Although your comforting look is really sincere, but your smiling look really owes you a lot!

Do you think I have no temper?


The Bull Demon snorted coldly.

Soon, Hong Haier had a satisfying meal, patted his stomach, and yelled: "Check out!"

"Hello, guest officer, you have spent a total of ninety-eight taels of silver, and there are some fractions left that will not be calculated for you. Look..."

Dian Xiaoer walked forward with a smile, and said respectfully.

This is a big customer!

"Ninety-eight taels of silver?"

Hong Haier's face changed slightly, so expensive?

Of course, if it were him before, he would naturally not feel expensive, but now, he only has one hundred taels of silver!

This is very expensive!

"What do you mean?"

Dian Xiaoer's eyes looked at him suddenly became vigilant, but his face still had a smile.

But the steps under his feet had already blocked the escape route of Red Boy.

"Haha, after eating ninety-eight taels of silver for a meal, only two taels of silver are left. I see what this guy will do next!"

"Uh, don't you think this is a black shop? Such an expensive thing?"

"In fact, it's normal. You can see what he has eaten! Bear paws and velvet antler are all high-end ingredients. People are already very conscientious. Of course, this is also related to that region."

"If it's in Datang, it will definitely be cheaper, but this is Beiju Luzhou. It is normal for these things to be more expensive!"

Seeing this barrage, everyone discovered that the top ingredients on the table of Red Boy is really not a black shop, but rather a very conscientious one! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Huh, it's just ninety-eight taels, here's the money!"

Hong Hai'er snorted coldly and checked out and left.

"The guest officer has time to come often!"

The shop Xiaoer smiled and waved a small handkerchief.

Hong Haier's face turned dark, this time, I am afraid that he will never come!

Because I can't afford it!

And what happened next was even more ridiculous. In the evening, Red Boy was tangled in the place where he lived, but under the clothes, he found that his money was gone!

"Misty grass, where's my money?"

Hong Hai'er was shocked, and he only had two ounces of silver!

If he loses it, he will really sleep on the street!

"Hahaha, I saw it, it was stolen by a thief!"

"Tsk tusk, this guy is really unlucky enough, it really gets stuck between his teeth when he drinks cold water!"

"That thief is also quite ridiculous. He actually stole money from the gods. If he knew it, he would have the thought of crying!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room laughed. They saw a thief steal money from Red Boy.

The Red Boy without mana is naturally unable to sense it, and even he does not have a defensive mind at all!

It's very simple, it's habit!

In the past, there was mana in the body, as long as someone approached, or even someone holding a bad mind, he could directly sense it, and naturally, there was no need to guard against others! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

But now, he has no mana, but still holds this mind, he is not unlucky who is unlucky?

Looking at the breezy night sky, the red boy wanted to cry without tears!

Helpless, I could only find a corner of shelter from the wind, and fell asleep bitterly.

In contrast, Nezha and Yang Jian are much more comfortable, and Yang Jian lives in the homes of those dignitaries.

And Nezha, it's simpler, living in a simple guest room is not expensive, after all, it is to save money!

But at least there is still a place to live, Red Boy is more miserable!

Early the next morning, Hong Haier felt a little hungry, but he still had no money.

Inadvertently, he saw a beggar on the side of the road, begging!

His expression moved slightly, and he looked down at his clothes, which was just the simplest set of coarse linen.

He didn't know how to wear it before, but now, some wear it well!

"You said, he won't be!"

"Misty grass Misty grass, he really went!"

In the live broadcast room, everyone exclaimed, everyone couldn't believe their eyes!

Because they saw that Hong Haier came directly to the beggar's neighborhood, found a place, and then sat down like that.

There is a worn-out porcelain bowl in front of you!


Everyone: "......"

Jade Emperor: "......"

Bull Demon King: "......"

Princess Iron Fan: "......"

This moment is the highlight moment of Red Boy, his peak moment!

He shocked the entire Three Realms!

A dignified second generation of immortals, grandson of the ancestor of Styx, went to the street to beg for food!

My Nima!


"Otherwise, are we still having a baby?"

Princess Iron Fan whispered.

Bull Demon King: "......"

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