Journey to the West: My Weird Daughter is Monk Tang

Journey to the West: My Weird Daughter is Monk Tang


74 Chapters Ongoing Status

Story of: Journey to the West: My Weird Daughter is Monk Tang

Traveling through the world of Journey to the West, Li Liuyun found himself standing on Chang'an Street, in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

In the attic, a beautiful woman w


Story of: Journey to the West: My Weird Daughter is Monk Tang

Traveling through the world of Journey to the West, Li Liuyun found himself standing on Chang'an Street, in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

In the attic, a beautiful woman with extraordinary beauty was throwing a bouquet of flowers.

Soon a top scholar riding a fast horse came over. He was so proud of himself that he rode his horse at the top of its gallop, and saw all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

Huh?! The plot seems familiar.

The selection system came suddenly and caught us off guard!

"Choose one, follow Chen Guangrui and help him get the hydrangea. Mission completed, reward is the Wild Tower."

"Choose two, stop Chen Guangrui from getting the hydrangea. Complete the task and you will be rewarded with the Buddha's Wrath Lotus."

"Choose three, the host will get the hydrangea himself, marry Yin Wenjiao, and be rewarded with a treasure chest."

I am the mother who chose to sleep with Tang Seng and become his father.

Or choose to become Tang Seng's master?

Waiting online, very anxious, what should I do?


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