The king of the world was in chaos, and the king of the world was in chaos.

Princess Wansheng's face froze, and there was a clear fluctuation in her beautiful eyes.

She couldn't figure out how Ye Qingzhou found the holy product Nine-Leaf Ganoderma Lucidum. Of course, this was not important. Stealing the treasure of the Queen Mother was a serious crime that violated the heavenly law. If caught, there would be only one outcome, to be executed on the Immortal Execution Platform, and even relatives might be implicated.

After a short silence, Princess Wansheng shook her head: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Ye Qingzhou was slightly stunned and couldn't help frowning.

Princess Wansheng pointedly said: "My dragon clan was once the overlord of heaven and earth. Our bloodline was inherited from the Chaos God and Demon Dragon. Even though we have fallen now, we still inherited many magical powers. When I was six years old, I awakened the true dragon magic and hid my body. If I really wanted to steal something, no one in the world would find out."

She was admitting in disguise that she had stolen the Nine-Leaf Ganoderma Lucidum.

But at the same time, she also expressed her attitude. She didn't want Ye Qingzhou to participate in this matter.

"Then...what are your plans next?"

Ye Qingzhou smiled bitterly. A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea. He didn't understand why Princess Wansheng was like this, but he could only respect her ideas. If the original fate line was followed, the unsolved case of the holy product Nine-Leaf Ganoderma Lucidum would not be solved until hundreds of years later, and the little princess would be safe for the time being.

"Of course, I will go back to Bibotan." Princess Wansheng said as a matter of course.

"What about you? Now you are being hunted by the Bull Demon King Nine-headed Insect and... my father. Are you going to stay in Northern Julu Continent to practice?"

Ye Qingzhou shook his head: "At most ten years, I will go back to Southern Jambu Continent. As for what will happen next, I have no plan yet. You are injured, so go back after you recover."


In the next few days, Ye Qingzhou used his "Heavenly Pharmacopoeia" to treat Princess Wansheng. Although he refined many elixirs, some injuries still need to be treated with the right medicine. The two of them kept a low profile and moved around the Tiandu Pond, picking herbs and cleaning up some small demons.

It took six or seven days to finally collect all the herbs needed.

In a cave somewhere, Ye Qingzhou operated the spell, using the three elements of essence, energy and spirit as materials to condense the furnace of life and put Princess Wansheng in it.

This furnace can reverse life and death, and it is almost omnipotent. Ye Qingzhou wants to refine the effects of many medicinal materials into Princess Wansheng's body to help her recover from her injuries. If she refined the essence of the medicine by herself, it would take at least several decades to recover her vitality.


The flames in the furnace rose up and enveloped Princess Wansheng, but she did not feel any burning pain. Instead, she felt her whole body was transparent and a stream of heat was constantly injected into her body.

In just two hours, her injuries were completely healed.

"This... is such a magical method!" Princess Wansheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ye Qingzhou looked calm: "This method is called the Life Furnace. If you accompany me to practice for a while, you may not be unable to learn it."

The practice of the two was naturally not an ordinary practice, but a method for men and women to practice together. Ye Qingzhou was just fooling Princess Wanshen. The Life Furnace is a method, but it is not a pure method. Its root is the Hongmeng Pearl. Only Ye Qingzhou can use it in this world.

"No need." Princess Wansheng's pretty face flew over a touch of red clouds.

She looked back at Ye Qingzhou, and the two of them were speechless. After a long silence, she said, "My injuries are completely healed, and it's time to go."



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