The uncle Yi Zhonghai waited for a long time before looking at Xu Damao, and said seriously: "Da Mao, tell the truth to the uncle, have you been involved in this matter? There is really no one behind it." participate?"

"Absolutely not!"

Hearing what the great master Yi Zhonghai said, Xu Damao looked serious: "If you don't believe me, ask Liu Guangfu."

As he spoke, he pointed to Liu Guangfu next to him.

But when he turned his head, he didn't see Liu Guangfu, and he was taken aback immediately: "Where is Liu Guangfu?"

"Yes, where is Liu Guangfu?"

Qin Jingru and the others also quickly looked around to see where Liu Guangfu was.


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Chapter 262


Seeing Liu Guangfu who was no longer there, Qin Jingru snorted coldly: "Do you still need to think about it? He must have run away. If something has no conscience, it will be wiped out if something happens, and you won't even pay the money."

"The child has been scared out of sight."

Elder Yi Zhonghai, who was sitting in a wheelchair, shook his head when he saw Liu Guangfu who had quietly escaped.

Then he looked at Xu Damao again, and said with a serious face: "I ask you, did you participate?"

While speaking, Yi Zhonghai fixed his eyes on Xu Damao, intending to see through Xu Damao's disguise.

"I really didn't participate!"

Hearing Yi Zhonghai asking himself again, Xu Damao looked unhappy and said in a bad mood: "My lord, I have already said that I really didn't participate, why don't you believe me? I just want to participate, but I can't participate, Liu Guangfu That bastard didn't take me to play either."


Hearing Xu Damao's words, the elder Yi Zhonghai looked at Xu Damao for a long time, then looked away, sighed, and did not speak again.

At this moment, Liu Guangfu, who was running away, was already galloping, rolling and crawling, and fled back to his home in the courtyard in embarrassment.

In the courtyard, the lights in his house were still on, and his wife was still in the house.

Liu Guangfu pushed open the door in embarrassment, then closed it, panting heavily.

"What happened!"

Seeing Liu Guangfu who fled back in a panic, Liu Guangfu's wife hurriedly said, "I'm in such a panic, what should I do? Why didn't I come back with you?"

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

Liu Guangfu, who came home, hurriedly said: "This time my father and my brother are all finished, you hurry up and pack up the things in the house, let's move back to our own home quickly, we can't stay here anymore, if we want to occupy five points here Zero three is cheap, that means there are no doors!"

"In this situation, my parents are hospitalized, so I can only throw money into it. There is nothing else to do except throwing money."


Seeing Liu Guangfu's anxiety and hearing Liu Guangfu's words, Liu Guangfu's wife dared not believe it: "Is it true, is it such a big deal?"

"Big, not just a little bit big, but terribly big."

Liu Guangfu hurriedly said: "Maybe, I might go in too. Come on, let's pack up now, and I'll tell you slowly later, let's pack up together, and try to return to our own home by tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

Seeing that her husband didn't seem to be joking, Liu Guangfu's wife also knew that something was wrong, so she immediately put on her clothes and began to pack up.

Then he ran away overnight and left the courtyard.

Silent all night.

The next day, the sun rose in the east, and the sun hung high, casting endless rays of light.

He Yuzhu got up refreshed, pinched Ran Qiuye's nose next to him, and then got up to make breakfast with a smile.

After breakfast, all the girls got up and began to eat food. After eating and drinking enough, they all started to leave one by one.

Now the new flavor of instant noodles, the new flavor of ham sausage, and other things keep them busy.

For them, it is very good to be able to take a day or two off and let an assistant help them deal with it.

When the girls went out, He Yuzhu also walked out of the backyard, came to the middle courtyard, and saw that the door of Xu Damao's house was closed and locked.

He Yuzhu knew that Xu Damao did not come back last night.

It seems that I can't call the special team for a short time, otherwise Xu Damao would call the special team when he was at home, and come directly to check, the simplest thing.

Thinking that the second uncle and the second aunt were hospitalized last night, Xu Damao must have paid for it.


Thinking of this, He Yuzhu smiled contemptuously, Xu Damao thought his work was perfect.

"Master He, good morning."

Seeing He Yuzhu who came to the middle courtyard, other residents of the middle courtyard were holding bowls and eating breakfast outside. After seeing He Yuzhu, they immediately greeted with a smile.


He Yuzhu greeted with a smile.

"Master He, you know what happened last night."

An old lady was washing clothes in the middle courtyard, while laughing and said: "Let me tell you, something big happened last night."

"I know."

He Yuzhu smiled and nodded upon hearing the old lady's words: "I was there yesterday and saw everything."

"This Liu Haizhong family's money really came from a wrong path."

"Who says it's not, it's all right now, it's all in at once."

"The second aunt and the second uncle are both hospitalized. I woke up this morning and saw that Liu Guangfu's room was empty. He obviously ran away overnight."

"It's really a cold tea. This unfilial son came back as soon as he saw that I was rich. He flattered him as much as he wanted. It's really strange that he ran away overnight without money in this incident."

"Oh, it's really miserable to have such a white-eyed wolf son."


As the old lady spoke, other people in the Central Plains also spoke.

Those who spoke came from the backyard. Everyone was usually chatting. They washed the dishes in the morning, or came out to eat with the bowls in their hands, or did the laundry, and they all chatted.

For them, what happened last night is a big deal, and it can become a topic of conversation and talk about it constantly.

"Guangfu, Guangfu!"

At this time, a hasty shout sounded.

It was Liu Guangtian who came back from the outside. As he stepped into the middle courtyard and walked towards Liu Guangfu's house, he said unhappily: "Okay, you kid ran away, let me take the thunder."

After saying that, he directly kicked Liu Guangfu's door open.

But Liu Guangfu's door was ajar, and Liu Guangtian kicked it open.

When he saw that all the furniture inside was gone and it was empty, he was taken aback for a moment.

What about people?


He hurried back to the main house again, and hurriedly said, "Dad, Mom?"

Even if he entered the house, he didn't have his own parents, so he panicked.

What about this person?

At that moment, he hurriedly came to the outside of the middle courtyard, and hurriedly said: "Everyone, you know where my brother Liu Guangfu has gone, and where my parents have gone."

"I said Liu Guangtian, what are you pretending to be?"

Hearing Liu Guangtian's words, the old lady who did the laundry suddenly laughed and said, "Your family has an accident in business, and the whole hospital knows about it. Last night Liu Guangfu came back to inform your parents, but your parents were all down. It was Xu Damao who called and sent him to the hospital."

"I went together with your younger brother Liu Guangfu, Qin Huairu's family, and that Yi Zhonghai. They didn't come back all night."

"On the contrary, that kid Liu Guangfu came back and packed up his house overnight and ran away. We also saw his house concealed in the morning."


Hearing this, Liu Guangtian's face changed greatly: "I don't know about this. I was taken away last night, but I was locked up overnight. I just came back this morning, so I don't know anything."


After speaking, Liu Guangtian scolded Liu Guangfu angrily.

I was arrested last night, but Liu Guangfu was not arrested because he ran fast.

He, Yan Jiecheng and others were arrested and locked up overnight.

After I came out, I didn't know until I got home that Liu Guangfu actually ran away overnight, and his parents are still in the hospital.

"Okay, stop scolding."

The old lady who did the laundry smiled and said: "Your parents are hospitalized now, but Xu Damao paid in advance. The money has to be paid back. Now that they are hospitalized, you still have to use the money to find your parents. You should hurry up and get the money." , your parents are still waiting for you in the hospital."

"Where did I get the money?"

Hearing this, Liu Guangtian immediately looked dissatisfied: "I just got out of the prison, and all my money was fined and confiscated. I don't have any money anymore?"

"Then your parents live in the hospital, so they can't be left alone."

"That's right, Xu Damao will advance the money for your parents. You must not advance the money every day."

"That's to say, I don't think Xu Damao is too bad. I guess he won't charge Liu Haizhong and Er Da Niang for hospital expenses."

"Almost, I wouldn't want to replace me."


A group of people were talking about it, and Liu Guangtian's expression turned ugly. He frowned and said, "It has nothing to do with me, I don't have any money."

"Great, Liu Guangtian, you figured it out, and I happened to be looking for you."

At this time, a voice of surprise and surprise sounded, it was Qin Jingru's voice.

Qin Jingru walked away from the outside, and said to Liu Guangtian: "Xu Damao and the uncle asked me to inform you, let you take the money to the inpatient department to pay your parents, our Damao has already paid for the emergency treatment last night , it’s impossible to pay for your family anymore, your family’s work is not authentic, and our Da Mao’s family will not be involved in business.”

"I just came back this morning to see if you came back. Now that I'm back, I just want to let you know."

"I do not have money."

Seeing Qin Jingru who came back, Liu Guangtian was immediately dissatisfied and said, "Let them find my elder brother."

"Master Yi Zhonghai called your elder brother last night, but your elder brother said that he doesn't care about family affairs, as long as it's about your Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, he doesn't care at all!"


Hearing Qin Jingru's words, Liu Guangtian was furious: "They don't care, and I don't care, you can go to whomever you like."


Seeing the furious Liu Guangtian, Qin Jingru was stunned: "What are you talking about? That's your own parents, and I also want to inform you that my family will pay for your parents. How do you treat me like this? You You white-eyed wolf, our family, Da Mao, paid for your family in advance..."

"I don't have any money with my parents, grandparents, do you know if I don't have money? What do I do if I don't have money!"

Liu Guangtian snorted coldly and said: "You don't care, in this courtyard, you can go to whomever you like, and I didn't ask you Xu Damao's family to pay Liu Guangtian in advance. It was your own voluntary behavior. When I wake up, You can ask him for it, ask me for it? Dreaming, big deal, I won’t be his son of Lao Liu.”

After speaking, Liu Guangtian turned around and entered the room.

Liu Guangfu left, and he had to leave too, otherwise staying here would be impossible.


"This Liu Guangtian is really a beast, white-eyed wolf."

"Second uncle's family is too miserable. This is an unfilial son."

"Who said it wasn't? The son of Lao Liu's family ran away before. He got rich in Lao Liu, and he came back in a hurry. It turned out that he was doing unscrupulous business and suddenly ran out of money. This son just ran away. Yes, it's really a white-eyed wolf."

"Yeah, if the old Liu's family is rich, it's fine if he doesn't come back, but he's back, and now he's running away because his father has no money. He really has no conscience."

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