
Hearing Liu Guangtian's words, the surrounding people in the courtyard shook their heads one by one.

They did not expect that Liu Guangtian was such a person.

Soon, in their eyes, Liu Guangtian came out of the house with a bag and left.


Seeing Liu Guangtian who packed up his things and left, Qin Jingru snorted coldly: "I just let you know, and I even got angry. I really don't know if Liu Haizhong will be pissed to death."

Qin Jingru didn't know that the situation in the second uncle's house was a complete set designed by Xu Damao.

Xu Damao didn't tell her about it either.

Afterwards, Qin Jingru also left.

Seeing this, seeing that there was no more excitement to watch, everyone gradually dispersed, and then went to work one by one.

He Yuzhu also went out to see Sophora japonica at Xu Huizhen's side.

Right now, on the other side.

inpatient department.

Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law sent the third master Yan Bugui and the third mother to the hospital overnight, barely paying the diagnosis fee.

Fortunately, it was just ordinary dizziness, but just in case, I still need to be hospitalized for examination.

They also had no money for hospitalization, so they notified their younger siblings overnight.

Yan Jiefang, Yan Jiekuang, and Yan Jiedi.

"I called you here today to discuss the hospitalization expenses of my parents."

Yan Jiecheng looked at the third sibling and said, "Mom just experienced dizziness after this incident, but she also found a tumor. Whether the tumor is benign or malignant can only be found out after surgery. Dad's body is also It’s not good, but it’s not a serious problem, and it’s estimated that I’ll be discharged from the hospital after a day or two.”

"What I bring to everyone now is to share the treatment expenses, hospitalization expenses, and surgery expenses."

"Originally, there would be no problem with my parents, but this time when something happened, my parents took all their savings, and we all need to bear it together."

"As for me, my business was ruined, I lost all my money, and I can't get any money back. This time, it's all up to you."

As he spoke, he sat down, seemingly irrelevant.

After Yan Jiefang heard this, he immediately sneered and said: "My brother, the matter of taking the money is the matter of taking the money. Now we need to clarify one thing first. Parents are doing business this time, are they the two of you? How could you lose so badly."


Next to him, Yan Jiekuang also stood up, nodded and said, "Second brother is right, elder brother and sister-in-law, you two have to bear full responsibility for this matter, let's talk about a traffic accident."

"According to traffic accident regulations, the party responsible for the accident must bear all the losses."

"Third brother is right."

Yan Jiedi also nodded and said: "And I need to add one more point, this business, the eldest brother and sister-in-law did not tell anyone in our family, the purpose is to use parents' money, it is easier to take advantage."

"Why didn't you think of us when you were doing business, but now that something happened, you think of us?"

"When you were planning to make money, you didn't bring us to make money together."


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Chapter 263

"That's right!"

Regarding Yan Jiedi's words, Yan Jiecheng agreed with his face: "Now that you have lost money, you come to us. How can there be such a good plan."

"It's wrong for you to say that."

Hearing what the three sisters said, Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law was immediately dissatisfied and said, "We are also helping our parents to make money, and we are thinking about them."

"Then I'll ask you, what's the ratio of money between you and your parents."

Seeing Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law's explanation, Yan Jiedi sneered and said, "Is it four or six, what's the share?"

"How would you know."

Hearing Yan Jiedi's words, Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law was shocked: "You obviously didn't participate in it."

"I didn't expect that, my parents told me everything."

Yan Jiedi snorted coldly: "If you want people to not know, unless you do nothing, then I would like to ask my eldest brother and sister-in-law, if you cooperate with us, can you still take an extra [-]% of this? Impossible."

"Yan Jiedi!"

Hearing Yan Jiedi's words, Yan Jiecheng snorted coldly and said, "Let me tell you, this is what it should be. There are no fathers and sons in business."

"Then you and the second uncle's family are six, and he is four. Did you give him an extra point? I said it all. I have already asked my parents. Are you still fooling me now? Think I am three years old What about the child? Yan Jiecheng, do you think you have a good plan?"

"Okay, okay, okay, don't say anything."

Yan Jiefang sneered and said, "Big brother and sister-in-law should bear all the hospitalization expenses of parents.

"I say liberation."

Hearing Yan Jiefang's words, Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law was immediately dissatisfied and said, "Your sister-in-law, I lost everything. Since you know where I got the money from, you also know that we can't get back the money this time. Bar."

"Although you have no money, you have a hotpot restaurant."

Yan Jiekuang sneered again and again: "Isn't your hot pot restaurant still open? There must be some money in your hot pot restaurant. I know you two, and you definitely have some money left."

"The hotpot restaurant was contracted out."

"Hmph, you haven't contracted out the hot pot restaurant yet, but no one has taken over during the 21st contracting period. Really, don't we know? When is it, and you are still planning to lie to others, do your best!"

"That's right, brother, sister-in-law, you guys, don't say any more, it will violate the rules of our family."

Yan Jiefang and the others talked a lot, and Yan Xiecheng and his wife looked extremely ugly after hearing it.

They didn't expect that their younger brothers and sisters were unwilling to pay.


Thinking of this, they sighed.

"Why are you still here?"

At this moment, a surprised voice sounded, attracting the attention of Yan Jiecheng and others.

I saw a little nurse in white, holding a notebook, came to the crowd, and said: "Your father said that he will be discharged from the hospital. He has already left. Why are you still here? He has already left." gone."

Hearing the words of the little nurse in white, Yan Jiefang and the others immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. His father left?

But they didn't say anything, because they knew their father well and didn't want to spend that wronged money.

"Why are you so indifferent?"

Seeing Yan Jiefang and the others who didn't respond, the little nurse in white looked surprised.

It shouldn't be, shouldn't these children have smiles on their faces, why are they all frowning.

"What do you know?"

Yan Jiecheng said unhappily: "Our father is afraid of spending money, so he is not hospitalized, what's so strange."

"Then you will be hospitalized today, and your mother is still in the hospital."

The nurse frowned and said, "Hurry up and pay the hospitalization fee. The hospitalization fee cannot be delayed forever, or there will be no beds, and your mother will be moved out."

After speaking, he left.

As the little nurse left, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I don't care, let's go first."

Yan Jiefang snorted coldly: "It has nothing to do with me."

After speaking, he turned and left.

This matter had nothing to do with him in the first place, Yan Jiecheng and his wife were doing business with their parents, so they didn't pull him in.

Now that I have lost money, I need to pay for it myself. How can there be such a good thing!

Do you really think he is a living Bodhisattva? !

"Brother, wait for me."

Seeing the elder brother who was about to leave, Yan Jiekuang and Yan Jiedi also opened their mouths quickly, and hurriedly followed.

"Yan Jiecheng, the wicked will be punished by the wicked, and whoever provokes the matter will be resolved."

Even though Yan Jiekuang left, Yan Jiekuang's voice still came from a distance, and Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law looked sad when they heard it.

Indeed, what their younger brothers and sisters said was right. This incident was done by them, and Yan Jiefang and the others were unwilling to pay, so it was completely justified.

If it were them, they would not be willing to pay.


Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law looked at Yan Jiecheng with a sigh and said, "What should we do now? If your younger brother and sister don't care, we can't ignore it."

"Yeah, after all, human life is a matter of fate."

Yan Jiecheng also sighed and said: "Dad left, he must have gone to seek medical treatment at public expense. I am very aware of my father's character. It is impossible for him to spend an extra penny, and the public medical treatment will not cover much. , the most important thing is that our mother's illness needs to spend a lot of money."

"I don't think it's possible. Go to your parents and borrow some money."

Yan Jiecheng said awkwardly, "See if it works."

"let me try."

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law frowned and said, "We haven't gone back for a long time, and I don't know if they will take the money, and if they take the money, they probably won't get much. This tumor is not a trivial matter."

"Who says it's not, but we can't just ignore it."

Yan Jiecheng complained: "My dad has nothing to do. You said my mother is too. I would have stayed in the hospital for a few days and it would be over. We can pay for the hospitalization fee, but now we are doing well. Why did we find out the tumor? If it’s benign, we don’t want to eat or drink, and we’ll go all out if we risk it; if it’s malignant, we can’t solve the problem even if we drink northwest wind.”

"Yeah, now it's just the examination fee, not the surgery fee yet."

Yan Jiecheng's daughter-in-law sighed: "If you want to solve the problem, you have to have an operation, and if you have an operation, you need to pay money. Alas, this person is as good as God, and we have all encountered and caught up with all the unfortunate things."

"Not to mention that this product has been fined, we still have to accept a fine. Don't forget, we still have fines."

"There is no fine, and now there are hospitalization fees, examination fees, surgery fees, and red envelopes. All kinds of expenses have piled up. It's not tens of thousands of yuan. It won't come down. I'm afraid we don't even have money for meals."


When Yan Jiecheng and his wife were sighing in the hospital.

After the third master Yan Bugui was discharged from the hospital, he also returned to the courtyard.

"Third Master, come out."

"Third Master, how is your body? Are you okay?"

Some people in the courtyard, when they saw the third master came back, immediately smiled and said hello: "Where is the third mother?"

But they knew that last night, Liu Guangfu said that the second uncle's family and the third uncle's family all went in because of the smuggling business.

I didn't expect to come back this morning, but this time, why only the third master Yan Bugui came back.


Hearing the words of several people, the third grandpa Yan Bugui who just came back sighed: "The third grandma is hospitalized, and she could have been discharged from the hospital. Who would have thought that a tumor was found out. Now it's not about the hospitalization fee, the surgery Does it cost anything?"

"What? The third daughter has a tumor?"

"It's all right, how could San Niang get a tumor?"

"Who knows, the third master's family is too miserable."

"Who says it's not? It's a tumor. It costs a lot of money."

"It's just a bottomless pit."


Hearing the words of the third master Yan Bugui, several people looked surprised.

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