"Are we laughing?"

"The two set off together again?"


At the moment when the singing sounded, all the running, panicking, desperate, and crying... the survivors suddenly froze.

Looking at the pink-haired girl who clasped her hands, closed her eyes, prayed, and sang with a smile on her face, all kinds of negative emotions in their hearts seemed to be soothed by an invisible palm, and they were no longer sad, helpless, and indifferent. Desperate again...

And Mei also opened her eyes immediately, and turned her head at the same time as Alice.

There is no other reason.

Just because in the singing, the two of them felt that their power became stronger and more controllable.

A miracle.

"How is it possible?" The voice of Herrscher's personality sounded in Mei's heart, full of disbelief, "That ant's song can actually strengthen the power connection between you and me...?! Coward, I suggest you catch her and throw her away Go into the cage and sing to us every day."

"No, Alisa is not a canary."

After shaking her head, Mei looked at the attacking enemy again.

At this moment, even without the cooperation of Herrscher's personality, she can still mobilize the power of Herrscher's form!

"Go." Amidst the ear-piercing sound of electric current, Mei pushed out the solid electromagnetic ball in his hand, "I will never let you go any further!"

Under everyone's gaze, the basketball-sized azure blue ball of light dragged a long stream of light and flew into the sky, like a comet, crashing into the black helicopter with a metallic luster under the sun.

The opponent obviously also found this "unknown thing", and began to neatly pull out the formation, trying to stay away.



With the flash of azure blue light, the sky dimmed for a moment.

Suddenly, there were ripples visible to the naked eye in the air, and the electromagnetic pulse spread out in the form of ripples, as if ink was dripping on the scroll.


Except for the Arcadia, which was deliberately ignored, all the incoming helicopters were instantly enveloped in it, their engines misfired and stopped, and all the electronic equipment on board failed.


At that moment, as if they were suddenly "comatose", one frame began to fall under the drive of inertia and gravity.

Not to mention how desperate the soldiers inside the helicopter were, Mei and the others faced a new crisis:

Although those helicopters have lost the ability to attack, they are equivalent to falling "bombs". If they hit the Arcadia...

Even if there is only a [-]% chance, even if there is only one, it will cause great damage to this transport ship!

This is a threat that cannot be underestimated.

In this regard, Alice and Qianji were moved at the same time.

In Mei's perception, the former released an unprecedented powerful thought power, like a barrier, protecting half of the ship.

Then, I saw the latter floating towards the sky, appearing at the forefront in an instant, looking up at the helicopters crashing like meteorites, with both hands holding the knife horizontally by his side...

"Uninterrupted Hell!"

A horizontal slash, with the shadow of the knife and the shining blue light, burst out sword aura!It swept away like flying flowers and fallen leaves.

"In Alisa's singing, I have the courage not to be afraid of anyone!"

The black-haired priestess declared so.

As soon as the words fell, I saw a "meteorite" falling from the sky...



10 minute later.

The lower cargo area of ​​the Arcadia, in front of the gate of Umbrella's secret lab.

"That guy is inside? When did he sneak in?"

"I do not know either."

After solving the incoming enemies, Mei and Alice came here under the guidance of the Red Queen, with the purpose of destroying Wesker.

And Alyssa was still singing on the deck to soothe the emotions of the survivors, while Qianji was protecting her every step of the way.

"Director Raiden, I have obtained access instructions for you. Except for the deepest command room, I have controlled the experimental body storage room and the storage room in front of you."

The Red Queen's voice came from the earphones, and Mei and Alice each wore one.

"Open the door! I want that guy to understand that there is a price to pay for lying!" Looking at the alloy steel door with the umbrella logo in front of her, Alice said angrily, obviously worried about being deceived.

In this regard, the red queen seems to be a little "displeased".

"Alice, don't forget that you are also an employee who betrayed the company, I will not accept your order"

Having said that, the door opened slowly with a "rumbling" sound.

A white space slowly came into view.

"The red queen, treat the situation very differently. In the matter of eliminating the betrayed Executive Albert, Alice is our ally on the same front." Glancing at Alice with a gloomy face, Mei smiled and started peacemaker.

"I understand, Director Raiden. Judging from the degree of harm, the traitor Wesker is indeed several levels higher than Alice, and the priority should be at the forefront. I take your suggestion"

"Okay, Alice, let's work hard together." Finally, Mei offered to extend her hand.

As the saying goes: "reach out your hand and don't hit the smiley person."

Facing the kind Mei, even though Alice resented the umbrella company in her heart, she forced a smile and shook hands with Mei.

In this way, the "Fight against Wesker" was initially established.

"Let's go."


Then, they stepped through the gate and came to a warehouse whose ceiling, floor, and walls were all made of white new composite materials.

"There are 2500 cryogenic storage tanks under your feet, most of which are idle. Only thirteen experimental subjects are sealed in them, but they are all dead."

Without the two asking, the red queen's explanation sounded in the earphones.

"Did Captain Jack catch them?" Mei asked while walking, her tone a bit dignified.

Is that uncle a guy with a beastly face?Or did someone order them to do it?The reason why this ship accepts survivors unconditionally is to use them as experimental materials?

Many questions surged in her mind.

Alice almost thought the same way.


The Red Queen unexpectedly rejected it.

"No, according to the experiment log, eight of the thirteen subjects used to be crew members, but they were all infected by the T-virus and turned into unconscious zombies, so they were ordered to be held here by Baro Jack's staff. "

"Really?" Hearing this, Mei slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she saw the right person, otherwise she would have to worry about Alisa's safety.

"Then what are the remaining five?" Alice asked suddenly.

"A survivor who was kidnapped by the traitor Wesker a few days ago"

"Holding?" Mei and Alice looked at each other.

"Yes, they used to be the survivors with the best physique in Los Angeles, but they were eaten by the traitor Wesker the day they came here, and no experiment was carried out"

"Eat it?!" Alice's voice raised significantly.

"literal meaning"

As soon as the red queen's words fell, accompanied by the sound of "咻啦" and the air-conditioning rising, a transparent storage tank slowly rose from the floor not far in front of the two.

Immediately afterwards, dripping blood and chunks of flesh and blood appeared in their sight.

Suddenly, the faces of the two girls became a little ugly.

"We don't seem to let you show it? Is this your bad taste too? The Red Queen!"

To be honest, if ordinary people saw the contents of the storage tank, they would probably vomit to such an extent that they would not be able to eat for a month!

At this moment, Mei was a little thankful that Alyssa hadn't followed.

With the pure and innocent character of that pink-haired girl, I am afraid that after seeing this scene, she will be frightened and cry on the spot...

"Bad taste? I don't understand. I just want you to understand the current danger of the traitor Wesker in the simplest and most direct way. There is no other meaning, Director Raiden"


In this regard, neither Mei nor Alice intends to discuss emotions with an artificial intelligence.

Afterwards, they quickened their pace, quickly walked through the experimental subject storage room, stepped through the second door, and came to the ship's hangar.

In front of you is a road that extends to the end, the width is just enough to accommodate two people walking side by side; on the left, there are hatches that can be opened to serve as exits; on the right, there are neatly arranged helicopters, hanging on the slide rails, Supported by a crane.

Mei and the others were very familiar with the model of the helicopter. It was the Osprey combat helicopter that had just been shot down, the "standard configuration" of the Umbrella Company.

"The traitor Wesker is most likely in the command room at the end, because I was rejected when I visited the internal situation. Be careful, Director Raiden, after he was injected with the T virus at the Tokyo headquarters, his whole body seems to have undergone an unknown mutation ..."

"Due to the lack of sufficient information, I can't make a specific judgment for the time being. But what is certain is that the traitor Wesker can survive the self-destruction of the Tokyo headquarters, he must have some kind of ability beyond cognition, he is no longer It's a human being"

"Hehe" hearing this, Alice suddenly laughed and rolled her eyes, "Human? Besides him, you, me and Director Raiden are here, which one is human again?"

After speaking, she pulled out the loaded double guns from the holster, opened the safety, and took the lead in taking steps.

Seeing Alice's unrestrained and determined back, Mei was stunned for a while, then also laughed.

"Yes, the Red Queen. No matter how strong Wesker is, he can't be our opponent. You just need to pay attention to the surrounding situation and report the relevant information to us in time. As for other things..."


The lightning flashed, and the blue thunder blade condensed in her hands.

"you do not need to worry."

As soon as the words fell, Mei also followed.

"Follow your orders"

The decisive battle is about to start.

Chapter 136 Chapter 130 Feast

In fact, Mei and Alice didn't need to think of a way to open the door. When they stopped, the door leading to the command room opened in front of them.

"Bang bang bang!"

As the roar slowly sounded, the most secret place on the ship appeared in front of the two of them:

In a white space similar to the Gnaku and the storage room of the experimental subjects that we passed through before, several experimental benches are displayed on the spacious ground, and there are several glass-shaped display screens in the center.

"Papa papa!" Suddenly, as if welcoming Mei and the others, applause came from behind the monitor.


Immediately afterwards, several display screens began to rise slowly, revealing a black figure sitting on a white "throne".

It looked like the crew-cut man in sunglasses and a coat—former Umbrella CEO Albert Wesker.

I didn't expect that he was actually still alive...

Although she had learned the relevant information from the Red Queen and Alice in advance, when she saw that the man was safe and sound, Mei was still a little surprised.

"Welcome, Alice, Director Mei, you seem to be very surprised." Sensing the sight of the two... especially Mei, Wesker slowly put his hand on the armrest of the throne, and teased leisurely , the tone is very flat.

To this, Mei smiled slightly.

"It's quite surprising. I didn't expect you to be able to escape from the self-destruct of the headquarters and come to me quietly... Should I say that you are lucky? Or should you die?"

The tone was neither hot nor cold, and the words were even more tit-for-tat... Alice suddenly discovered that the inside of the umbrella company did not seem to be as united as expected.

However, Wesker is no stranger to it.

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