"I have to thank you, Director Mei. I always thought that the T-virus was just a tool for the company to make profits. Only now did I realize that it is simply an opportunity given to mankind by God..."


"That's right! A chance for eternal life!"


Hearing this, Mei and Alice looked at each other, then laughed in unison.

"It seems that you are crazy, Wesker" Alice sneered, her eyes were very cold.

In this regard, Wesker is not ashamed or annoyed.

"Crazy? No, that's just your ignorance, Alice...you, Director Mei, you two are clearly the beneficiaries of the T-virus, but you laugh at your own strength instead? In my opinion, the two of you are crazy."

It is worth mentioning that, unlike the previous world, in the "file" of this world, Mei's strong physical fitness and lightning abilities are all brought about by the T virus.

Her identity is the heir to the Raiden Foundation, Japan's first consortium, the director of the Umbrella Company's Japanese division, and the perfect reformer for human experiments.

In fact, except for Mei, all the top executives of the umbrella company have more or less undergone transformation experiments, but their purposes are varied, such as "making oneself stronger", "extending one's life span", "treating hidden diseases in the body" "etc.

Umbrella is a powerful biological company. Compared with the outside world, its senior personnel can naturally use the company's most advanced technological products first. The above transformation is just the tip of the iceberg.

Perhaps it is this sense of "superhuman" superiority that makes their ambitions expand day by day, thinking that the world is in their own hands and confident in carrying out the cleanup plan...

Closer to home.

For her own identity in this world, Mei both accepts and does not accept it.The "no director" in Wesker's mouth is both her and not her.

The memory and genes are the same, and even the experience is the same, but Mei will not change her will because of her identity as "Raiden Mei".

She is her, she is Raiden Mei.

"No, you're wrong. The immortality brought by the virus is not real 'immortal life', you can't become a god through the T-virus, Executive Wesker, that's just your delusion." Mei slowly shook her head and said .

"In fact, you are just a scum in human skin. We are here today to send you to hell!"

As soon as the words fell, Alice raised the muzzle of the gun at a speed that was difficult for ordinary people to see clearly, and shot Wesker in the chest!



Gunshots rang out, and blood spattered.

The man in sunglasses lowered his head slowly.

Wesker, who was like a BOSS, was killed by Alice in one shot?

She herself was dumbfounded by this.

"I... succeeded?"

"No! It's not that simple, Alice" Mei shook her head, her tone a bit dignified.


"Boom!...Boom!...Boom!" Suddenly, there was a series of vibrations on the ground, and the heavy bass began to reverberate like a heavy object falling, like a whisper from the ghost.


Alice regained consciousness immediately.

Immediately afterwards, two tall figures slowly walked out of the compartment behind Wesker, with a terrifying aura like a mountain, slowly appearing in Mei and the others' line of sight.

That seems to be the strongest biological weapon of the Umbrella Company - [Tracker] and [Butcher], the second of the "Tyrant" series.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the butcher. He appeared before when he was besieging the leader of the Thunder God team at the Tokyo headquarters. He was just a tracker...

It is a product of the "Nemesis" project. The tracker who appeared in front of Mei and the others was also over two meters tall, with only one left eye, obvious suture marks on the right skull, brown skin, no lips, and exposed teeth and nasal bones. He has a hideous face and is dressed in leather.

Unlike the blood-stained ax wielded by the Butcher, the Stalker's weapon is a revolving machine gun with a long chain of ammunition.

"Matt? No, it's not true..."

At the moment when she saw the stalker, Alice suddenly showed pain, shook her head slowly, and kept muttering to herself.


Isn't that the shirt man who escaped from the hive with Alice 28 days ago?

As if thinking of something, Mei's face changed slightly.

"Red Queen! What's going on here? Isn't the tracker a biological weapon developed by the European branch? Why does he appear here? And his prototype is..."

"Yes, Director Raiden, the tracker in front of you is indeed transformed by Matt Addison, a survivor of the hive. He is not from the European branch, but made temporarily by people"

"Made? Who?"

"Dr. Isaacs"



"Why is he here?"

"Brought by my collaboration with the Doctor, Director Mei" - Wesker's voice.

Hearing this, Mei took her gaze away from the tracker and turned to the side.

"You...is that really the case?"

I saw the man in sunglasses who had just been "shot" by Alice twisting his neck on the seat at this time, looking safe and sound, while the tall tracker and the butcher stood beside him, like two " Dark Department" bodyguard.

"Wesker!" Alice let out a low growl, her face cold and hostile to him.

It seems that this act of transforming her former partner into a biological weapon completely angered her.

However, Wesker turned a blind eye to Alice's reaction, and those eyes hidden under the sunglasses just stared at Mei.

"Director Mei, I want to thank you, since I ingested the DNA of the three supernatural beings left in the ruins of Tokyo... By the way, and your blood. I successfully suppressed the T virus in my body, it made me Become incomparably powerful, as powerful as a god!"

"Go to hell!" As if unwilling to listen to the other party's nonsense, Alice fired several shots one after another.

"Bang bang bang...!"


"Ding ding ding..."

The sound of the bullet casings falling to the ground was suddenly very loud, because the scene almost fell into dead silence.

"how is this possible?!"

Under Alice's sluggish gaze, Wesker hooked his mouth, straightened his short blond hair coquettishly, and then let go of the other clenched fist.

"Ding ding ding..."

This time, what fell to the ground were brass-colored warheads.

In Alice's eyes, Wesker seemed to have turned into phantoms just now, abruptly "intercepting" the supersonic bullet with just one hand!

Seeing this scene, the following words suddenly appeared in Mei's mind:

"In the world of martial arts, everything is invincible, only speed can't be broken!"

The opponent's speed...


Just when Mei was serious about this, the two figures standing beside Wesker like bodyguards moved.

"Boom boom boom!"

The tracker and the butcher, one raised the rotary machine gun in his hand, and the other raised the blood-stained giant ax in his hand, and walked towards Mei and the others step by step.

"Alice, Director Mei, one of you is a human being who has perfectly integrated the T-virus, and the other is the most powerful mutant of Umbrella Corporation..."

Wesker slowly stood up from his seat, licked the corner of his mouth, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

"Especially Director Mei! There is incredible power in your blood! I have a hunch that if I eat you, I will completely evolve into a higher level of life! By then, no one in this world will be able to stop me !"

"Despair! This is my Albert Wesker feast!"


Chapter 137 Chapter 130


A kind of "elimination" and "screening" mechanism for human beings and civilization is also a "rule" formed since the birth of heaven and earth.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.Only if you can bear the "Benevolence" of Honkai, you are eligible to survive, otherwise you will die.

As a Herrscher, known as the "moving natural disaster", God seems to not allow ordinary people to exist beside Mei.

If there is……

So in order not to hurt the innocent, Mei must suppress her own power and the release of Houkai energy, try to make herself an "ordinary person", and weaken her own strength in disguise.


Once the Honkai can be gathered or released, it will be an indiscriminate massacre.


There are still a large number of survivors on the Arcadia and her newly recognized friend-Minghu Alisa, Mei must restrain herself rationally and concentrate on fighting.

Murasame and Hachibo have been severely damaged, and they are being repaired in the soul world together with the evasion clothes. Today's Mei has significantly lowered the two attributes of [Attack] and [Defense] compared to before.

But now, she has to take care of the ship and the people on it, and the output power of the Herrscher's Power and even the Houkai Energy must be greatly reduced...

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is Mei's [weakest] period since time travel!

Compared to her whose strength has fallen into a trough, her opponent is extremely strong:

Wesker, the alienator of the T virus + the powerful biological weapons [Tyrant] and [Tracker] of the Umbrella Company...

Looks like it's going to be a tough fight.

Still, things turned around.

That is—Alice, the son of luck in this world and the perfect fusion of T virus.

Cooperating with her, Mei can also be more or less blessed by luck...

"Matt to me! Another big guy to you!"

Facing the incoming biological weapon, Alice turned her head and told Mei about her provisional battle plan.

To this, Mei nodded and had no objection.

But when the two were talking, the tracker suddenly raised the muzzle of his gun.

"Om - chug chug chug!"

After the sound of the wheels, there was that terrifying torrent of bullets.

No one doubts that if it is "glued" by it, it will be broken into pieces of meat all over the ground immediately, right?

Facing the offensive, Mei and the others certainly wouldn't sit still.

Leaving aside Alice, when she heard the sound of the machine gun's revolving wheel, Mei did not choose to deploy the electromagnetic barrier to resist, but immediately rolled to the side and hid behind the blood-stained experimental platform.

Immediately afterwards, she saw with her own eyes that the place where she and Alice had just stood was swept into a "hornet's nest".The floor tiles made of high-tech composite materials were torn apart by the torrent of bullets, and a large amount of dust was flying with fragments.

At the same time, stray bullets flew past Mei with the sound of "swoosh, swoosh". If ordinary people were scratched, they would definitely die or be disabled.

Bullets on the battlefield have never had eyes.

Within a few seconds of shooting, Mei heard the sound of bullets getting farther and farther away from her, as if she was "attracted" by something.

It seems that the target of the tracker is also Alice...

As soon as this idea popped up in her mind, before Mei could breathe a sigh of relief, she felt stuffy in her heart.

This feeling……

Almost without hesitation, Mei jumped out instantly, away from the experimental platform.



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