First, there was a frightening sound of piercing through the air, and then a blood-stained giant ax slashed down vertically, splitting the experimental platform in two along the position where the girl had just hid.

If the reaction just now was a step slower...

Seeing the miserable scene of the test bench, Mei's eyes narrowed, and then she rolled around in mid-air, her skirt fluttering, and the white sandal on her right foot touched and interacted with the edge of another test bench, the resulting reaction force made The whole girl "flies" towards the enemy!

At this moment, the butcher was about to pull his weapon out of the break, and had no time to react.

This is a great opportunity!It was also the reason why Mei chose to counterattack immediately after dodging!

"Director Raiden, the butcher's weakness is in the head, where the T virus is most active"

"I see!"

In fact, without the reminder from the Red Queen, Mei, who has a prophetic memory, certainly knows the strengths and weaknesses of the butcher.


In mid-air, the black-haired girl in a white lace dress and holding a three-foot lightning blade let out a coquettish shout, and slashed obliquely at the two-meter-high biological weapon from a height!

At the critical moment, seeing the butcher's head wrapped in the sack was about to fall to the ground, an accident happened.

"Pfft!" Before the blade reached his body, the butcher's head exploded by itself!

"!" Looking at the various "mosaics" that were attacking her, Mei unfolded the electromagnetic barrier without hesitation, enveloping the area of ​​her body except the blade.


The blood was evaporated by the high temperature, and the piece of meat was blocked, and at the same time, the blue thunder blade also chopped down.

To Mei's surprise, the real feeling came from the blade!

Could it be that the head has not been blown clean?

The next moment, a scene that was enough to make people have nightmares happened:

I saw a series of jagged bloody tentacles suddenly began to climb up the blade!It looks like an octopus trying to jump in your face, enough to make any normal girl scream!


Hearing that weird voice, the mentally strong Mei didn't scream or be dazed, but frowned slightly and reacted immediately.

First, lean your body forward slightly so that your body weight is on the blade; second, hold the handle tightly with both hands, inject the power of the Herrscher again, continue to strengthen the strength of the thunder blade, and at the same time increase the strength in your hand to make the slash become more powerful. Get stronger!

Since you are not dead, then I will give you another ride!

At this moment, Mei made up his mind to dismember the enemy from head to toe.

However, she once again underestimated the other party's weirdness.

It seems that there is a strong "desire to survive". Even though the head has turned into tentacles and disappeared, the butcher's body still follows the will of "before he was alive". The girl's slender waist is a slash!

"Huh!" The deadly piercing sound sounded again.

If this blow hits, the girl's upper body and lower body may be separated on the spot!Just like the cruel punishment in ancient times - beheading in half.

At this moment, Mei is in a dilemma:

Whether to continue to intensify the slashing and cut the enemy in two before the giant ax arrives; or choose to switch from offense to defense, take a step back, defend the opponent's attack first, and then find a way to carry out the next round of offensive.

And no time to think.

In this regard, the girl subconsciously chose the third path - I want them all!

Mei stretched out her left hand, which was originally resting on the handle of the knife with her right hand, to the side, a blue light flashed in her hand, and another Thunder Blade quickly condensed!Blocked in front of the giant axe!

Two swords flow!She chose to defend while attacking!

With the strength of the Herrscher's body, he forcibly turned this impossible thing into reality in the eyes of ordinary people!

In fact, there is no need to block at all.

Thunder Blade is made of pure Herrscher's power. Although it may not be as solid and material as Murasame and Hachibho, after all, energy is always an unstable existence. It will disintegrate after losing control or being hit, but its sharpness But no less than the first two!


Following the flash of two brilliant azure blue lights, the body split into two halves and the giant ax that was broken into several pieces fell slowly.

"Boom! Ding Ding Ding..."

"Pa-ta!" The girl landed safely, her body still maintaining the posture of chopping down, without any damage, but the original white floor was covered with blood.

Thunder and lightning have always had the attributes of "violence" and "high temperature".No matter how strong a butcher is, he is no more than an ordinary physical body that can be pierced by bullets, let alone a thunder blade made of highly condensed lightning power.

As for the rusty blood-stained giant axe, it is the legendary "touching porcelain" compared with it.

this battle...

In the end, it was Mei who came out on top.

Chapter 138 Chapter 130 The second battle is imminent!

"This isn't... a butcher anymore, is it?"

After defeating the enemy, Mei used the hard-won breathing time to express emotion.

The head, obviously the Achilles' heel of this biological weapon, just exploded on its own initiative, and flesh-colored tentacles grew from the neck...

No matter how you look at it, something is wrong!

Recalling the thrilling scene before, Mei looked at Wesker who was still sitting peacefully on the throne, with a serious expression on his face.

"Director Raiden, it is speculated that the butcher you are fighting with has broken away from the category of biological weapons and is a kind of biochemical monster. I found out that the control chip loaded on its head has long been out of control, and it is suspected to have been eroded and destroyed by the T virus. "

"But why is Wesker able to control it?"

"Maybe... the traitor Wesker has been able to control the T virus to a certain extent... Of course, this is just a guess"

Hearing Hong Hou's explanation, Mei couldn't help pursing her lips.

If that's the case, then you're in big trouble...

At this time, except for the battle area between Mei and Butcher, the command room was already "devastated".

There were densely packed bullet holes on the walls, floor, and ceiling. Various fragments and shell casings were scattered all over the place, and the experimental bench on the other side was almost destroyed.

However, no matter how many bullets there are, there will be a time to finish.Now Alice is fighting hand-to-hand with the tracker, and it seems that the former has the upper hand.

The situation seems to be favoring Mei and the others.

In this regard, Wesker, who was sitting on the throne, watched the hand-to-hand combat between Alice and the tracker with great interest, without any panic.

He definitely has something to rely on...

Seeing this scene, Mei was thoughtful.

Using this free time, she extracted all the scenes about Wesker in the prophet's memory one by one and analyzed them:

Terrifying speed...

superhuman strength...

Powerful self-healing ability...

Several times, I escaped from the dead...

Confronted with the T virus and produced a zombie-like devouring ability...

The other party just stated that "the T virus has been suppressed", so the abilities listed above are definitely not weaker than the original world line.

Looks like something needs attention...

Although she raised her vigilance in her heart, Mei remained unmoved on the surface, and began to approach the final boss step by step.

"Oh?" Seemingly hearing her footsteps, Wesker turned his head and looked over, "Don't you wait for your companion? Director Mei, although I appreciate your courage, the result of recklessness is often die."

"It's not necessary." Mei slowly shook her head, and the Thunder Blade in her hand seemed to become more solid. "It's the same result after cutting off your limbs and handing them over to Alice. I don't want to waste any more time."

"Really?" Wesker twisted his neck, a mocking arc curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he suddenly raised his right hand.

"But I don't want you to disrupt my meal plan. In my opinion, the two of you are like a delicious staple and side dish, which should be eaten together."

Immediately afterwards, a rustling sound suddenly came from the compartment.

"That is……?"

Then, under Mei's slightly suspicious gaze, a series of short figures sprang out like barracudas!

They looked like zombie dogs with rotting skin, shedding hair, and sharp minions!

"These are my pets. Since you have nothing to do, Director Mei, let them come and play with you first."

With a wave of Wesker's right hand, more than a dozen zombie dogs immediately surrounded Mei, appearing extremely united, and seemed to still retain their loyalty in life.

Ants kill elephants.

Compared with butchers who are powerful but not agile, these zombie dogs assembled like a pack of wolves are probably more dangerous.

not to mention……


Amidst a strange sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, the heads of the zombie dogs were suddenly split from the center, revealing the disgusting toothed tentacles again.

Immediately, a foul smell enveloped Mei's body.

It seems a little blurry in front of my eyes...

"Please note, Director Raiden, this is a mutated T-virus, which is in a gaseous state, and it may affect the human body"

In fact, the trance is only for a moment, and the body of the Herrscher has long been immune to this conventional poisonous gas.

However, those zombie dogs seized this opportunity and rushed forward together!

Looking at the zombie dogs that stretched out their tentacles and wanted to tear themselves apart, Mei's expression froze, mobilizing the power of the Herrscher in her body and crossing her two blades, colliding with one blow!



At that moment, the girl's body was full of lightning, and bolts of lightning centered on her, spreading and advancing 360 degrees around without dead ends.


Immediately, the zombie dogs couldn't dodge in time, one by one fell into the thunder formation and was swept by the lightning column.

At this moment, if their sound production system had not been rotted, I am afraid that each of them would be screamed out by the electric shock, right?

"Dong dong dong..."

Just like that, zombie dogs with charred bodies and a scorched smell fell to the ground, their limbs twitched unnaturally, and then they fell silent.

"You...!" Seeing this, Wesker's expression finally changed.

"I'm not a dog lover, Executive Wesker, not to mention that your pets are not cute at all, and no girl would like them at all." Shaking his head, the corners of Mei's mouth turned slightly, and couldn't help but tease .

"It seems that you can't wait anymore." With a gloomy face, Wesker stretched out his hand and slowly took off his sunglasses.

What appeared in front of Mei was a pair of vertical pupils exuding scarlet light, which were not human beings at all.

Monster—this is the first impression these eyes make.

"You really are no longer..."

Before the solemn Mei could finish speaking, Wesker stood up slowly.

"Since you want to kill yourself, then I will help you."

The next second, he suddenly disappeared in place, dragging afterimages, and appeared in front of Mei at a speed that humans had no time to react, and punched violently!

At the critical moment, Mei used his fighting instinct as a swordsman and a samurai, and crossed the two thunder blades again in front of him.


When the heavy blow came, Mei couldn't help but take a few steps back, taking off the strength in her hands.

At this time, a few cracks appeared on the Thunder Blade that blocked the outermost.

The power of one punch is so terrifying!

"Tch!" Wesker shook his right hand that was scorched by the high temperature, twisted his neck, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, "I didn't expect your reaction to be good, Director Mei."

Immediately afterwards, Mei saw new skin growing rapidly on his scorched hands, and it had fully recovered in just a few seconds.

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