Terrifying self-healing ability...

This reminded her of the cursed children of the previous world.

at the same time……

"If only Murasame could still use it."

She couldn't help but miss the demon sword that could kill with one blow.

For an opponent with strong self-healing ability like Wesker, Murasame's curse poison is simply an invincible nemesis!

But even without Murasame, Mei still has no reason to be afraid or shrink back.

Facing Wesker's gaze, the girl scattered the cracked Thunder Blade, held the knife with both hands, and made a gesture of opening.

She began to use the family martial arts that she was familiar with - Beichen Yidao Style!

"If you only have this level, then I will definitely cut you under the sword today!"

As Mei issued her declaration of victory, clones of Lei began to emerge from behind her.

Even if she doesn't use Herrscher... or even the half-herrscher form, her honed swordsmanship is still a big reliance for Mei against the enemy.

Compared with her speed and agility, Mei Lei has never been afraid of anyone!

Facing the extremely confident Mei, Wesker didn't say anything, but put on the sunglasses again, the corner of his mouth still raised that strange arc.

The duel between the strong does not need words.


As the two disappeared in place at the same time, the final battle was on the verge of breaking out.

Chapter 140 Chapter 130 Chapter [-] Awakening


The tall pursuer roared, his voice was like a lion on the African plains, it was heartbreaking.

Afterwards, he punched out, hitting the enemy—Alice with a piercing sound.

"No! Matt." Alice, who retreated to the wall, shook her head, as if she wanted to wake up her former partner.

But under the pressure of this blow, she could only choose to dodge.


The moment Alice dodged, a big rock-like brown fist hit the white wall, leaving a deep fist mark and cracks while making a sound.

"Roar!!" The strike failed, the tracker roared and pulled out his fist, turned around and looked at the enemy again.

However, Alice's desire to fight is not high.

"Matt! Do you remember me? I'm Alice!"

From the beginning to the present, she kept trying to awaken the other party's reason, blindly resorting to evasion and verbal stimulation, and never really fought.

After all, it was a former companion, not to mention that the reason why the other party became like this is largely because of myself...


Looking at the figure that was still roaring and walking towards her with a heavy momentum, Alice's eyes were full of pain and guilt.

She doesn't want to fight...

She really doesn't want to fight each other if she can.

She doesn't want to hurt him.

"Alice, according to my analysis, the tracker is not your opponent. You should quickly solve it and help Director Raiden. For you, the traitor Wesker is the biggest threat." At this time, the flat voice of the Red Queen Came from the earphones.

Hearing this, Alice was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to look at the battle on the other side:

The afterimages of black and white were entangled back and forth like the wind, and the speed of the two was so fast that even she could barely catch a trace.

But what can be vaguely seen is that the black leather coat on Wesker's body has been scratched, and blood also overflowed from the gap, staining the surrounding leather red.

It's just that the self-healing speed of those wounds was so fast that the man seemed almost unharmed.

In contrast, although the girl named Leiden Mei was also white and clean, without any scars, but as the thunder clones dissipated one after another, the thunder blade she held in her hand and the barriers around her were all gone. It's getting darker and darker, and it seems that it will shatter at any moment.

In general, relying on self-healing power and barriers, the battle on the other side seems to have reached a stalemate.

In this case, maybe as long as Alice joins in, the deadlock can be broken and the battle will turn to one side.


Turning around, looking at the tall figure slowly walking towards her, and feeling the familiar yet unfamiliar eyes of the other party, Alice suddenly shook her head while holding her head.

"No, I can't do this! Matt was re-infected by the T virus in Raccoon City to save me! I want me to kill him...it's impossible!"

The more the end of the world, the more fragile life is.

And the more fragile life is, the more Alice wants to cherish it.

For the companions she once recognized, she couldn't do anything.

"..." Hearing her answer, the Red Queen seemed to be down as well.

However, no matter what Alice says or thinks, as a tracker of biological and chemical weapons, she will not show any mercy.


Roaring angrily, he punched out, although he hit the air again, but he smashed the floor into pieces.

Under the influence of the T virus, the strength in the body is obviously abundant, but because the enemy's speed is too fast, he is treated as a "monkey", and the attacks are dodged one after another...

The feeling of hitting the cotton with his fist made him extremely angry!


Looking at Alice, the tracker uttered an unprecedented roar.

Then, he concentrated his strength on his feet, leaned his body slightly forward, and made the movement of starting...


The tracker is on the run!

Tall figure, ferocious face, terrifying roar... the aura he exudes at this time is like a galloping tank!Once it is hit, it will be smashed to pieces!

Facing the sudden and fierce enemy, Alice couldn't do anything even if she wanted to release the water.

"No! Matt! Wake up!"

In the melee combat, Alice yelled while trying her best to dodge the opponent's attack, trying to make the last struggle.

However, what she ushered in was only a more deadly attack.

There will always be times when people are secretive and sparse.

at last……

Alice, who had been struggling to dodge for a long time, accidentally stepped on a fragment of the test bench, and as a result, her center of gravity shifted...

And the stalker obviously seized on the opportunity, throwing a punch she couldn't dodge.

The target...is the heart!

In this regard, Alice only had time to cross her arms and block in front of her, and then resisted the blow.



The sound of bones breaking sounded.

Severe pain came from both hands, Alice's eyes went dark, and before she had time to react, she received a second punch.

This time, it's the abdomen.


Blood mixed with gastric juice overflowed from the corner of her mouth. Alice flew upside down in mid-air, and then hit the wall heavily, slipping down like a puddle of ooze, and slumped on the ground.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably die on the spot under these two blows.

It's just that Alice, as the only existence in this world that perfectly merged with the T-virus, her physical fitness has long been out of the human category under the transformation of the T-virus, so she is only seriously injured and still has the strength to fight again.

But even so, her current combat effectiveness has dropped significantly compared to before.

"Ouch! Cough cough!"

Spitting out the blood and visceral fragments accumulated in the mouth and esophagus, Alice shook her head vigorously, her pupils gradually narrowed.

"Ah... uh..."

The pain hit like a tide, and she couldn't help moaning in pain, trying to raise her head, but her hands were limply drooping by her sides, unable to control her.

The hand bone was probably broken by the blow just now... No, it was even shattered. The nerves in the arm were severely damaged, and it was no longer possible to normally feed back signals from the brain.

Even though Alice can feel that the T virus is quickly repairing the injuries in her body, but...

Looking at the figure approaching again, the corners of her mouth twitched, revealing a wry smile.

It's too late.

At this time, Hong Hou's FM-amplified voice suddenly came from the earphones that fell on the ground:

"Alice, the model of the tracker is controlled by a chip implanted in the brain. Although the individual in front of you has no signal access like the butcher, it is suspected that the traitor Wesker directly eroded the brain with the T virus, but the chip must exist. "

"What do you want to say?"

"I can try to restart the chip implanted in its brain to fight against the erosive effect of the T virus. At that time, it may remember something. The probability of you waking it up is dozens of percent higher than before."

"What did you say?!"

"Finally, Alice, painful stimuli may be more effective than words"



Just when Alice wanted to continue asking, the earphone that fell on the ground was crushed by the tracker.

Raising her head, a big brown hand suddenly grabbed her neck and lifted her from the ground.


As if laughing or venting his anger from just now, the tracker let out a roar at Alice, and then began to increase the strength in his hands.


A sense of suffocation struck, looking at the left eye full of cruelty and ruthlessness, Alice wanted to say something, but the words turned into an unclear voice as soon as she uttered them.

His hands gradually regained consciousness, but at this moment they could only swing feebly.Qi and blood surged up, the corners of his mouth began to overflow with blood, his face also began to flush abnormally, and his eyes even began to turn white.

At this last moment, she thought again of what the Red Queen said just now.

chip...pain...wake up...

At the same time, as if the heavens began to bless him, the tracker was suddenly taken aback, and let go of his hand unnaturally.

With a "click", Alice fell to the ground, began to cough violently, and took a big breath of air.

"Wake up with pain..."

After hovering around the edge of death, her eyes suddenly changed.

Afterwards, Alice stood up slowly, pulled out the saber with her hand that was beginning to regain consciousness, and stabbed at the pursuer who stood there in a daze.


Blood spattered.

However, the stalker's single eye that was exposed to the outside suddenly became radiant. It was no longer inhuman cruelty, but a human trance.

Obviously, Alice succeeded.

Chapter 141 Chapter 130 [-] The outcome has been decided?

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