T virus, full name "Tyrant-Virus", also known as "tyrant" virus, its main function is to speed up the metabolism of organisms and recombine the genetic factors of organisms.

In medicine, it is manifested as curing thousands of different diseases and quickly repairing the damage of the body;

In the military, it is used by umbrella companies to produce various powerful biological weapons (BOW), which are secretly sold to countries all over the world, and they personally start the second arms race since the nuclear competition, so as to intervene in politics and make huge profits.

However, the T virus is both the "light of God" and the "stick of destruction".

A virus is a virus after all, and it is uncontrollable in many cases. Once it reproduces too fast in the body, it will cause various mutations in the human body.

In the eyes of the umbrella company, zombies are just a "failed operation" of the T virus.

They only know how to satisfy their appetite and have been "hollowed out" by the T virus, except for the huge number, they are almost worthless.

What the umbrella really wants is to strengthen human genes.

Except for the miraculous Alice, Wesker at this time is the answer they want.



The blade invisible to the naked eye slashed across, and one of Wesker's arms landed quietly.

But after a while, new arms have grown out.


With one punch, the thunder blade in Mei's hand slowly shattered.


Glancing at the Broken Blade in his hand, Mei remained silent, speeding up to avoid Wesker's follow-up attack, and using this to create a distance.

"Director Mei, your swordsmanship is really superb." Twisting his neck, the corners of Wesker's mouth slightly turned up, and his tone was a little mocking, "Unfortunately, it's still too tender for God."


Sensing the pride in the red eyes under Wesker's sunglasses, Mei curled up her lips, noncommittal.

Beichen Yidao Style is a martial art on the battlefield. It pays attention to making the enemy incapable of fighting with one move.

But this time the enemy...

Mei lowered her gaze and glanced at the various stumps on the ground.

Since the battle till now, she has already broken the opponent's two hands and one foot, but often the opponent recovers within a few breaths!

This terrible self-healing ability...

"It's really tough."

Pursing her lips, Mei tightly gripped the broken blade in her hand, and began to recast it with the power of the Herrscher.

The battle thus stalled.

Wesker broke his hands and feet, and Mei also broke his knife several times. Neither of them seemed to be able to do anything to the other.

"Let's try beheading next time." Staring at the enemy, Mei has already thought about the next wave of strategies in her heart.

And at this moment, "reinforcements" arrived.

"Wesker! You will definitely die here today!"


Two figures, one tall and one short, rushed from behind Wesker and launched an assault on him!

Alice, who has been "disconnected" for a long time, finally joins the battle. Besides, there is also the former enemy-the tracker.

In this regard, Mei is not surprised, after all, the son of luck is a special existence that turns all irrationality into reality.

But Wesker didn't think so.

"Oh?" Without turning his head, Wesker seemed to know what happened behind him. After a slight smile, the whole person suddenly turned into phantoms and disappeared in place.

Alice and the tracker suddenly rushed to nothing.

Before they could react, Wesker actually "returned to the customer" and appeared behind them instead!

"I never thought my 'bodyguard' would betray me..."

Hooking their shoulders like friends, the corners of Wesker's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a sneer.

He responded with two punches.

"go to hell!"


However, he was dodged again.

"I really underestimated you, Alice." Sitting on the "throne" as before, Wesker raised his chin and looked down at the hostile Alice.

Having said that, his tone was full of teasing, without any anger or regret, as if the betrayal of the tracker was harmless to him.

"Are you okay? Alice?" Mei walked up, looked at Alice's pale face and bleeding from the corner of her mouth, and asked in a caring tone.

"Thank you for your concern, Director Raiden, I'm fine." Shaking her head slowly, Alice continued to look at Wesker with hatred in her eyes, "We have to find a way to solve him, Director Raiden, this is the top priority now. "

"Well, I understand. It's just that Wesker's self-healing ability is too strong, and his speed and strength are not low. You have to be careful, Alice." Hearing this, Mei nodded, holding the recast Thunder Blade tightly, and at the same time fully Said seriously.

"I see, Director Raiden. By the way, Matt has come to his senses, and he will fight with us against Wesker."

Hearing Alice's words, Mei looked at the pursuer specially.

He didn't know if he felt something, but the other party also looked over.

Hatred, anger and unwillingness - these are the emotions that Mei sees in that one eye.

Unbelievable, the biological weapon made by the protective umbrella has regained its own consciousness.

But it has nothing to do with me...

After nodding to the other party to express her kindness, Mei, like Alice, looked at the figure on the throne again.

Three to one.

The situation seems to be very bad for Wesker.

However, he himself still looks leisurely and leisurely.

"Very well, that's what I want to see. Whether it's Alice or Director Mei, I'm amazed by the performance of both of you. To be honest, I can't bear to eat you."

How confident is this?

Hearing Wesker's ridicule, even Mei wondered if she had underestimated his strength.

However, his tone of disregarding himself and others completely annoyed Alice.

Not much to say, she released her special skill on the spot - mind wave.


As Alice's azure pupils shrank a little and then suddenly expanded to the extreme, an invisible force quickly spread forward, like a stormy sea, sweeping everything along the way.

The tiles are constantly pulled out and broken, the floor is dented and sinking, and the glass-like touch screen hanging from the ceiling is instantly shattered, turning into pieces and falling like a goddess scattering flowers.

"This kind of power... is really powerful."

After sighing, Wesker suddenly disappeared.

But his "throne" full of cyberpunk style was smashed into pieces all over the ground by the invisible "big hand" of Mindwave.


Immediately afterwards, when Wesker reappeared, the tracker suddenly roared and charged forward.


With a terrifying sound of breaking through the air, he swung his fist of anger at his former "boss"!

To Mei's surprise, the punch actually hit.


Blood splattered, Wesker was hit hard and flew out, his whole body was like a kite with a broken string.

"Director Raiden!" Seeing this, Alice, who was covering her head, suddenly shouted.


Nodding, Mei grasped the Thunder Blade tightly and disappeared in place in an instant.


The blue light of the knife streaked across, and the body of Wesker, who was flying upside down, suddenly split into several pieces...


The "tofu" hit the wall, all kinds of indescribable pieces of meat stuck together tightly, and the blood spread like a spider's web.

Wesker, dead?

Chapter 142 Chapter 130 Five Blood Plague

In fact, what Mei and the others didn't know was that at the moment Wesker was "eliminated", the nightmare happened on the Arcadia.

"Uh...uhhh! Help me! Help me!!!"

In the cabin, all the crew members...even including the captain Baro Jack, all fell to the ground at the same time, wailing in pain.

I saw them curled up and clutching their stomachs, as if some foreign object had entered their bodies.

What's more, their lips were pale, their faces were blue, and their foreheads were constantly sweating. They rolled over, beat the ground, and even hit their heads against the wall. The whole person fell into a state of madness, and screamed endlessly.

That scene was very frightening.


The same scene also happened on the deck.

"Big, everyone?! How did this happen?"

At this time on the deck of the Arcadia, among the hundreds of figures, only Alisa and Qianji were still standing, and the rest of the people were crying on the ground like the people in the cabin, no matter men, women or children.

This made Alisa, who was comforting them, panicked and didn't know what to do.

However, looking at the terrifying symptoms of these people, Qian Ji opened her eyes wide.

"It's the plague! I smell the plague!"


As if thinking of something, Alisa turned pale.

T virus...

"Serum!" She suddenly yelled and raised her left hand, "The serum you asked me to prepare before I came to this world...maybe it can help everyone!"

Afterwards, Alisa hurriedly stretched out her hand in the void, and a silver watch suddenly appeared on the originally empty wrist.

It is a symbol of super god space, and it is also a space prop used by super gods to store things.

It's just that Mei didn't expect that it could appear or disappear according to the owner's wishes.

Now, Alisa wants to use the props of the super god space to help the survivors, but...

It seems that it is too late.


Just as Alisa was taking out the antidote serum, a familiar figure suddenly fell from the gap in the bridge to the deck, which immediately attracted their attention.

The familiar navy uniform, the familiar gray hair, and the navy cap that fell aside...

That seemed to be the captain of the ship, a sixth-level employee of the Umbrella Company—Barro Jack.

"Uncle Jack!!"

For that figure, Alisa, who had been with him for nearly a month, recognized it at first sight.

Hearing her cry, the middle-aged captain, who fell from the bridge more than ten meters high, was seriously injured, but he still moved his fingers, then raised his head with difficulty, revealing a picture distorted by pain. faces.

"Little, little Alisa..."

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