Seeing the other party's miserable state, Alisa trembled all over, and her eyes turned red.

"Uncle Jack! I'm here to save you!"

Looking at the pink-haired girl who was wiping away tears and running towards him with all her strength, Jack shook his head slowly, the corners of his pale mouth hooked, and he smiled ugly.

"There's no...necessary. Little on. And...ahhh!"

As he spoke, this tough guy who had spent most of his life at sea started screaming, his face was so distorted that he could hardly recognize his original appearance, and beads of sweat dripped down like pearls with broken strings.

How much pain would it take to make such a real man so unbearable?

Hard to imagine.

Suddenly, Jack's body began to inflate rapidly like a balloon.

"No, don't come here!"

On his deathbed, he suddenly regained part of his sanity.

"Alyssa! Wait!" Seeing this, Qianji also sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly stopped Alyssa.

"No! Don't stop me! Qianji sauce, I'm going to save Uncle Jack! Serum must be useful!"

The pink-haired girl cried out in a crying voice, her moist eyes kept looking at Jack.

In this regard, Qian Ji, who puts her safety first, of course couldn't let go, and even hugged her.

"I feel death in's too late, Alyssa."

"No! It's not true! Uncle Jack!"

After getting along for nearly a month, Alisa felt the love from the heart from the middle-aged captain. She didn't want to lose an elder who treated her sincerely.

However, the reality is cruel.

Jack's body was still expanding, and even his facial features were deformed in the back.

The five senses began to be lost, first of all vision.

Although he couldn't see the pink-haired girl, Jack was very relieved to hear her heart-piercing cries.

At this moment, compared with the severe pain coming from his body, the warm current surging deep in his heart made him feel happy.

In a trance, Jack seemed to "see" a blond American girl smiling at him, and issued a distant call that seemed to come from heaven:


He still remembered that it was his granddaughter, who was 15 years old, the person he owed the most.

For a long time, he, Barrow Jack, has been wandering at sea all year round for work, often not going home for a year, lacking the companionship and care for that girl.

And when the disaster broke out, he was still at sea.Although she escaped the catastrophe, the city where the girl is located has already fallen...

No one survived.

At the moment when he heard the news, because he was in front of the panicked crew members, of course, as the captain, he couldn't help but suppress the endless grief in his heart, and issued orders calmly and calmly as usual.

In those few nights, Jack couldn't sleep all night. Whenever he closed his eyes, the face of his granddaughter would appear in front of him...

He is sorry for her.

He is sinful.

And Minghu Alisa, such an innocent and innocent pink-haired girl, when he rescued her and saw her, Jack was in a trance like now.

Indistinctly, he seemed to see the shadow of his granddaughter in Alisa.

Therefore, Jack used the power of the captain to overcome all opinions, rescued the pink-haired girl from the difficulties and doubts of the crew and survivors, and gave others unimaginable love and trust.

Maybe... No, he always knew that he just regarded Alisa as a substitute for his granddaughter, and wanted to make up for the care and companionship he had lost over the years. This was just a meaningless and cowardly evasion.

But even so...

"Uncle Jack! No! Don't!"

Hearing the helpless cry of the other party at this time, Jack suddenly felt that everything was worth it.

Just before the boundless pain overwhelmed his consciousness, he opened his mouth with all his strength and said what he had always wanted to say:

"Thank you, little Alisa, please live well."

Immediately after...

"Bang bang bang...!"

Continuous explosions sounded, blood, flesh, stumps... and other indescribable things splashed out, turning the world in front of me into hell.After that, bloody tentacles full of sharp teeth occupied people's bodies, burrowing out from various places, like parasites.

The Arcadia fell, and all survivors and crew died.

And Alisa fainted on the spot after seeing this scene.

Chapter 143 Chapter 130 Chapter Six

"Be careful! Alice!"

In the cargo hold of the Arcadia, the second area of ​​the Umbrella Corporation's secret laboratory - Ganakone, Mei and Alice are fleeing.

That's right, escape.

And what was chasing them was not Wesker, but huge bloody tentacles that looked like horned dragons.

They are huge and infinite, even the special alloy steel gate made by the umbrella company can easily penetrate; they are everywhere, whether they are walls, floors or ceilings made of new materials, they may drill out of them in the next moment, bringing you Come to a "surprise".

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The two ran quickly in the aisle, followed by those bloody tentacles.

Under the sweep of the tentacles, the helicopters along the way began to explode one after another. The tumbling heat waves and successive loud noises were like the pace of death, quickly approaching Mei and the others.

In the flames, a tall figure could be vaguely seen, but his head was no longer a "head", but wicker-like tentacles...

From the outside world's point of view, the sea was clearly calm, but the whole ship was shaking greatly.At the same time, bloody tentacles, like the roots of some kind of plant, continuously drilled out from the inside out, gradually covering the outer wall.

This scene is creepy.


And all of this happened after Wesker was "eliminated".

In fact, the Red Queen seems to have guessed right.

Wesker can indeed control the T-virus... To be more precise, he is no longer an "individual", but the T-virus "itself".

Unimaginable evolution.

Under the pursuit of Alice, the tracker and Mei, Wesker's human body has been destroyed.

At that moment, let alone Alice, even Mei thought he was dead.

After all, Mei swung three knives when he flew upside down:

One beheaded, two heartbroken.

"The body is separated, the heart is divided into four pieces, and the high temperature of Thunder Blade can burn the skin tissue... Wesker should have no chance of recovery, right?"

This was the thought in Mei's heart at that time.

However, when those disgusting tentacles reappeared, she realized that she had made a big mistake.

Wesker not only controlled the T virus, but also turned into a "host" or "aggregate", becoming an indestructible existence!

at the same time……

Before Mei and the others could react, the trackers who had just fought side by side suddenly changed!

When that big guy's head exploded like a butcher and tentacles appeared, Mei... especially Alice was dumbfounded.

Mei can hardly forget the expression on Alice's face after seeing the stalker's miserable face:

Despair, immense despair; anger, boundless anger.

At that moment, she didn't scream like an ordinary girl, but let out a mournful roar like a man.

Immediately afterwards, tentacles began to appear one after another on the walls, floor and ceiling of the command room, innumerable and extremely ferocious.

Faced with such a passive situation, Mei had no choice but to rouse Alice, who had red eyes, to flee together in a small space.

So there was the opening scene.


"Director Raiden, I have to remind you that all the survivors and crew members on the Arcadia died one minute ago, and the mutated product of the T virus has occupied this ship. attack"

"What?!" Hearing this, Mei froze, and then continued to run wildly, "What's going on?! Where's Alisa! How's she doing!"

"The specific reason is unknown for the time being. However, after preliminary speculation, it is basically confirmed that it is caused by the activation of the T virus. As for your friend, she is now in a coma"



At this time, the ceiling in front of it suddenly collapsed, and two or three tentacles protruded from it, rolling straight towards the two people who were running.

The first to bear the brunt is Mei in the front.

Seeing this, although Alice looked pale and looked very weak, she still shouted anxiously: "Be careful, Mei!"

In an emergency, she abandoned her previous address and chose to call Mei directly by her English name.

This is a subconscious recognition.

Mei also noticed this, and the corners of her mouth involuntarily raised slightly.

It's not that Director Raiden's title sounds bad, but that in Japan, only close friends call each other by their first name instead of their last name.

Maybe Alice doesn't understand, but Mei is a native Japanese, and she thinks more.

As for the incoming tentacles...

In fact, she never thought it was such a big threat.

Raise the Thunder Blade and place it horizontally in front of your body, and at the same time mobilize the power of the Herrscher to light up the lightning.


The four types of thunder and lightning are unique - rushing to the thunder!

Just when Mei wanted to let those tentacles taste the taste of being struck by lightning, several faint blue sword qi appeared first, cutting off those tentacles at the waist.


Looking at the bloody tentacles on the pile of rubble that were cut off but still twisting like earthworms, Mei put down the glowing Thunder Blade in her hand and slowly raised her head.

as predicted.

The next moment, the black-haired priestess slowly floated down from the gap in the ceiling, holding a sword and hugging the girl.

"Miss Thunder, I'm here to support you."

The sleeves of the clothes flutter, the corners of the skirt dance, the maple-colored rope around the waist swings back and forth, and the long hair and bow ribbons behind the head and back fluctuate with the wind, making the visitor look elegant and refined like a fairy.

Chrysanthemum Chihime, this enigmatic girl came to support at this time!

"Thank you, Alyssa...are you alright?" Came back to her senses, Mei thanked her, and then shifted her gaze to the pink-haired girl with her eyes closed.

Hearing this, Qianji shook her head, raised her eyes and looked behind Mei and the others, her eyes gradually firmed up.

"It's okay, Alisa was just frightened, and she wasn't injured. I will do my best to protect her."

"Rumble!" As soon as her words fell, the entire Ganaku began to shake, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Immediately afterwards, tentacles surged from all directions, growing crazily and dancing wildly.

Among them, in the direction when Mei and the others came, a "grass head man" whose body was scorched black but whose original appearance could be vaguely seen was walking step by step, staggering like a zombie.


Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure, Alice's face was full of pain.

And Mei was also a little bit sad.

A month ago, the handsome shirt man in the hive was first infected with the T-virus, walked through the crowd of zombies, was finally injected with serum and then transformed, then was miraculously awakened by Alice, and became a temporary comrade-in-arms with himself, but Now it looks like this again...

"Miss Thunder, you have to find a way to get out of here. Although I can stop them for a while, I can't completely destroy them."

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