While speaking, the black-haired priestess began to swing the blade quickly, chopping up all the incoming tentacles.

Under the radiating sword energy, Mei and Alice seemed to be the ones to be protected.

"Can't you control zombies? They..."

Before the latter finished speaking, Qianji replied calmly:

"They don't belong to the living or the dead, but are foreign objects between the two. The spells below have no effect on them."


One has a bad complexion, and the other has a flat tone...

The atmosphere present was a bit strange.

How could Mei, who was caught in the middle, not notice this?

It's just as gentle as she didn't remain silent shyly, nor was she so stupid as to forcibly insert a topic between the two of them, but scanned the surroundings carefully, and then her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Let's leave first! I have a way to deal with them!"

Chapter 144 Chapter 130 Chapter Seven Comes to an End

It has been a month since the leak of the T virus.

Originally, according to the speed of the earth's atmospheric circulation, even if the T virus has been able to spread through the air, it is impossible for it to spread throughout the world within a few years.


Human jetliners cut this time considerably.

The reality is that as long as an infected person passes the airport security check and successfully boards the plane to reach the other side of the ocean, he can take the "Pandora's Box" to the other side of the world.

The time required for this is only a few hours.

Humanity was defeated, and civilization was almost destroyed.

And what I really want to say here is...

In today's era, except for special personnel and institutions, almost all survivors carry the T virus to a greater or lesser extent!

This is like the fact that there are no bacteria and parasites in the human body. This is unavoidable, but in most cases their concentration... or the "number" is too small to break through the human immune system, so It doesn't do much harm in the short term.

But once too much contact or being scratched or bitten by zombies, the "power" of the T virus in the human body will rapidly expand, killing normal cells, destroying the immune system, and turning the whole person into a "puppet"—— It's zombification.

And the tragedy that happened on the Arcadia - all the survivors and the crew turned into "parasitic zombies", in fact, it can be understood that the latent T virus in their bodies suddenly "ran away"!

In a very short period of time, under the urging of some "instructions", they attack the human body recklessly, and absorb energy and nutrients from the cells to grow themselves, greedy and vicious like tumors!

After killing the host, they occupy that body.

It is undeniable that they seem to have "wisdom".

And all of this has nothing to do with Wesker.


"I am God!"

"You can't get rid of me, let alone kill me!"

"Be my food obediently!"

Inside Ganakun, as far as the eye can see, there are rolling, bright red tentacles, and Wesker's extremely arrogant voice also comes from the depths, like the howling wind in the nether world, making people shiver all over.

However, no one present was frightened by him.

Stabilizing her figure on the constantly shaking floor, Mei holds the thunder blade in her hand and cuts off the incoming tentacles neatly. Her expression is confident and heroic. There are lightning flashes in every move, like a Valkyrie walking in the world.

On the side, Alice and Qianji are also resisting Wesker's offensive in their own way.Regardless of whether it was overflowing sword energy or strong thoughts, the three of them were like a rock lying quietly in the river, still standing motionless despite the beating of the raging waves.



The loud noise came again, and cracks began to appear on the floor and walls of Ganaku.

Obviously, this battlefield itself can't last long.

Seeing this, Mei made another proposal:

"Alice, Miss Juli, you go first! I already have a solution."

"No! Why are you alone..." Alice shook her head, and began to veto without thinking.

"Trust me!" Before she finished speaking, Mei interrupted equally firmly: "Leave first! I still have a lot of things to do, but I don't plan to die here! You will only be punished if you continue to stay here. spread!"

"Do you think you can escape? Dreaming!" As if hearing their conversation, Wesker's voice came again.

Afterwards, the tentacles' attacks became more violent, wave after wave, layer upon layer like ocean waves, stretching endlessly.

The pressure on the three of them suddenly doubled.

at the same time……


There was another loud bang, and the entire ship began to collapse like a melting iceberg due to the "holes" made by the tentacles.

"Let's go!" Regarding this, Mei accentuated her tone, even carrying a trace of unquestionable meaning, "If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Hearing this, Qianji was the first to respond:

"I believe in your strength, Miss Thunder. Besides, this place is getting more and more dangerous. For Alisa's safety, I must evacuate first, and leave."

As soon as the words fell, the faint blue light emanating from the black-haired priestess suddenly brightened!

Immediately after...

"Uninterrupted Hell!"

As Qianji swung a knife at the hole in the ceiling when she came, many small sword auras that looked like flying flowers and fallen leaves shot out violently, dense and continuous like raindrops, crushing the incoming tentacles with a force of destruction. Tear it to shreds!

Suddenly, the sun fell, and the black-haired maiden smiled and nodded to Mei, and then floated upwards with the unconscious pink-haired girl.

In this regard, Mei's eyes naturally fell on another person.

But before she could speak, Alice took the initiative to warn:

"Don't look at me, it's not my style to abandon my companions! I won't leave you here alone!"

After finishing speaking, Alice took a step back with vigilance, as if to express her determination.


At this moment, Mei didn't know what to say.

After being silent for a long while, although she felt a little warm in her heart, her rationality finally made her do the opposite:

"Then I'm sorry..."

Immediately afterwards, Mei rushed to Alice before she could react, and put her hand on her shoulder.


Before Alice could say anything more, Mei's body suddenly flashed with lightning...



Amidst the screams, Alice felt numb all over, and then her eyes went dark and she fell unconscious.

"The Red Queen!"

"Follow your orders"

Then, behind Mei, a less damaged helicopter suddenly and slowly opened the hatch, and at the same time, the wall in front also began to shrink automatically, revealing a window.

But at this moment, as if she understood what she wanted to do, the offensive of those bloody tentacles suddenly became more violent than ever.

"Don't want to go!"

In an instant, the demons danced wildly.

Facing this desperate scene, Mei finally showed her true strength.


I saw her put the unconscious Alice into the helicopter with one hand, and while expanding the electromagnetic barrier, she raised the Thunder Blade over her head with the other hand.


Immediately afterwards, Ganaku was illuminated by an extremely dazzling electric light.


The Thunder Snake danced wildly, and all the tentacles that came on were hit. They tasted the taste of being struck by lightning together with the roots, and then suddenly became limp and sprawled.

There was a strong burning smell in the air.

However, this is not the end.

The vitality of the tentacles is very strong, and this level of electric shock alone cannot completely kill them.

But before that...

"Automatic driving mode activated"

Before those tentacles recovered, Mei let the red queen activate the helicopter's autopilot system and successfully sent Alyssa away from the Arcadia safely.

"Next is the final farewell."

After witnessing the helicopter carrying Alice fly away, Mei muttered to herself while stretching out her hand to aim at a load-bearing column at the gate of Ganaku.


Current link, magnetic force generation.

A spider-shaped circular device with the logo of the umbrella company was sucked over and landed in Mei's hand.

This is the big killer that destroyed the Tokyo headquarters before - the purification device (annihilation bomb)!

It turns out that this secret laboratory is also equipped with a self-destructive purification system, and what Mei discovered just now is this, because of it, this series of actions took place.


After taking one last look at Ganaku, Mei flew into the sky along the hole Chihime had just left.

"You can't get rid of me!"

Sure enough, the bloody tentacles followed again, followed by Wesker's angry voice.

At this moment, the Arcadia has turned into a large "octopus", a large number of tentacles drilled out from the deck, cabin, bridge and other places, and entangled directly towards the sky.

But this is what Mei wanted.

"Go to hell!"

When a large number of tentacles appeared, she sensed that a special magnetic field was enveloping her, and she decisively threw down the purification device in her hand.

Afterwards, the energy ball that annihilated everything reappeared, putting an end to this deliberate deception.

Chapter 145 Chapter 130

A few days later, the area around Raccoon City in Colorado State in the Midwest of the United States.

This is a small farm, which mainly grows corn. It is next to a sugar factory and a small town, and there is only one road for external traffic.

Tranquility, harmony, and peace of mind used to be the only melody here.

However, with the outbreak of the Raccoon City virus, a large number of vehicles passed through this area in a short period of time.

Everyone wanted to flee, so chaos naturally arose, and some of the vehicles even carried infected people...

Everything has changed.

Frequent car accidents and the release of zombies, whether it is a small town, a sugar factory or a farm, have all fallen into hell.

However, this era is heaven for Kleiman, an old hunter with many years of experience.

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