Listen to his narration below:

Hey!do you know?Thank goodness for this!In this bastard life, with the help of the old shotgun that has been with me for several years, I finally got my wish and got my YY object when I was young-the beautiful and wealthy farmer Sophie Daller!

Look at that plump body!A touch of red lips!Charming smile... ah!Eros!Why did your arrow hit me now?

yes!I admit, I'm already addicted to her cleavage, which is deeper than the Mariana Trench!I can't extricate myself!

It's just that today, that stinking thing that is neither human nor ghost came to disturb our beautiful life again!

I swear!As punishment, I must embed a bullet deep into its head!Then drive the stake hard into its asshole!

Oh, maybe it stinks too much...forget it!I can't do that, clean Sophie won't be happy.

Why destroy the relationship between me and the little cutie because of a walking corpse?Am I right?


With a gunshot, a certain zombie wandering aimlessly was headshot in this way.

"Oh hoo!"

Seeing the black blood splattered everywhere, Kleiman in denim couldn't help but whistled.

He really felt that he had gone back to the last century, incarnated as a cowboy, happy and enmity, and returned home with a beauty in his arms, so chic and comfortable!

"Fuck the law! Fuck the federation! This is Lao Tzu's era! No one knows the end times better than me!"

Deep in love, he couldn't help shouting wantonly, throwing up the cowboy hat on his head.

And at this moment, at the end of the endless cornfield, a "black dot" appeared on the horizon.

That is……

propeller helicopter.


Kleiman froze when he heard the buzzing sound.

It's been a month...

It has been a month since the virus broke out, and he finally heard the sound of the plane again!

Compared to his dullness, a beautiful woman in a gauze skirt climbed onto the roof, raised a small yellow flag that had been prepared earlier above her head, and waved it with all her strength.

"Hey! Help us! Help is needed here!"


Whether it was the brightly colored flag, the "SOS" sign sprayed with white paint on the roof, or the woman's excited and eager cries, all were ignored.

Yes, just ignore.

The black helicopter just flew over the farm at a height of about [-] meters, but it didn't intend to stop, it just flew straight in one direction, as if there was something urgent.

Seeing this, the expression on the beautiful woman's face first changed from excitement to dullness, then from dullness to despair, and finally almost collapsed.

"No! It's not true!"

Hearing the woman's sorrowful cry, Kleiman came back to his senses.

I don't know if he read it wrong. Just now when the helicopter flew by at low altitude, facing the morning sun, he seemed to see an umbrella-shaped symbol on the fuselage...

Umbrella? !

How can it be?According to the news received on the radio some time ago, the federal government and the army have already withdrawn to Europe. No matter how strong a company is, how can it survive alone?


"That direction is... Raccoon City, right?"

Just as he was staring at the direction where the helicopter was leaving in a daze, a sudden "rustling" sound came to his ears from not far away.

Turn around and look...

Good guy!I saw that a few zombies had already crossed the fence, invaded the farm, and were walking straight towards the wooden house!

Their target seems to be the beautiful woman who is crying on the roof.

"Oh! No! Sophie! Go back! The helicopter has flown over! It has attracted a lot of dead people! Oh, damn it! If I know who the pilot is, I will kill him myself!"

The happy life of the old hunter seems to have come to an end.


At this time, the helicopter was flying to Raccoon City.


A sneeze successfully awakened Mei, who was sitting in the cabin with her eyes closed and meditating.

Frowning, she looked at the umbrella guard who was flying the plane.

"what happened to you?"

"It's okay, sir. We have all been vaccinated before coming here, so there is no risk of air infection."

"is it?"

After glancing at the other party's fully armed appearance, Mei stopped talking and turned to look at the two girls sitting opposite.

Juli Qianji and Minghu Alisa.

The former is some kind of spirit body, and of course does not need to sleep.Not only that, when she looked over, the other party seemed to have sensed it, and looked over.

The latter, on the other hand, was sleeping soundly on the shoulder of the former, with his long pink hair casually draped over his shoulder, his cloth cap tilted, and a stream of suspicious liquid even leaking from the corner of his mouth.

After looking at Qianji for a few seconds, Mei smiled slightly, but didn't intend to continue speaking.

She didn't want to disturb a sleeping pink hair.

However, the other party took the initiative to start a conversation...

To Mei's surprise, the voice of the black-haired priestess appeared directly in her mind:

"Thank you very much, Miss Thunder"

After a short period of surprise, with Mei's understanding, she did not choose to ask aloud, but continued to look at him, and began to try to start a "dialogue" with the other party in her heart.

"Can you... hear it?"

"Well, Miss Lei Dian is very smart, she has mastered the trick in no time, I admire you"

At this moment, the miko's peculiar "half blue and half pink" eyes were filled with a smile, as bright as a starry sky.

"Thank you, but I don't understand why you want to thank..."

"Thank you for your willingness to believe in me and Alyssa, and thank you for choosing to lend a helping hand even though you knew our identities, instead of rejecting or staying away from us. Thank you very much."

"Are you referring to my decision to help Alisa complete the mission? If I didn't solve your teammates, that mission would not be difficult for Qianji, right?"

Facing Mei's suspicious gaze, Qianji shook her head slowly, pursed her lips slightly, and showed a trace of pain in her eyes.

"It's not that simple, Miss Thunder. Although I have always been attached to the Fengshen Saber Wugou, I have seen what happened to Alisa. She is too naive, too kind, and too weak. Those days The teammates have been pushing her aside, looking down on her, seeing her as a burden..."

"To be honest, the reason why I don't show up until the critical moment is to confuse them and let them think that Alyssa will not pose a threat to them, so they can relax their vigilance."

"In fact, I understand that one day they will attack Alisa, because their hearts are greedy and evil, so I have already prepared in my heart. Once they do, for Alisa's safety, no matter what they pay No matter the price, he must be killed!"

As the last word fell in her mind, Mei really saw a trace of murderous intent in the eyes of the black-haired priestess.

The other party is serious!

Regarding this, Mei was silent for a while, and then asked again in her heart:

"You...Miss Juli, I'm a little curious, what is the relationship between you and Alisa?"

Hearing this question, Qianji was stunned for a moment, then the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, revealing a beautiful and innocent smile.

"That starts with my life...Miss Lei Dian, are you willing to listen to my heart?"

Seemingly remembering something, Qianji looked at Mei with traces of sparkle in her eyes.

Seeing this, Mei smiled slightly, and nodded seriously and firmly.

"Of course, I would like to hear more about it"

"Thank you very much, and I hope you will not laugh at me after listening"

Immediately afterwards, Qianji was silent for a while, and then began to recount her past:

"I was born on the night of the lunar eclipse..."


Chapter 146 Chapter 130 IX Qian Ji's Life Experience

On a strange night of a lunar eclipse, a maiden was born.

Juli and his wife were very happy to have a son when they were old, and they named him "Qianji" to express their best wishes.

But not long after, a well-known local onmyoji suddenly came to visit. When he saw the newborn's face, he was shocked and said:

"This is the son of the curse!"

After the word spread, everything changed.

Because of being in ancient times, feudalism and ignorance are inevitable, and everyone in the village thinks Juli's family is cursed, and they all isolate him and don't want to associate with him.

As time passed, Juli and his wife also took this matter seriously. They were sad all day long and didn't think about eating and drinking. What they often did was look at Qianji who was still crying in her infancy, shaking her head and sighing.

In the end, under pressure, the couple secretly abandoned Qianji in an uninhabited barren mountain one night, leaving a child who couldn't even walk to fend for herself.

Fortunately, there was a touch of pity at the critical moment in the sky. Before Xiao Qianji was eaten by the pack of wolves, a shrine master appeared in time, picked her up, and raised her personally.

Afterwards, little Qianji gradually grew up, and followed the priest to learn the witch's spells, and lived a stable and happy life every day.

But the good times didn't last long, and fate played tricks on this poor girl again.

One day, the divine master passed away suddenly.

But before Qianji, who was the closest and closest to the God Lord, could recover from her grief, she was driven out of the shrine by some greedy people who coveted the God Lord's inheritance.

From then on, the girl began a life of being helpless and wandering around.


No matter how hateful the fate is, no matter how difficult the life is, Qian Ji, who has been in a state of ups and downs, has not forgotten the teachings of the old God.

Every time she comes to a new place, every time she sees someone in need of help, the kind-hearted girl will never look back, never back down, and repay her kindness with kindness.

Gradually, the name Juli Qianji gradually spread, and the girl herself was very beautiful, and the pure and ethereal aura unique to witches was deeply fascinating...

Human beings are beautiful and kind-hearted——this trait is in modern times, so it’s hard not to think about it!

This is even more so in ancient times.

And just when the girl began to be loved and pursued by the people as her name suggests, the mockery of fate began again.

There is a saying that goes well: "A good image needs to be accumulated bit by bit and with all your heart to form, but to destroy a good image, only one stain is enough overnight."

This is the fact.

Due to her unique physique, Qian Ji's spells are completely different from other witches. They are not so-called healing, but terrifying dead spirits.

That's right!Although Qianji is an excellent witch, and the spiritual power in her body is extremely abundant and huge, but every move can make everything decay and destroy, and her special skill is to summon the undead.

In an operation to save others, the girl had no choice but to use her own special technique, summoning the undead to successfully rescue the person, but the news spread like wildfire afterwards...

The Goddess whom I and others yearned for and admired all this time turned out to be a Witch? !

Everything changed again.

Just like what I experienced when I was a child, the people who greeted Qianji with smiles suddenly showed disgust, jealousy, and even swearing at each other.

The girl was kicked out again.

But this time, it was more cruel than the previous few times.

Since the name "Ju Li Qian Ji" and the girl's beautiful appearance have been widely spread, after the "Dong Chuang Incident", the bad influence caused spread rapidly across a large area.

This time, no matter where the girl went, someone with a heart would recognize her and continue to persecute and drive her away.

In addition, no matter how much wronged she suffers, the girl abides by her own principles and never uses her natural strength to hurt others.

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