As soon as the news came out and verified, people not only did not feel pity, but even worsened, demonizing the originally kind and beautiful girl, calling her a "monster" and denouncing her as "unknown".

Since then, wherever Qian Ji went, she was greeted with rudeness, making things difficult, swearing, and even punching and kicking.

Gradually, she became disheartened.

"Since there is no place to live in the world, it is better to stay away from the world"

In this way, after repeatedly hitting the wall, the girl finally settled down in an uninhabited deserted village.

"There, I won't disturb anyone. Although lonely, I can live on"

But later, on the way to pick wild vegetables and mushrooms in the mountains, the girl happened to meet a farmer who went up the mountain to cut firewood!

When her own existence was discovered, she could have used her own spells to keep it there forever, but when she thought that there might be a waiting wife and a baby waiting to be raised in the other party's home, she felt soft-hearted when she thought of what happened to her when she was a child Let him go.

At that time, Qianji was lucky enough to think that the barren mountain was remote and inaccessible, and news about herself should not circulate here, so she didn't pay much attention to it.


On the second day, the news of the girl's appearance had already spread in a neighboring village with a small population on the other side of the mountain.

The irony is that Mingming Qianji didn't do anything to the farmer, but he told the villagers how he was attacked and how he managed to escape...

For a time, everyone in the village was in danger.

Immediately afterwards, in order to protect their wives and daughters, their children and grandchildren, and everyone's village, strong men gathered spontaneously to form a "monster hunting team" and searched all over the mountains and plains with bamboo sticks and spears.

Under such circumstances, the deserted village where Qianji lived was quickly discovered.


What happened next, Mei had more or less guessed.

On the Arcadia a few days ago, when she met Qian Ji for the first time, she "saw" the other party's sporadic memories through the electromagnetic barrier.

The ignorant villagers formed a team to attack because of their own reasons, while the powerful girl was unwilling to hurt them because of her belief and bottom line, she just blindly avoided and sought self-protection.

In the end, a passing samurai heard about this incident, and in the name of justice and eliminating demons, he stabbed his saber into the girl's heart...

"At that time, what the samurai used to kill his subordinates was this sacred sword, Wugou, which was enshrined by the people of later generations."

While conveying the words into Mei's mind, the black-haired priestess stroked the ordinary wooden-handled dagger in her hand with a very complicated expression.

Seeing this, Mei's eyes were full of sympathy.

Judging from the current ending, I am afraid that no one thought at that time that the soul of the girl who died innocently and tragically did not dissipate after her death due to the powerful spiritual power she possessed during her lifetime. Instead, she lived in the murder weapon that killed her. Year.

"I'm really... sorry, Ms. Kikuri, Mei has been taking the liberty all this time."

"It doesn't matter." Qian Ji shook her head, and the desolate and sad atmosphere emanating from her body began to dissipate.

She turned her head slightly and stared at the pink-haired girl who was leaning against her sleeping soundly, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a warm smile like a sunny day after rain.

"Since this knife and Zaixia entered the super-divine space for unknown reasons, Zaixia met Alisa. She awakened Xiaxia with her own singing and became the nominal master of Xiaxia. For all this, I am very fortunate and very happy. gratitude"

"Finally, with a sincere and kind friend like Alisa, I no longer have to live in fear and fear all day long. This is my long-cherished wish."

Having said that, she smiled and looked at Mei again.

"Of course, Miss Lei Dian is also such a good person, thank you very much."

"Uh...have I been issued a card?" In response, the corners of Mei's mouth twitched slightly.

"Hehehe, of course I don't mean that~" Qianji obviously understood the meaning of "issuing a card", she covered her mouth and laughed softly.

And after her actions, a certain pink-haired singer who had been bleeding "halazi" was finally awakened.

"Huh?! Are you here?" I saw him sitting up immediately as if getting an electric shock, then glanced around his eyes in a daze, began to rub his eyes, and murmured at the same time: "This sleep is so comfortable~"

However, when the back of her hand touched the string of cool liquid at the corner of her mouth, the pink-haired girl froze for a moment, as if she had noticed something, a blush quickly spread to the base of her ears.

Seeing this, Mei suddenly felt playful, and deliberately said with a straight face: "Why, did you find out? Don't worry! Qianji and I will not tell this secret!"


Hearing this, the girl's mournful cry resounded in the cabin without any surprise.

Immediately afterwards, she was covering her cheeks while wiping her saliva frantically, with an expression of shame and indignation that she didn't want to get into the ground immediately.

Seeing her funny reaction, Mei and Chihime looked at each other and smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Mei, Mei-chan! Chihime-chan! Don't laugh any more—! Woo..."

The joyful atmosphere began to spread, replacing and dispelling the previous sad and heavy atmosphere, making the entire cabin brighten up.

Looking at Qian Ji's heartfelt smile, Mei seemed to understand a truth:

No matter how miserable and sad the past was, it has passed. Compared with being stuck in the past, the most important thing is to grasp the present, and... to look forward to the future.

Qianji is like this, what about her?

Chapter 147 Chapter 140 "Miracle"

The surrounding terrain of Raccoon City in the Midwest of the United States is very complicated, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one bridge leading to the outside world, so the development is very limited.

The Umbrella Company has taken a fancy to this semi-enclosed environment, so since the 60s, it has continuously invested huge sums of money to assist the development and modernization of Raccoon City, making this border town with only tens of thousands of people become a A well-equipped industrial city.

It can be said that Raccoon City was "built" by Umbrella Corporation.More than half of the residents are employees of the umbrella company, and the city has actually become the private base of the umbrella company.

In fact, if the Umbrella Corporation wanted to, the city could collapse in an instant.

However, compared to the original world line, Raccoon City in this world has not been "cleansed" by nuclear bombs due to Mei's appearance and interference.

Therefore, today it has become a paradise for zombies.


Adele Carter is a salesperson in a small supermarket and a former college tennis coach. Now she is 30 years old and an older single woman.

In addition, she also has a profession that ordinary people can't understand-survival madness.

For some reason, since she was in middle school, she has been addicted to the Internet and novels, not pursuing fashion, cosmetics and love like most girls of the same age, but obsessed with various survival skills.

She is a die-hard fan of Mr. Bei. She once set a wild record of [-] camping trips, [-] mountaineering trips, and [-] marathon trips in one year!

In the eyes of relatives and friends, Adele is simply the representative of contemporary female men!A fantasist who believes in the existence of doomsday!Survive the bewildered barbarian!

They even speculated that the reason why Adele gave up her comfortable job in college and chose to work as a salesperson in a supermarket was probably because if the doomsday really came, she would have no worries about food and clothing if she stayed in the supermarket!

Overall, incomprehensible.

But no one thought that the end would really come.

In just one month now, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes!

On the bright side, for Adele, this is simply God's approval of herself!

"There are still thirteen boxes of canned fruit, five boxes of canned pork, seven boxes of canned beef, and twenty boxes of drinking water..."

"The meat stored in the simple refrigerator has begun to rot, it seems that my production technology is still not up to standard..."

"There are 63 bullets left, and the silencer needs to be improved. Those guys are very sensitive to sound..."

In the afternoon, after a simple Chinese meal, Adele continued to take the binoculars to the top floor of the supermarket, observing the zombies wandering on the street from top to bottom, while sorting out her current situation over and over again.

Under the sun, her bronzed skin shimmered, her capable ponytail fluttered in the wind behind her, her eyes were sharp under the green sun hat, and her figure wrapped in a cool summer dress was sexy and hot...

Because she likes to exercise, she has abdominal muscles that most girls don't have, and her height is close to 1.8 meters. She gives people the vigor and vigor of a lioness chasing prey on the African savannah. Instead of being weak and watery, she is full of strength. feel.

After observing for a while, the elderly lady put down the binoculars, and just straddled the signboard of the supermarket with one foot, half-closed her eyes and fell into deep thought.

"They seem to have fallen into a dormant state, walking around or roaring aimlessly, is it to reduce energy loss as much as possible before foraging for food? It's really a beast-like behavior..."

"Although the body has begun to rot, the hearing and vision do not seem to have degenerated. It seems that you should pay attention to it and be careful not to be discovered..."

"However, they don't seem to look up for no reason? As long as the distance is far enough and the sunlight is strong enough, they are relatively safe. After all, I don't believe their retinas are still normal..."

She kept talking to herself, even though no one was listening and answering.

For a whole month, Adele has survived alone in this raccoon city that has been reduced to a zombie paradise.

Like the vast majority of survivors, she is also waiting for rescue from the country and the government.

The only difference is that, as a survival enthusiast, Adele never gave up saving herself while waiting for rescue.

She didn't collapse, didn't despair, and didn't give up hope of living. She kept fighting with herself, the environment, and others. She killed zombies and survivors who plotted against evil, and she guarded the supermarket alone.

In order to survive, she never leaves her body with her gun, never takes off her clothes when she sleeps, and uses all resources economically and rationally.

Gradually, she developed good habits such as waking up at any time, falling asleep quickly, and observing calmly.

These are the hopes of survival.

"Okay, today is still normal, I didn't see rescue, and I didn't see any living people, it's really terrible..."

While muttering to herself, Adele hung the binoculars around her neck, retracted her legs, picked up the automatic rifle "AR-15" beside her, checked the safety of the gun, and started walking back.

The United States is a country with gun freedom. The Constitution stipulates that every citizen has the right to bear a gun.

Although it is necessary to obtain a relevant gun license before this, and the specific regulations of each state that implements federal autonomy are different, but in today's end times, the existence of firearms is undoubtedly a reliable guarantee.

"Those guys are some distance away from here. You can take this opportunity to strengthen the supermarket and drag those disgusting corpses out by the way..."


Today is destined to be a special day.

Just as Adele came to the stairs and was about to climb down and return to the supermarket, the sky suddenly darkened!


She raised her head in doubt, and suddenly, she found out in horror:

The sky above Raccoon City is suddenly shrouded in a "dark curtain"!

Just like a total solar eclipse, the bright sunlight in the afternoon gradually dimmed, replaced by a scene that seemed to be at six o'clock in the evening.

"what is this?!"

Adele opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth slightly, her face full of disbelief.

Zombies, a product of novels and movies, are nothing more than reality. What is this magical scene like today?Is darkness coming?

However, something even more unbelievable is yet to come...

At a certain moment, Adele, who was in a daze, suddenly found that groups of "fog" that were not so real began to fly up into the sky and merged into the black curtain, like mud cows entering the sea and disappearing invisible.

A chill hit her brain, she subconsciously lowered her head and looked at the place where the mist gushed out.

Immediately, the shock was even worse.

Relying on the hazy and dreamy sunlight like "moonlight", she was extremely surprised to find that the zombies who had been walking aimlessly on the street had disappeared at some point...

Apparently, the countless clusters of "fog" were formed by the individual zombies in Raccoon City.

Today, they have been "absorbed" by the veil that obscures the sky.

"Oh, God……"

After understanding all this, Adele threw down the gun tremblingly, and slowly knelt on the hot roof, looking at the shocking sky above her head, and began to draw the sign of the cross on her chest with a dull face, praying shape.

There is no doubt that this is a "miracle".

At least in the eyes of survivors like Adele and the others, this is indeed the case.

Chapter 148 Chapter 140 The End of Biochemistry

"Is this... Qianji's ability? It's unbelievable..."

In the center of Raccoon City, above the municipal building, in the helicopter with the umbrella logo, Mei looked at the "miracle" performed by the black-haired witch outside the cabin door, her small mouth was slightly opened, and her eyes were full of surprise.

realm of the dead.

Although Mei had already seen the "reduced version" of the Realm of the Dead a few days ago on the Arcadia, she was still a little shocked when she saw the fully expanded version of the Realm.

After directly expanding the domain to a city, and then "capturing" all the zombies in the city... To be honest, even she who has fought this kind of "living dead" many times in different worlds can't do it. Never thought of that.

Now it's an eye-opener.

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