Compared to the surprised Mei, Alisa who was sitting opposite seemed to be familiar with it, but her pink eyes still showed a hint of envy and... yearning, like an ugly duckling staring blankly at a white swan.

"Chihime-chan is still so powerful~ If one day I can save everyone like her..."

"Yeah, she really saved a lot of people this time." Mei nodded, and added with a face of approval: "According to the data compiled by satellites, there are at least hundreds of survivors in Raccoon City."


Not getting a reply, Mei turned her head with some doubts.

Afterwards, she was careful to catch something in the girl's eyes, as if thinking of something, she smiled slightly.

"Alyssa also helped a lot of people! On the Arcadia. I can see that Captain Jack and the others are very grateful to you."

Hearing this, Alisa's expression froze for a moment, the corners of her mouth just raised, and then she thought of something, her face turned pale, and she slowly lowered her head.

"But Uncle Jack, they all..."

"Uh..." Seeing this, the corners of Mei's mouth twitched slightly, and she touched her cheek with a slightly embarrassed expression.

I seem to be self-defeating...

"Hold, I'm sorry! Alisa, I just wanted to comfort you, I didn't mean to mention that... I'm really sorry!"

"It's okay~" Regarding this, Alisa slowly shook her head and smiled reluctantly, "I know Mei-chan intended to comfort me, so I don't blame you, but when I think of Uncle Jack and the others..."

As she spoke, the pink-haired girl lowered her head again.

Obviously, even though that nightmare has passed for a few days, Alisa still can't forget it, and even that incident has become her heart disease...

Thinking about it carefully, Mei suddenly found that although Alyssa seemed to be calm in the past few days, and even had the mood to joke with them, she never sang again...

"That... I like singing very much!" Thinking of the other party's self-introduction when they first met, combined with the other party's situation in the past few days, Mei felt worried.

The Arcadia Incident...

Alyssa no longer sings...

There must be some connection between the two.

But the worries are all worries. Compared with Qian Ji who told her past life, Mei found that her understanding of this pink-haired singer did not seem to be as deep as she imagined.

This led to the fact that even if she wanted to speak to appease the other party's emotions, she didn't know where to start.

"What happened on the deck at that time?" Mei frowned, feeling puzzled.

However, they have other things to do.

For example, to greet someone.

"S... sir! The radar has detected the reaction of another plane!" The helicopter pilot suddenly reported.

Hearing this, Mei's eyes lit up.

"Is Alice here? Get ready to land, it's right at the city hall, there are no zombies below."


Then, the black helicopter carrying Mei and the others began to descend slowly, and finally stopped at the square in front of the municipal building.

Abandoned fountains, broken benches, blood-stained floors, devastated streets...

After briefly scanning the surroundings, Mei shifted her gaze to the pink-haired girl who was slowly walking out of the cabin, and sighed imperceptibly.

"Okay, Alisa, although I don't know what you went through at that time, you still have your own dreams, your own goals... and your own tasks to do, don't you? Qianji and I will help you .”

"Mei-chan...I see." Alyssa was taken aback, smiled apologetically, and managed to pull herself together.

Seeing this, Mei also raised the corners of her lips, raised her head and looked in one direction.

"Alice is here too. She is the protagonist of this world. With her here, there is basically nothing to worry about in this operation."

"Yeah!" Alisa nodded, feeling much better.

Immediately afterwards, the iconic vehicle of the Umbrella Corporation - the Osprey combat helicopter appeared in Mei and the others' sight.


Amidst the loud buzzing sound, the black combat helicopter also came over the city hall, and also began to land vertically.


The strong wind generated by the propeller hit, and Alisa suddenly let out a cry like a small animal, tightly protecting her cloth hat with both hands, and almost couldn't open her eyes.

In contrast, although Mei also squinted her eyes half-closed, her expression was very calm, her whole person was like a willow by the river, ostentatious but tall and straight, standing still.

While the long hair fluttered, the skirt swayed back and forth, inadvertently exuding a breathtaking style...


As soon as the cabin door opened, Alice, whom she hadn't seen for a few days, slowly appeared, looking at Mei blankly.

When the sound of the helicopter's engine faded away, Mei first greeted her:

"Long time no see, Alice."

"Well, yes, long time no see, Mei," Alice nodded, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and replied with a half-smile.

Seeing this, Mei suddenly understood something.

It seems that she is still angry...

Thinking of her rough behavior of throwing people into the plane after being stunned a few days ago, Mei's eyes wandered, she touched her cheek, and smiled awkwardly.

"That... about what happened a few days ago... I'm really sorry, Alice... I was forced to..."

"You don't need to explain, Mei, I understand." Alice nodded again, as if she didn't notice Mei's embarrassing expression, she started to walk out of the cabin.

"Really? Thank you for your understanding!"


Just as Mei was lucky enough to shout in her heart, "Long live the understanding!", Alice walked past her in an unhurried manner, turned her head slightly and said in a low tone: "One day I will let someone taste the power of electric shock." What's it like, just wait."

"Uh..." Mei suddenly froze.

Then, she turned around and opened her mouth as if trying to explain something.


In the end, all I saw was a back view.

Immediately, Mei had the urge to "eat Coptis chinensis for a dumb man, and he can't tell the pain".

"Hello, Miss Minghu."

"You, hello! Miss Alice, we met again..."

Just when Alisa and Alice were getting close and friendly, while Mei was intentionally isolated, the originally dark sky began to brighten.

As the black curtain covering the sky and the sun dissipated, a certain priestess who had completed her mission also came to Mei and the others.

This is where the final journey begins.


I tried to apply for a recommendation again, but the old book "Xilin's Journey Through Redemption" got the recommendation in one go!


There is still no news about this Mei, just like the previous few times, the feeling of nothing...


what can I say?

Sirin, forever?

Chapter 149 Chapter 140 Two Reasons

Red is disconnected.

This is the new trouble Mei and the others encountered after solving the "Arcadia" incident.

The loss of contact with the Red Queen means that something unexpected may have happened in the hive.

Reminiscent of the scenes that appeared in the prophet's memory, and after discussing with Alyssa and Chihime, Mei concluded that there must be something wrong with the Umbrella Company's high command.

Why do you say that?

Because Red Queen is the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world, not to mention whether there are any opponents on the Internet, just from the function point of view, it is equivalent to the "executor" of the behemoth umbrella company.

When the world clean-up plan was launched and all the directors of the umbrella company fell asleep in the "Ark", except for Albert Wesker, the chairman of the company's management committee and the company's CEO, the Red Queen can be said to be "" Covering the sky with one hand" is not an exaggeration.

Of course, the director Mei's awakening was an accident.

Think about it, the Red Queen, who was in charge of the entire company's operations, suddenly disconnected without a word, and all plans came to a standstill, and the umbrella forces all over the world may lose control because of this...

What a dire consequence!

To sum up, Mei believes that there must be external factors that caused the problem with the queen, otherwise there is really no reason for this artificial intelligence that puts the company's interests first to suddenly "offline".

"Could it be that there are other super gods in this world besides Alisa and Qianji?"

Mei once thought about this question, and the answer she got was:

Not impossible.

The reason is that she learned about the mission of the Thor team to come to this world from Alisa:

Disintegrate the umbrella company, seize the main board of the red queen or white queen, and you can return.

Simple and clear, the goal is clear.This is the main task that the Thunder God team received from the so-called "main god", which can be regarded as answering some doubts in Mei's heart.

Of course, Alisa also has exclusive tasks such as "kill ten zombies" and "survive for ten days" that belong to her alone. Class D" sake, so it doesn't look that hard.

"Since you want to return to the super god space, you must get the main board of the red queen, and if you want to disintegrate the umbrella company, you can't let go of the highest command at the bottom of the hive, so the possibility of being a super god is really not small"—— This is Mei's final conclusion.

In addition, Mei also came up with a reassuring answer from Alyssa:

That is, as long as the team currently entering the world does not return or is completely wiped out, then this world will always be in a state of "mission", blocked by the so-called main god, and even the strongest super god cannot enter for a certain period of time.

This means that as long as Alisa is still alive and the Thor team has not completed the mission and returned, no matter how strong that Thor is, it is impossible to "make a comeback" and take revenge on Mei.

After a huge stone in her heart fell, Mei began to focus on the matter of the red queen disconnection, and at the same time agreed to help Alisa complete the return task.

That's right!As the powerful executive director of the umbrella company, Mei decided to help her friend break up her company!

Any normal person would probably not agree to this matter, but Mei accepted it very simply, without the slightest hesitation.

For this, Alyssa and Qianji are very grateful, and think that Mei is a person who values ​​friendship and friendship more than power and wealth.

But the two of them don't know that the so-called umbrella company and the so-called executive director are just tools to achieve the goal in Mei's eyes, and she doesn't even care about this world.

Because she has decided to leave after helping the rest of the people to tide over the difficulties, go to the next world, start a new journey, and continue to fulfill her long-cherished wish.

In this case, what if you have all the wealth and the greatest power in this world?After all, you have to give up.

Mei sees this very openly.

Closer to home.

After making a decision, Mei and Alyssa spent a day as master and servant and finally found the remaining umbrella forces in the devastated American land.

After revealing their identities and activating their permissions, Mei and the others successfully contacted the separated Alice, and agreed to meet in Raccoon City, enter the hive together to check the situation, and try to eliminate the T virus and save the remaining people.

That's what happened in the past few days.

Today, the four meet again.


"Mei, the subway station that enters the hive seems to be in the mansion outside Raccoon City, right? What are you doing at City Hall?"

On the square, Alice looked at the bleak environment around her, and couldn't help frowning and asked.

In this regard, Mei put away the depressed expression on her face, forced a smile, and her expression gradually became serious.

"Of course I know this. But considering the current situation in the hive is unknown, we certainly can't just walk in through the main entrance. After all, there are so many organs in the hive. I believe you have experienced it, Alice."

"Then you plan to..."

"Of course it was an assault! Appeared directly in the hive, catching them by surprise!" Before Alice could finish speaking, Mei replied confidently.

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