Hearing this, Alisa patted the cloth cap on her head lightly, with a dazed expression on her face.

"Directly? Mei-chan, you mean burrowing?"

"Haha, Alisa, why do you think so? She's really cute~"

"Huh?! Isn't it?"

"Of course not" couldn't help but smiled, looking at the pink-haired girl's blushing cheeks, Mei straightened her expression and explained: "I said directly, of course I mean teleportation!"

"Teleportation?" Qianji and Alice looked at each other, both a little puzzled.

"Hmm! Look at me!"

Nodding, Mei stretched out her right hand, inserted into the "space" under the surprised gazes of the others, and took out an octagonal cube that Alisa was very familiar with.

"this is not……!?"

Nodding slightly to Alisa, Mei began to introduce the Teigu in her hand:

"It is a dimensional phalanx with the ability to teleport through space. You can understand it as a key to a portal in the magical world, allowing us to appear directly at a given coordinate regardless of distance and obstacles."

Hearing this, the three of Qianji were surprised.

"This... Umbrella Company has turned the legendary..."

"Wrong, this is not a product of the company, but I got it by accident. To be precise, it doesn't even belong to this world, and the existing human technology can't penetrate space, otherwise the interstellar world would have already been opened." Time to sail."

"is it?"

Hearing Mei's explanation, most of the three breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Mei smiled slightly, and began to input the power of the Herrscher into the dimensional square, and locked the space coordinates.

"So...everyone, stand firm, we are about to appear in the main computer room of the Red Queen. There may be some discomfort during the transmission process, please bear with it for a while."

"Yeah!" The three of them straightened their expressions immediately.

After everything was ready, Mei ordered the two helicopter pilots to stand by, and then activated the teleportation ability of the dimensional phalanx.


The energy fluctuated and the light gushed out.

As a gossip-like pattern quickly unfolded under Mei and the others, the surrounding space began to ripple like water waves.

"Everyone, let's go!"

The next moment, the four girls disappeared in place.


Application not approved...

The fifth time, not surprisingly, he even laughed out loud.

This is the fifth time in a row, should I recognize the truth?

Can't even get a recommendation...

Suddenly I feel so sorry for Mei, is her popularity so low?

Now there are all kinds of black and white things on the Internet, such as suture monsters, stilt walkers, and tauren, which really make me sad.

After three years of cooking, no one asked about it, and once it became lawful, the world knew it.

Kiyana fought for the world, was a hero, and was praised by everyone.

In Mei's world, there is only Kiana, who is willing to give up everything for her, so she is called a villain.

Those who understand don't say anything, because it hurts in my heart; those who don't understand talk nonsense, which makes people sick.

(I'm in a low mood, I wrote too much at once, sorry)

Chapter 150 Chapter 140 Chapter [-] Re-entering the Hive

Dimensional phalanx · Shangri-La.

Like Murasame, Hachifang, and Refuge Clothes, although it is "Zhan!A piece of Teigu in the world of "Red Eyes", but it is different now.

After soaking and strengthening in the lake in the soul space, one of the abilities of the dimensional phalanx is:

It is no longer necessary to set the coordinates in advance, and wherever the line of sight is can be transferred instantly.

In addition, you can also choose to teleport to places you have been to, but the range is only the size of a city, and you cannot teleport from the South Pole to the North Pole.

That's why Mei chose to meet Alice in the city center.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about space exile. This is the trump card of the dimensional square. It takes time to replenish the magic power every time it is used, so it cannot be used more often.

In short, whether it is the Dimensional Formation, Murasame, Bafang, or the Clothes of Refuge, they are getting stronger day by day after the restoration of the lake in the soul space, and they are no longer the same as the prototypes in the original world.

I believe that even their former masters would never have imagined that their Teigu would become so powerful.Nowadays, it is better to call it a "holy implement" or a "sacred implement" than a "Teigu".

This strong growth means that they are no longer just gifts or simple spoils left by the sisters to Mei, but also her cards and reliance that are destined for her future.

In general, not only Mei is getting stronger, but also the former Teigu is getting stronger!

she is looking forward to...

I hope that those Teigu that were damaged in the Battle of Tokyo will one day be "reborn from the cocoon" and be able to glow with a more dazzling light, to accompany her and encourage her to complete this journey of crossing.


2300 meters underground in Raccoon City, in the secret research base of Umbrella Corporation [Honeycomb], in the computer room of the artificial intelligence "Red Queen".

On the floor, as the iconic gossip pattern of the dimensional square quickly spread out, four girls appeared in the shining light.

"Wow! I'm so dizzy..." As soon as she stepped on the ground, Alisa shook her head and almost collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this, Qianji quickly supported her.

"Are you okay!? Alisa!"

"Um...it's okay!"

After a quick glance around, Mei retracted the dimensional phalanx into the soul space, turned her head and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, this process may be a little uncomfortable, but it's not a big problem, it's like motion sickness, it will be fine in a while~"

"Yeah! I will work hard, and I will never hold you back!" Alyssa nodded, clenched her fists, cheered up, and forced a smile.

"Don't worry ~ none of us will dislike Alyssa..."

Compared to Mei and the others who communicated inexplicably, Alice shook her head at first, stabilized her figure, and then stared at everything around her in a daze.

The cold air, dried blood, scattered cloth bags...

Taking slow steps, skipping the booth full of technology, and coming to the closed iron door.

Although there is no window to watch, Alice's sight seems to "see" the scene outside the door through the thick iron plate of more than ten centimeters:

Laser tunnels, player corpses, bloodthirsty werewolves...

Turning around slowly, leaning against the cold iron door, Alice looked at everything in the main engine room with a dazed expression.

What happened a month ago seemed like yesterday.

"After you led those people away, I ordered the Red Queen to clean up the inside of the hive..." At this time, Mei walked slowly, glanced at the blood and debris in the corner, "It seems that it is not Carry out my orders."

"What's wrong with it now?"

After staring at Alice for a while, Mei slowly shook her head.

"do not know."

After replying, Mei took another step and came to the raised grounding host.

"However, what can be confirmed is that it has been shut down. After all, we have appeared until now, and it has no intention of showing up..."

Facing the eyes of the three, Mei slightly bent down, and began to check the grounding host with the help of the emergency light.

Then, she seemed to have discovered something, and her eyes widened slightly.

"The motherboard is still there!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Alice and the others opened their eyes wide.

In this regard, Mei straightened up, smiled and repeated the facts again:

"That's right! The main board of the Red Queen is still there! It hasn't been taken away!"


The three looked at each other.

"Could it be that we are thinking too much? In fact, there is nothing wrong with the hive..."


"Mei! Is it because of the electricity..."

However, facing their puzzled eyes, Mei slowly shook her head.

"No, maybe it's not that simple...huh?!"

In the middle of speaking, Mei suddenly froze.

Just when the other three were puzzled by this, she suddenly frowned and looked up at the ceiling.

"Did you hear..."

In the next second, there was a "bang", and the iron door behind Alice opened automatically!

At the same time, a huge claw appeared outside the door...

"Be careful!!!"

In fact, without Mei's reminder, Alice, who was closest to the door, was not slow to react. When the iron door just opened, she rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding the grip of the giant claws.

Then, a hideous giant appeared in Mei and the others' line of sight.


As the only "normal" girl, Alisa's first reaction was to scream.

Qianji immediately protected her behind her, and put her hand on the handle of Fengshen Wugou, with a fearless expression on her face.

As if provoked, the monster outside the door shot out its long tongue at Qianji.

In this regard, Mei has prepared countermeasures.

"Qianji get out of the way!"

Hearing this, Qian Ji almost subconsciously pulled Alisa aside, feeling the powerful fluctuation of power behind her.


At that moment, facing the attacking sharp long tongue, Mei's whole body shone with blue lightning, and shot out a gold coin in his hand without hesitation!

"call out--!!!"

The gold coin turned over under the acceleration of electricity and magnetism, dragged a long flame, flew forward at an initial speed several times the speed of sound, and slammed into the monster.


For a moment, everyone present seemed to have heard the roar of the monster, but only the dazzling light and the beautiful figure were in sight.

Immediately afterwards, the world suddenly fell into silence...


It seemed that a long time had passed, when a loud noise came from outside the door, shaking the entire computer room.

When the incoming smoke and dust dissipated slowly, Alice and the others looked in the direction of the monster's attack, but only saw the devastated laser tunnel and smoking black minced meat.

"As expected of...Miss Thunderbolt."

Relying on the blinking emergency lights, Qianji stared at the black-haired girl who slowly withdrew her hand, her face full of admiration.

In addition, Alisa looked a little dazed.

"Super electromagnetic gun..."

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