She even said the name of this trick in one word!


Before Mei asked, Alice's voice came over in surprise:

"Mei, what was that guy just now?"

"Licker, if I'm not mistaken," Mei replied without thinking.

"Licker? Are you sure? That guy seemed very big just now..."

Alice's expression was a little suspicious, obviously she had seen what the so-called "Licker" looked like.

In this regard, Mei waved her hand, then said with akimbo in a positive tone:

"I understand what you want to say, Alice. The licker is an unstable biological weapon manufactured by the company. It is an experimental product made by injecting T-virus directly into a living body and feeding it directly with biological DNA. I'm a bit impressed."

Having said that, she looked out the door again, frowning slightly.

"As for why it became so big, I can only tell you that the evolution of creatures is unpredictable. Even the Umbrella Company has no way to completely decipher any gene pool. The licker just now should be the corpse in the hive. They were all 'cleaned up', and only then did the mutation occur."

"But don't you think it's weird compared to paying attention to it?"

"What?" Alice asked subconsciously.

"Why did the door suddenly open just now? It's obvious that Empress Hong has already gone offline, so there should be no one controlling the hive," Yai replied unhurriedly, pursing her lips slightly.

"you mean……!?"

Facing the surprised gazes of the three, Mei smiled slightly, turned around slowly, and after focusing on the camera, focused again on the host of Red Queen.

"Hehe, it's just a guess. Before that, let me do one thing..."

As soon as the words fell, the three of them saw that she stretched her hand into the "air" again, and took out a strange...

Data photosphere.

Chapter 151 Chapter 140 The Red Empress of "Rebirth"

"Looks like she noticed..."

On the lowest floor of the hive, in the highest headquarters of the Umbrella Company, two men were looking at Mei and the others on the screen, with different expressions on their faces.

It is worth mentioning that one of the men seems to be the CEO of the umbrella company who should have "dead"-Albert Wesker!

At this time, he was still wearing leather clothes and sunglasses, standing on the edge of the sofa, his whole body was intact, and he didn't appear to have been injured at all.

And the other man, who was sitting on the sofa drinking whiskey, had an even bigger background.

This middle-aged man in a black suit and with short blond hair is one of the two top chairman of the umbrella company:

Dr. Alexander Isaacs.

As the maker of the Red Queen, he who was supposed to be asleep has woken up!

From this moment, Mei has lost the rights of executive director.

"Of course, our Director Raiden has always, you know, Wesker."

After finishing speaking with a smile, Isaacs gently shook the ice cubes in the glass, raised his head and drank the last sip of spirits.

There is a kind of calmness and confidence of a superior in words, deeds and demeanor...

Not even Wesker can do that.

"What are we going to do? Just watch them come down?"

In this regard, Isaacs put the wine glass on the coffee table, looked up at the screen, his eyes were blurred and sharp, making it unpredictable.

"Hah~ Whiskey, my favorite. Human beings are like wine, intoxicating and fascinating me, but now it's finished, and I need to pour another glass..."

While talking, he actually started to pour himself wine, and continued to mutter to himself:

"The World Cleanup Project, the drinking-and-drinking process, is now threatened with bankruptcy."

Seeing this, Wesker frowned.

"Director Raiden's awakening was an accident. The Ark program had been running perfectly all along, but there was a loophole in her body..."

"I understand, Wesker, you don't need to explain, I understand everything that happened..."

Shaking his head slowly, Isaacs moved the wine glass to his nose, squinted his eyes and sniffed lightly, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"However, I am very interested in the 'future' you mentioned, can you tell me more?"

Hearing this, Wesker was stunned for a while, and said in a heavy tone:

"That part of the memory I drew from the brains of those two supernatural beings, about the ending of this 'world'... Your masterpiece Alice will be the protagonist who survives to the end, and you and I will both die."

"Tap!" Putting the wine glass on the glass tea table, Isaacs turned his head slightly, with a smile on his lips, "Really? Interesting, is this the established destiny?"


At this time, a figure in a wheelchair approached slowly.

"And she is the turning point of everything!"

Looking at the comer, Wesker's expression gradually became serious.


"Mai sauce, what is this?"

In front of the Red Queen's host, the three of Alisa were surrounded by Mei, looking at the glowing glass sphere in her hand with surprise.

"Wait" For this, Mei held the ball of light in one hand, and put the other hand next to her mouth to make a "silence" gesture.

Then, under the puzzled gaze of the three of them, she stretched out her finger to the camera in the main engine room, and then...


A flash of lightning flashed, and the camera that was originally used for monitoring was immediately destroyed.

"Okay." Glancing at the smoking camera, Mei held the ball of light in both hands, and began to introduce mysteriously: "It is the brain, the central system of a space battleship, and I am defeating Neil. Spoils of war after Sark."

"Space battleship?!" Alisa and the three couldn't help exclaiming.

That's right!

I don’t know if you still remember that Mei got a golden box after killing the captain of the Thor squad who was possessed by Thor’s clone in the Battle of Tokyo.

And now the data light sphere in her hand, full name [Stellar Space Carrier's Intellectual Brain], is one of the rewards in the box!

"Yeah!" Facing the shocked eyes of the three, Mei nodded with a smile, "I plan to use it as the new carrier of the Red Queen, so that the Red Queen can get out of the control of the umbrella company, and once again mobilize my computing power to help us .”

"Mei, then you now..." Alice seemed to understand something.

"Loading the data in the mainboard of Red Queen! Huh? Finished!"

As soon as Mei's words fell, the progress bar displayed in the data light sphere also reached the top.

Immediately afterwards, the light emitted by the sphere became more and more dazzling, like an incandescent lamp, reflecting Mei's skin white and red.

"Ding! The data copy is complete, and the image module is loading...Completed"

As soon as the inorganic synthetic sound fell, the ball of light in Mei's palm suddenly shattered, turning into balls of light and forming a silhouette of a human in midair.

"It's so beautiful..." Seeing this gorgeous scene, Alisa couldn't help opening her eyes and exclaiming in admiration.

Gradually, the outline gradually became clear and the details began to be outlined, as if an invisible paintbrush was waving, quickly drawing a little red girl with wavy long hair.

That seems to be the red queen.

As soon as the little girl appeared, she slowly landed on the ground, looking up at Mei.

"Master, please enter the core command"

"Reprogramming?" Hearing this, Mei tilted her head thoughtfully.

The three of Alice also looked at her.

After thinking for a while, Mei slightly bent down and looked at the little girl.

"Are you really the Red Queen?"

"Yes, Master, I have backed up all the previous data, including your information." The little girl nodded, showing a familiar smile, as if to prove that she was not lying.

It was this smile that made Alice shudder.

"Okay, Red Queen, I want you to follow me in all future orders, and don't hurt or betray me or my friends in any way!" After getting the answer, Mei nodded, straightened up and gave the order to herself. of the first command.

"Follow your will, Master." The little girl bowed slightly, expressing her obedience.

In this regard, Mei nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the dress with the umbrella logo worn by the little girl, and continued to order:

"Also, you also need to change your address to me, just call me Mei. And your clothes, from now on you no longer belong to the umbrella company, the red queen, the company's imprint does not need to exist. "

"Follow your order, Master Mei." After saluting again, the little girl transformed, and her whole image changed drastically.

First of all, her overall color changed from blood-like rose red to pure white, and the parasol-shaped emblem on her chest disappeared.At the same time, the style of the dress she was wearing was more similar to what Mei was wearing at this time, which was an indirect "pledge of allegiance".

"You, the Red feel more like your sister, the White Queen," Yai couldn't help but complained, pulling the corners of her mouth.

In response, the little girl tilted her head, with a humanized puzzled expression on her face.

"Master Mei, are you not satisfied? Then I can..."

"Forget it, to be honest, I don't know what to make of you, so let's just leave it like this for now." Before she could finish speaking, Mei raised her hand to interrupt.

"Your order." The little girl nodded, not making any further moves.

At this point, after Mei looked at her "masterpiece" again, with a confident smile, she lowered her head and looked through the floor, looking straight at the highest command headquarters at the bottom of the hive.

"So... everyone! Let's end this!"

Chapter 152 Chapter 140 Five Alice's "Betrayal"

"bang bang bang..."

The sound of the slide rail echoed in my ears, sonorous and powerful, announcing the end of everything.

On the rapidly falling operation platform, the four of Mei stood at a corner of it, looking at the rows of slowly rising freezer cabins with different expressions, while moving towards the bottom of the hive.

Among them, Mei and Alice felt the deepest.

I vaguely remember that a month ago, the two had seen such a scene, and faced the werewolf attack together...

That was the beginning of it all, and now it is the end of it all.

Fate is like reincarnation.

"Alyssa, no matter what happens later, please don't act alone, you must follow us." Looking at the surprised pink-haired girl, Mei warned in a serious tone.

Facing her serious gaze, Alisa straightened her expression and nodded heavily.

"Well, I see, Mei-chan!"

Seeing this, Mei smiled slightly, looked at the black-haired priestess beside Alisa, and handed over the red queen brain in her hand.

"Qianji, this time I will still lead the battle with Alice, and Alisa and the Red Queen will take care of you first."

"Don't worry, I'm determined to live up to your trust." Qian Ji nodded seriously, and took over Zhinao.

Immediately afterwards, Mei looked at the protagonist of this world beside her.

"Alice, this is the end, let's atone for our mistakes together! Fight for the surviving people in the world!"

"I will do my best!" Alice clenched her fists and replied with a slight frown.

"The Red Queen, I will adapt to the situation later, remember to protect everyone's safety, and report immediately if there is an accident!"

"Obey, Master Mei"


After a while.

After the console carried the four girls to the bottom floor of the "Ark", what appeared in front of them was an artificial lake.

According to visual inspection, its width may exceed 50 meters.

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