"How do we get there?" Alisa scratched her hair with a troubled look on her face.

"like this."

In this regard, Alice, who had already been here once, took the initiative to stand up and began to walk towards the edge of the artificial lake.


Like voice control, when Alice came to the lake, white waves suddenly appeared in front of her!At the same time, a road slowly floated up from the water and began to extend towards the opposite bank. The milky white lights on both sides were also lit up one after another, which was dreamlike but full of technological atmosphere.

Seeing this, Alisa couldn't help but widen her eyes, her face full of surprise.

"I've only seen automatic doors, and this is the first time I've seen an 'automatic road'!"

"It's nothing new, let's continue." Alice shook her head and walked up first.

For some reason, looking at the building with the open door on the other side, she had a bad feeling in her heart.


Afterwards, the three of them looked at each other, stepped on the road on the lake, and trotted all the way into the secret command room.

As soon as she entered the door, Mei saw the two figures that should not have appeared here in the distance - Wesker and Isaacs!

"It's really you."

Seeing a few people coming, Isaacs stood up from the sofa, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Long time no see, respected director Raiden, and my prodigal 'daughter', Alice."

"Wesker!? You...and you, I remember that I already..." Alice was obviously surprised when she saw the two of them.

In this regard, Isaacs shook his head and smiled:

"Already killed by you? No, no, no, that's just a clone. Standing in front of you now is the real Dr. Alexander Isaacs, who is also your creator, Alice... No, Alicia clones."

"You, what did you say?!"

"Need I rephrase? You, made by me, a clone of my other dear partner, Alicia Marcus, are as many dolls as you want, with the strings cut, Thinking you're a real girl after dangling around?"

"No! It's impossible..."

Seeing that Alice's emotions were a little out of control, Mei quickly persuaded:

"Enough! Alice, don't listen to him, our target is them."

But the other party seized this opportunity and directly hit Alice's heart with words.

"You don't believe it? If you don't believe it, you can ask the dying person over there. She is your prototype, your body, and your future... By the way, the director Raiden next to you actually knows about this."

It wasn't until this moment that Mei and the others discovered that beside the sofa where Wesker was, there was a wheelchair dumped there, and a dying old woman was sitting on it.

"Ms. Alicia! How dare you..."

Seeing the old man's face, Mei gritted her teeth and looked at Wesker and Isaacs with a somewhat unfriendly expression.

That's right!The old man was Alicia Marcus, another chairman of Umbrella Corporation and the leader of Mei's faction.

Leaving aside the fact that Wesker, the CEO, dared to do something to his boss, just the fact that he abused a helpless old man is enough to make people feel angry.


Hearing Isaacs' words, Alice was stunned for a moment, then slowly turned her head to look at Mei.

"Mei... He, is what he said true?"

In response, Mei frowned, pursed her lips, and nodded slowly.

"it is true."

In an instant, Alice opened her eyes wide, subconsciously took a step back to the side, her face full of disbelief.

"Then why did you..."

As if anticipating her reaction, Mei could not help but sigh.

"I knew about this as early as the first time I saw you, but we were not partners at that time, how can I tell you? And even if I tell you, you will believe it..."

"Enough! These are all excuses! You still lied to me! Mei!"

Alice seemed a little crazy at this time, and it was obviously difficult to accept the fact that she was a clone.

Seeing this, Isaacs and Wesker looked at each other, showing a smile of success.

And the latter unknowingly released a colorless and odorless gas...

Seeing this scene, Mei's complexion was a little bad.

Of course, she who has the memory of the prophet has imagined the current situation, but she has never thought of a solution.

But now...

"Alice, calm down first..."

Mei stretched out her hand tentatively.


But it was roughly slapped away by Alice.

"Calm down? How do you tell me to be calm? I'm just a fake, a worthless clone! I can't trust you anymore, Mei!"

After finishing speaking, Alice actually left Mei and the others' team and chose to join Wesker's side!

"What should I do? Mei-chan! Miss Alice, she..."

It all happened so suddenly, Alisa seemed a little overwhelmed.

And Chihime stood in front of her with a sword in her hand to prevent the enemy from attacking suddenly.

At this moment, the ball of light in Alisa's hand suddenly lit up.

"Master Mei, I have detected a special gas in the air. According to analysis, it should have the effect of affecting emotions."

Hearing this, Mei looked down at her red right hand and sighed again.

"Has Alice's anger been used? It seems that the other party is prepared this time. It's really a miscalculation..."

Then, she shook her head and looked at the back in front of her.

"Qianji, we are the only ones left now. If necessary, you can take Alisa away, and I will give you the empress."

Before the black-haired priestess turned her head to reply, the pink-haired girl beside her puffed up her cheeks.

"What are you talking about! Meichan, how can you deal with the three of them by yourself? This time, I will not abandon you no matter what!"

"I will follow Alisa's order." Qian Ji also turned her head and smiled.

In this regard, Mei's face softened a little, and she felt a little relieved.

"What a fool, Alisa. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Alice is our partner. I will make her wake up!"

At the end, Mei looked at the figure that was gradually moving away, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

in fact……

What happened now brought back the deepest memories in her heart.

A long, long time ago, there seemed to be such a figure who would never leave him, no matter how much he lost his mind and gave up on himself, that figure was still by his side...

Kiyana, lend me your strength back then, and now I have friends who need to be saved!

After praying in her heart, Mei opened her eyes, and the lightning flashed all over her body.

"Alice, since you have been blinded by anger, I will wake you up!"

Chapter 153 Chapter 140 Chapter [-] The Confrontation between Mei and Alice

Once upon a time, there was a scientist named James Marcus, whose daughter suffered from a special disease-progeria.

It is a progressive wasting fatal disease, progeria causes premature aging.If the disease is allowed to develop like this, Alicia will have a 25-year-old body at the age of 90.

As a father, James certainly will not give up his daughter.

For this reason, he tried his best to find a treatment plan, but the chances were slim.

In the midst of this growing desperation, James began recording her daughter's voice, likeness, to prepare for the worst...

However, things took a turn for the better.

James Marcus discovered the T-virus by accident. Once injected into the body, it will automatically detect and repair damaged cells.

It was a miracle that Alicia was saved.

As it turns out, this is the beginning of a new era.

After follow-up research, it was found that T virus can treat 1000 different diseases in the world!Human beings seem to have ushered in the dawn of new life overnight and found the key to the Garden of Eden.

Think about it, a new world where infirmity and sickness are no longer present...it is too good to imagine.

However, everything has two sides.

Although the T-virus is powerful and can even be called a "medical sacred object" that surpasses antibiotics, it has some unforeseen side effects.For example……

Create the living dead.

At the turn of the century, the first living dead appeared in San Francisco, USA, and eventually caused dozens of casualties. The scene was horrific.

Although at that time, Umbrella Company relied on the T virus to enter the stage of rapid development, but after the incident came out, it still caused quite a shock.

They spent a lot of money to bribe the media, and even get through the upper-level relationship, so that this matter was quickly covered up, but...

As the discoverer of the T virus and the head of the umbrella company, James saw the danger of the T virus, so he insisted on shutting down the relevant manufacturing and R&D procedures, thinking that no matter how much he paid, this "devil with wings" must not be allowed to harm again the world.

However, such a decision would be tantamount to ruining the company's bright future.

James, a scientist, didn't care, but his business partner, Alexander Isaacs, didn't.

As a qualified capitalist, Isaacs would not care about those so-called casualties, because in his eyes, the interests of the company are above all else.

So the two founders of Umbrella fell out and ended up...

James Marcus was assassinated by his instigated employee, Wesker.

Alicia was still young at that time, and although she inherited half of her father's shares, she was actually reduced to Isaacs' puppet.

In this way, the Umbrella Company was controlled by an unscrupulous capitalist, who abandoned the grand ideal of helping the world and saving people at the beginning of its establishment, and turned into a demon obsessed with profit and power.

Later, in order to help himself control the growing interests of the umbrella company, Isaacs used the world's most advanced technology to create a powerful artificial intelligence, and used the portrait of Alicia Marcus as the computer interface, and named it " The Red Queen".

If history is written by the victors, this is the history of umbrella companies.


Difficulty breathing, dizziness... the whole body seemed to be filled with lead, and I couldn't control it. It was very difficult to even move my fingers.

At this time, Alicia fell into such a desperate situation.

"no no……"

Looking at the two fighting figures in the aisle, her chaotic and heavy brain began to speed up due to stimulation, and she seemed to be "younger" all of a sudden.

"Hold... stop..."

The old man raised his rough hands like bark tremblingly, and his bloodless lips pursed, as if he wanted to stop the meaningless "cannibalism".

This is Alicia's limit.

In fact, the T virus did not completely cure her progeria.After many years of "normal life", she is still paralyzed and aging rapidly as planned in the dark, and she has to rely on the wheelchair under her seat to move every time.

Over the years, standing at the pinnacle of secular power and possessing inexhaustible wealth, Alicia has also seen through and understood a lot, and finally decided to take over her father's responsibility - to benefit mankind and eliminate tragedies.

It's just that whether it's her or the "Raiden Mei" interspersed in the world line, they all seem too weak in the umbrella company that has long been dominated by power and desire.

You can't resist, you can't change anything, you can only go with the flow.

Although Alicia holds half of the shares of the umbrella company, her actual power has long been emptied by Isaacs. She is more like a "puppet" and "mascot" than the chairman of the board. Only then can it appear to prove its existence.

Powerless - that's how she's always been.

And it still is.


The flashing electric light collides with the invisible force of thought, and Mei and Alice, who once fought side by side, are now facing each other with swords.

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