This made Alicia feel extremely painful.

Raiden Mei is her confidant; Alice is her clone.For Alicia, both parties are the hope for the umbrella company and even the future of mankind.

No matter which side wins or which side loses, it is not what she wants to see.

" it!"

As if trying to expel all the air from her lungs, Alicia yelled these words with all her might.

Fortunately, this time God was on her side.

"Ms. Alicia!"

Hearing her call, Mei turned her head and looked over.

Unfortunately, Isaacs, who had been standing by the sofa watching the play, also heard it.

"Alicia, what? Don't you want to give up?"

Facing the joke-filled words, Alicia didn't respond, but just watched Mei and Alice on the field closely, and there seemed to be a glimmer of hope in those cloudy eyes.

However, unexpectedly, this almost ignoring behavior seemed to anger Isaacs.


Alicia suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest when the sound of breaking through the air came, and then, she belatedly realized that she had already flown into the sky...


In an instant, a large amount of fishy sweetness gushed out of his throat uncontrollably, overflowing from the corner of his mouth; at the same time, the perspective vacated, and the father-killing enemy in a suit was patting his trousers and looking at him with a contemptuous smile.

Then, after flying several meters, his back suddenly hit a hard wall, the force invaded his whole body, and his bones ached like they were falling apart.

Just about to open his mouth to cry out in pain, but found that the rust-like smell had already overflowed his mouth, and the sound he made was nothing more than a meaningless moan.

"Ms. Alicia!!"

Seeing the old man being kicked away by Isaacs mercilessly, Mei immediately frowned.


"Get out of the way!" Increasing the output of Herrscher's power, Mei used the thunder blade to forcibly smash the thought power barrier that blocked her, "Alice! I can guarantee that you will definitely regret it if you continue to be so obsessed!"

Hearing this, Alice was taken aback, but she still didn't intend to give up.

"I won't trust you anymore! Mei! And even if I regret it, it's my business, it has nothing to do with you! I'm just a won't understand how I feel right now!"

For this, Mei was determined.

"Okay, since you won't get out of the way, don't blame me!"

The next moment, the power of the Herrscher continued to output.

The ink color fades and the purple color is full.

Mei's eyes and long hair suddenly turned pure purple, and streaks of lightning appeared on it, spreading out a powerful aura without hesitation.

"Qianji! Take Alisa back! I'm going to be serious!"


Hearing Mei's warning, Qianji, who was fighting with Wesker, took the time to glance at her, then nodded, turned from attack to defense, shrank to Alisa's side and protected her to evacuate.

"Don't underestimate me! Mei!"

Seeing this, as if being insulted, Alice stretched out her hand angrily, and the invisible power of thought rushed like a tsunami, sweeping everything along the way.

I have to admit that, as a child of luck, Alice's growth rate is terrifying.

But in a few days, her telekinetic power was much stronger than last time!If you really want to describe it, it is almost the difference between a small grass and a big tree, growing exponentially!

However, Mei is not afraid.

The semi-herrscher-like she doesn't say that she can destroy the city with one blow, but it is not difficult to destroy the hive.

With the blessing of the endless Herrscher's power, her whole body is equivalent to a "humanoid missile arsenal"!


Another collision, the thought power and the electric light reduced and annihilated each other, and the entire secret command room seemed to be hit by a storm. It was instantly destroyed with potholes and cracks, as if it would collapse in the next second.

Seeing this scene, Isaacs clenched his fists tightly, with emotion and unwillingness on his face.

"If their power can be used by the company, I have absolute confidence to sit on the throne of the king of the world!"

At this time, Wesker returned and whispered something in his ear.

"Well, you are right, since they are destined to be our enemies, then we must not let them leave here alive!"

Then, Isaacs came to the console, stretched out his fingers and flicked on the screen quickly, and issued several instructions in succession with the highest level nine authority.

At this time, the duel between Mei and Alice also ushered in a node.

Chapter 154 Chapter 140 Seven Final Pursuit

Thought power, in the final analysis, is mental power, which is generated from the brain and uses individual cells as energy.

The power of the Herrscher is transformed from the core of the Herrscher, and its essence is the Houkai energy with the nature of the Herrscher, which comes from the "imaginary space" connected to the core.

Personal power is always limited. Leaving aside the transformation and mobilization of energy, just using too much may cause huge damage to the body.

The reason why Herrschers are called "moving natural disasters" is because their power comes from another "world", which is theoretically endless, and the damage they cause often depends on whether they want to or not, not whether they can. can't do it.

In this way, there is a significant gap between the two.

In the duel between Mei and Alice, when both sides are serious, the longer one side supports, the higher the possibility of winning.

Obviously, in terms of energy reserves, Alice is far inferior to Mei.

So, as a matter of course, Thunder and Lightning defeated Mind Power in this collision.


The lightning surged, and the invisible barrier shattered in response.


Pain and exhaustion hit like a wave, Alice couldn't help covering her head, her face full of pain.

This is an opportunity.

As long as Mei is willing, the child of luck in this world is already a dead person.

However, she did not intend to kill from the beginning to the end, all she had was anger and dissatisfaction.

"Alice, you lost."

"Yeah, you won, kill me." Alice half-kneeled on the ground, covering her head with a wry smile.

"What are you talking about..." Mei walked over directly, turned her head slightly and smiled slightly: "You are you, you are my partner, how could I kill my partner?"

Then, she hurried to Alicia's side.

Alice was left alone in a daze.


At this time, Wesker and Isaacs had escaped from the command room through the secret passage, and "just happened" to run into Qianji who was evacuating with Alisa.

Of course, to be precise, it is interception.

"Hey, two lovely ladies, I'll give you a chance to join the Umbrella Corporation... oh no, a chance to survive the apocalypse safely and rule the entire world, do you want to join us?"

In the narrow aisle, Alisa and Qianji stood guard at the exit, watching Isaacs and Wesker on the opposite side.

Faced with the olive branch thrown by Isaacs, Alisa shook her head firmly and looked at Wesker with hostility.

"It's impossible. I will never be friends with the murderer who killed Uncle Jack! It will never be possible! You should die!"

"Jack?" Hearing the name, Isaacs froze for a moment, seemingly unable to react.

This is a matter of course.

As the highest controller of the umbrella company, how could he care about a small sixth-level employee?Even with the greatest power, it is impossible for him to write down the names of all the employees in his company.

However, Wesker seemed to think of something, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"There should be no need to discuss this matter, sir."

"Really?" After glancing deeply at his loyal subordinates, Isaacs loosened his tie, shook his head slowly and sighed: "Then there is no other way, let's deal with them."

As soon as his words fell, Wesker nodded and disappeared instantly.

Looking at the man in sunglasses who was attacking her with an afterimage, Alyssa hugged the Red Empress Brain tightly in her hand, and couldn't help but take a step back.

"Qian Ji sauce!"


As if in agreement, the black-haired witch nodded and quickly slashed forward.


The faint blue sword energy shot out, but was easily dodged by Wesker.

"It's too slow." Coming to Qianji, Wesker sneered and shook his fist.

However, this played into someone's hands.

"No, good time!"

The witch in the white dress smiled slightly, and a faint blue light suddenly radiated from her body!

The realm of the dead!

The gloomy scenery swept away, and Wesker, who was closest, had almost no time to react, and was involved in it.

At that moment, so far away.

Obviously his fist was less than ten centimeters away from Qianji, but there seemed to be a world between them.

In fact it does.

Wesker, who was involved in the realm of the dead, was immediately surrounded by a group of corpses, not to mention attacking for a while, and even getting out became a problem.


Seeing that Wesker was trapped, Isaacs' face darkened instantly, and he wisely chose to escape before the realm of the dead spread over.

"Don't even think about running!" Seeing this, Qianji immediately accelerated the expansion of her domain.

The blue scene came like a tide, but Isaacs relied on his familiarity with the inside of the hive to avoid it, and used his supreme control to activate various traps and weapon systems to slow down Qianji's pursuit. Buy yourself time to escape.

In fact, if it wasn't for the help of something, Qian Ji, who put Alice's safety first, would have let him escape.

"Miss Red Queen, where did he go?"

That's right, it's the Red Queen.

Although it no longer has the authority to control the hive, it has copied all the data about the hive and even the umbrella company. It is definitely better than anyone else to know the internal structure of this underground base.

In addition, due to the epoch-making technology and computing power of its carrier, the intelligent brain of the stellar-class space carrier, the Red Queen has evolved into a more advanced artificial intelligence at this time!

It can be said that it no longer needs the so-called authority. It only takes some time to break through the firewall of the central system, completely control the hive, and make it impossible for Isaacs to escape.

This is the crushing of technology.

"Start to set up an interception plan based on the escape route of the target...Completed. Please move to the left. There is a ventilation duct 50 meters away from here. Go forward 30 meters and cut off the duct and fall into area C. The target has 56.78% Possibility goes through there"

After getting the answer, Alisa and Qianji looked at each other, and the former continued to ask:

"Miss Red Queen, how long will it take you to control the hive?"

"5 minutes and 38 seconds. Since there is no data interface, it may be slow to rely on network transmission to intrude, I'm sorry." The light ball flashed, and the apologetic voice of Queen Hong came.

Hearing this, Qianji bit her lips lightly, looked at the man in sunglasses who was still struggling in the domain, and fell into deep thought.

"Let's lock his position first. Next time, we have to work hard to eliminate Wesker. He can only be handed over to Ms. Mei."

But at this moment, following the sound of "thump, thud, thud" footsteps, the girl with loose purple hair and a thunder blade in her hand appeared in their sight.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here", it was Mei who came.

"Mei-chan!" Alisa couldn't help shouting, her face was full of joy.

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