However, Mei, who heard the sound, looked a little unhappy.

"Alyssa! Where's Isaacs?"

Seemingly feeling the seriousness in Mei's words, Alisa withdrew the smile on her face, and turned her head to look at Qianji beside her.

There is a tacit understanding between master and servant.

Obviously Alisa didn't speak, but Qianji took the initiative to reply for her: "Miss Mei, Wesker has been trapped by my subordinates, as for Isaacs...he escaped, I'm sorry, my subordinates failed to keep him, but the red queen Miss has locked his position."

"Really?" Looking at Wesker who was fighting with the corpses in the miniature field, Mei's face softened a little, but overall his expression was still serious, "Thanks for your hard work, Qianji."

"This is what I should do next."

After nodding to the smiling black-haired maiden, Mei turned to look at the silent pink-haired girl.

"Alyssa, return the red queen to me, I must find that guy as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Alisa nodded, and handed out the ball of light that she had been holding in her arms. At the same time, her eyes flickered and she asked softly:

"Um...Mei-chan, what happened? Miss Alice?"

"Alice..." After receiving the Red Empress Brain, Mei looked down at the tracking cursor displayed on it, and replied with a smile: "She is still in the command room, Ms. Alicia has something to say to her , I have not asked about the specific situation. As for what happened..."

Having said that, Mei turned around, looked in one direction, and a sharp flash of light flashed in her eyes.

"Ms. Alicia told me just now that Isaacs activated the [Apocalypse] project with the highest authority before leaving, intending to launch all the nuclear warheads in the possession of Umbrella Corporation to defeat the last line of defense of mankind..."

"At the same time, he also took away the key items to end the disaster, and ordered the use of neutron bombs to destroy the hive..."

"What?!" The master and servant were shocked.

"I will stop him no matter what, and I must not let his plot succeed! See you later!"

As soon as the words fell, Mei disappeared in place under Alisa's hesitant eyes.


After a while of silence.

"Meichan, I hope you will succeed."

The pink-haired diva prayed sincerely.

Section 155 Chapter 140 Chapter [-] AIPC

Have you ever thought that we humans will eventually perish?

As many reports now say, due to the progress and development of modern civilization, various resources on the earth are gradually exhausted, and various disasters are also coming one after another...

The world does not seem to be as beautiful and tolerant as imagined, and the end is not so far away that it only exists in people's fantasy. Some scientists have even drawn the following conclusions after research:

Climate warming will melt glaciers, and sea level rise will cover 80.00% of human land in a few decades.

Unrestricted population growth would lead to food shortages, leading to large-scale famines and even wars.

And nuclear weapons are Pandora's box. Once someone starts a nuclear war, the end will be inevitable.


Unfortunately, this is not a hypothesis, but a fact.

In the eyes of some pessimistic people, no matter which way, the conclusion is the same-we humans will eventually perish.

But for Isaacs and all the senior executives of the umbrella company, there is a problem that they have to consider in advance:

That is whether they are destroyed or it is they who perform the "destruction".

The result is obvious.

That highest-level secret meeting eventually gave birth to the "World Cleanup Plan", and the tool used to complete the plan was the great discovery that enabled Umbrella Corporation to have today's brilliant-T virus.

Its approximate content is:

Spread the T virus to clean up the population on the earth, and a few people sleep underground to safely survive the [Apocalypse].

After the world is cleaned up, all human beings on the surface will be wiped out, and the resources will remain. At that time, those people will wake up and be able to own a brand new world to develop and create another human civilization.

This plan is insane, and even completely dehumanized.When Isaacs proposed it, he also cited the great flood that happened in Genesis in the Bible as an example, which fully exposed the arrogance and arrogant attitude of claiming to be a god.

In general, the World Cleanup Project is a product of inflated ambitions.


Regarding this plan, Mei has always kept it in her heart, and she didn't tell anyone, especially Alice, because she didn't want her to know that the series of things including the leak of the T virus and the release of zombies were all directed and acted by the company...

In fact, the high-level personnel of the entire umbrella company are more or less aware of this plan, but they are not very clear about how to implement it...

No, they don't need to know the specifics.

Because for them, all plans are over after a night of sleep.They wait for the arrival of the new world, the day when they wake up again, and other things don't make much sense.

At this point, I have to say that the awakening of the director Mei is really a big accident, at least not in the expectation of any plan.

She is the biggest "outlier".

Now, everything is drawing to a close.


With a swipe of the Thunder Blade, lightning flashed, and all obstacles in front of him were annihilated in the lightning.

In order to intercept Isaacs as soon as possible, Mei gave up on the labyrinth-like winding road, but chose to open up a "shortcut" with her own strength, trying to remove everything in front of her in a straight line.

The scene once seemed very exaggerated and violent.

However, this is also the easiest and most effective method.


After breaking through the wall again and coming to a cable interlayer, Mei inserted the Thunder Blade into the floor, raised the light ball in her hand and asked:

"The Red Queen, how far is it from him?"

Hearing this, the ball of light flickered, and at the same time, the serious voice of Queen Hong came:

"356 meters, Master Mei. I speculate that his ultimate goal is the lifting platform, because that is the fastest way out of the hive."

"Really? Hehe, I went around and came back again... What an old fox."

After a sneer, Mei glanced around, pulled out the Thunder Blade and ran lightly in one direction again.

"Master Mei, I still have one minute and 30 seconds to break through the firewall of the hive central system, and he can't escape."

"Well, let's smash his fantasy together!"

After a while, on the bottom floor of the "Underground Ark", Isaacs finally came to the console where Mei and the others had been riding before.

"Ding ding ding..."

With the input of the permission code, with a "bang", the lifting system of the console was activated and began to lift Isaacs to the upper part of the hive.

"Huh...but that's all."

Looking at the bottom layer that was slowly going away, Isaacs heaved a sigh of relief, put his hands flat and combed his hair on the side of his head back, and a chic and confident look appeared on his face again.

"Alicia, Mei, you just wait to be reduced to ashes with the hive." Looking up at the approaching exit above, Isaacs smirked.

And at this moment...


The console, which was rising at a constant speed, suddenly stopped in mid-air, causing Isaacs's smile to freeze on his face.

"what happened?!"

With a dark face, he immediately came to the terminal interface of the console, frowned and checked the reason.

But no matter how he swipe the interface, the screen seems to be dead and there is no response...

"The system authority has been turned off, the command is invalid" - when this series of warnings appeared on the screen, he was stunned, and then fell into madness.

This is like playing a MOBA game in the middle, just when the team started or when the pentakill was about to be cut off suddenly, it is self-evident how bad his mood is at this time.



With a punch, cracks appeared on the glass-like interface!

However, there is nothing wrong with Isaacs' hand. Obviously, the founder of the umbrella company is not an ordinary person as people imagined.

It's just that he himself didn't have the heart to care about these things at this time, his eyes were bloodshot and his face was frighteningly dark due to extreme anger.

"Damn it! Why is all this?!"

At this time, the height from the exit was less than 50 meters, but this became an insurmountable moat for Isaacs.

Worse things are yet to come...


As the wall behind a row of freezing cabins on the same floor suddenly shattered, the scattered smoke and debris disappeared in the lightning, and the purple-haired girl walked out holding the Thunder Blade Tingting.

"We meet again, Dr. Isaacs, you don't seem to be looking well~"

It was Mei who came.

"Director's you! You did it, right?!" Looking at the smiling purple-haired girl, Isaacs had a hideous expression.

In this regard, the smile on Mei's face faded slightly, and she replied with a blunt smile: "I don't quite understand what you are talking about, Dr. Isaacs, I just know..."

Speaking of this, Mei smiled and looked sharply. She suddenly threw the ball of light in her left hand to the sky, and at the same time held the knife in both hands and made a gesture.

"Today, you will be beheaded by my sword!"

Without saying much, Mei immediately launched an attack.


The sound of thunder suddenly sounded, and the girl held a thunder blade that turned into a purple streamer in the eyes of ordinary people, and slashed at the enemy at a terrifying speed!

this is……

Thousands of ringing flashes!

However, at the very moment, when Isaacs was about to be decapitated by Mei, the former suddenly leaned back...


Beads of blood scattered.

I saw a flash of light, and suddenly there was a red burn mark on the neckline of the suit on Isaacs' body. Silver fibers that did not look like cotton floated out of the gap in the clothes, and began to automatically Connect, fix!

It turned out that the suit was not ordinary clothes, but some kind of high-tech protective clothing.

At the same time, I don't know if it was an illusion, the moment Mei passed by, Mei saw a bright luster like metal in Isaacs' eyes.

"AIPC (intelligent brain)..."

Recalling the memory of the prophet, she suddenly understood something.


Tomorrow, the law of thunder will come, I wish all the readers, as soon as the goods are shipped, the tenth consecutive graduation~

Chapter 156 Chapter 140 IX You Are Not a Human anymore?Then be a ghost!

In fact, Umbrella Corporation has also developed a brain.

However, compared to the rewards of the super god space, this kind of brain is still in a relatively early stage. Not only is it not widely used, but also the cost is not low, so it cannot be popularized and can only be used by high-level personnel.

According to the inherited memory, Mei learned that there are only two people with intelligent brains in the umbrella company so far.

That's right, the two most powerful chairmen—Alicia Marcus and Alexander Isaacs.

Now, she has seen a little bit of the power of the brain.


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