If the first strike fails, Mei will certainly not be so stupid as to make a second strike, because the opponent is already alert.

The interference of the sound of thunderstorms combined with the frightening speed of Yishan... In fact, the combination of [Thousand Ming Slash] and [Yijian], [Thousand Ming Flash], has always been invincible.

In the previous few worlds, Mei used this trick to kill many enemies on the spot, and even in many cases, the opponents did not realize how he died until they died.

However, once this trick fails to kill the enemy, the effect of using it next time will be greatly reduced, and if you are a little careless, you may even put yourself in a dangerous situation.

After all, no matter how fast the speed is, there is a trajectory. In the ultra-high-speed movement of the incarnation of lightning, it is difficult for Mei to complete the steering instantaneously according to the temporary reaction. If the trajectory of the slash is predicted and used by the enemy in advance...

The consequences could be disastrous.

"Master Mei, according to some information I have obtained in the past, Dr. Isaacs seems to have a thin-film micro-brain in his eyes, and the predictive combat software installed in it can speed up the user's thinking speed and give corresponding prediction results. Please be careful."

After Mei's return, the Red Queen who didn't know when to turn into a human again was so concerned.

Obviously, after successfully controlling the central system of the hive, the Red Queen finally had the spare computing power to activate the humanoid interaction module.

"Really? I understand." Hearing this, Mei nodded, and once again performed the sword skill opening gesture.

Although it is a bit troublesome, she will not back down.

Along the way, she has encountered enemies who can predict her actions more than once!Mei believes that she can still slash the opponent under the sword this time as usual!

"Shadow clone—!"

With a flash of lightning, the thunder clones began to separate from Mei's body, also holding the thunder blade, floating in mid-air, surrounding the man in the suit on the console.

In this regard, Isaacs, who was like a trapped beast, not only did not despair, but looked at the red queen and laughed.

"Hahahaha! The Flame Queen...It turned out to be the one that was messing things up. It's really a disappointing machine. It's a bitch just like the prototype...But, do you think I'm going to catch you without a fight!? Mei!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he ignored the injury on his chest, opened his collar, and took out two spiral syringes from his inner pocket.

One of them was dark blue, and the other was emerald green. They were darker in color than the T-virus and T-virus serum that Mei had seen a month ago.

"Could it be...they are highly concentrated T-virus and aerial antiviral toxin?!" The first time Mei saw the two syringes, her nerves tensed up.

According to the chairman, the latter is the key item to end this disaster!Because it can eliminate the T virus scattered in the air!

It is related to the fate of the remaining human beings on the earth!

Almost subconsciously, Mei shot again.


Void Slash!

Even though there was a distance of more than twenty meters, when Mei swung the Thunder Blade down, the sword energy shining with azure blue lightning still reached the enemy in an instant.


Just like before, the high-tech brain attached to Isaacs' eyes still predicted Mei's slash trajectory, and made corresponding evasive actions in advance.

Because as a Herrscher, Mei doesn't understand the use of spiritual power in other worlds, so the sword energy she swipes is like water splashed out, it will only follow the preset trajectory, and will not make sudden turns.

So, not surprisingly, this trick was once again dodged by the enemy.


Sword Qi streaked across, and a row of refrigerated cabins, together with the sleeping people inside, suffered an indiscriminate disaster and were mercilessly cut off in the middle.

"so troublesome……"


As if seeing the depressed expression on Mei's face, Isaacs laughed out loud as if he had avenged his revenge.

At the same time, he seemed to know what the former's goal was, and he threw out the tube of emerald green liquid—that is, the antiviral tonic in the air without hesitation to attract attention, and used the time he bought to throw the tube out. The dark blue high-concentration T-virus pierced his arm.

Obviously, Isaacs knew that he was not Mei's opponent, so he planned to exchange his own mutation for the possibility of survival.

"Damn it!" Seeing the human hope being thrown away at will, Mei gritted her teeth and chose to fly down to catch it.

However, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly where Isaacs couldn't see it.

"Human power has its limits! I'm no longer a human! Mei!"

Seeing that Mei actually went to rescue the tube of emerald green liquid, Isaacs laughed wildly, his face full of a smile of success.

However, at the next moment, the world in his eyes was suddenly overwhelmed by flashing lightning.



The sudden severe pain and numbness froze Isaacs' body, destroyed his nerves, and made his whole body's movements stop immediately.

"Disturbed by a strong current, the system is faulty! Faulty! Start emergency measures...the life restoration system has been activated"

A tiny brain attached to the eyeball projected such a warning line onto Isaacs' retina.Despair... hits my face.

It wasn't until then that he realized that the "shadows" surrounding him were the opponent's hidden ultimate move!

It turned out that the purpose of Mei's summoning of the thunder clone was not to attack as before, but to self-destruct.

The electric current diffused by the self-disintegration of dozens of Lei clones gathered into a "net", covering Isaacs in almost all directions.

The unequal information between the two sides has decisively tilted the balance of victory.


Under the shroud of high temperature, the special suit-style protective clothing on Isaacs first melted, and then the skin began to fester, and the T-virus in his hand for injection even shattered under the attack of high-voltage current .

Watching the string of dark blue liquid evaporate in the grid, his eyes were full of despair.

And at this moment, Mei came to him again, with a cold arc on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to let you succeed? Isn't that too arrogant?"

"No—! You can't do that...!"

By the end, it seemed even the vocal cords were damaged, and Isaacs' voice became hoarse and indistinct until he could no longer speak.

"Yes, doctor, what you just said is right. Since you don't want to be a human anymore, let me send you to hell!"

With a sneer, Mei put the tube of emerald green liquid into the soul space, then held the handle with one hand, moved the Thunder Blade to her waist, and made a gesture of drawing the knife.

"One knife, end it!"

Yi style Juhe cut!

In this way, Isaacs, who was completely paralyzed and unable to move, was like a target, split in two by Mei.

Blood splattered.

She vaguely remembered that a month ago, she also killed the world's first enemy in this underground ark—the werewolf Hamanda Revo.

And now, at the same place, she eliminated the mastermind behind this biochemical crisis.

"Fate is really wonderful." After confirming that the enemy was completely dead, Mei looked around and couldn't help expressing such emotion.

Since then, the disaster in this world has come to an end.

Chapter 157 Chapter 150 Before leaving

The hive self-destructed, along with all cryo pods and Chairman Alicia Marcus...

Before that, Mei and the others returned to the surface intact and witnessed the destruction of the Umbrella High Command...

Why the old man made this decision in the end... I am afraid no one knows except Alice.

And the latter also became taciturn after he came out, and seemed to be brooding over his previous betrayal.

However, after Mei and the others clearly expressed their understanding and forgiveness, she suddenly let go and began to apologize and thank her, and then embarked on her own journey regardless of her retention, and disappeared from the complicated sight of the three.

Maybe it will be a long time before we meet again——Looking at Alice's back, Mei felt something in her heart.


In the city center of the raccoon, on the top of the municipal building, the three of Mei are looking down at the city of doomsday at dusk.


Crush the antiviral toxin in the air with her own hands, watching the green liquid volatilize and spread into the air during the fall, Mei smiled slightly.

"This way, it's over. It will disintegrate and swallow the T virus in the air, and spread to the whole world with the atmospheric circulation, just like the original T virus..."

"Then Mei-chan, are you okay?!" Before she could finish speaking, the pink-haired girl interrupted immediately, her face full of concern.

"...It's okay." Looking at her pure and clean pink eyes, Mei was stunned for a while, then smiled lightly, and threw the glass shards in her hand to the ground, "Antivirals will only destroy T virus, not It will cause damage to normal cells, don't worry, Alyssa."

Having said that, Mei put her hands on her hips and added with a mysterious smile on her face: "What's more, I never said that I am also from this world~ Antivirals won't affect me!"

Hearing this, Alyssa and Qianji looked at each other in shock.

"Huh?! Mei, Mei-chan, you... are you also...?!"

Facing the gazes of the two, Mei did not give a direct answer, but nodded with that mysterious smile, shook her head again, and continued to look at the gradually setting sun on the horizon.

"This time... it's really over. Although it may take a long time, even a few years, for the antiviral virus to spread, this world has finally been rescued from the crisis...Alyssa, Qianji, we But it saved 20 billion people!"

Who said no?

It has only been more than a month since the virus broke out. According to the satellite information provided by the Red Queen, there are still nearly 20 billion human beings left in the world, most of them are concentrated in an ancient oriental country, and the rest are the "Americans" gathered in Europe. refugee"……

Obviously, after the virus is eradicated, the Chinese nation will become the leader of this world, and the previous "world police" has completely collapsed.

But who will rule the world is not important to Mei, because her goal has never been here.

Just when Mei looked at the sunset and fell into thought, a light ball placed on the ground suddenly flickered, and quickly turned into a cute girl with long golden hair.

That seems to be the red queen.

"Master Mei, I have collected the remnants of the Umbrella Company in your name and authority, and terminated all plans of Dr. Isaacs."

At this time, the red queen was only the size of a palm, floating lightly in the air like this, making people a little worried that she might be blown away by a gust of wind.

"Really? Well done." Mei recovered and nodded, then turned to look in one direction, "Red Empress, can you find Alice?"

In this regard, the Red Queen nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, Master Mei, the company's satellite system is still in operation, and it's not difficult to find her."

As soon as she finished speaking, she blinked her eyes in a very humane way, and asked, "Master Mei, do you want me to track her down?"

"No need." Mei shook her head, her eyes were deep, she didn't know what she was thinking, "Queen Red, resume her staff status, and replace Wesker as the company's CEO, according to my order. At the same time, notify the committee and try my best to assist but Don't bother her."

"Obey, Master Mei."

Although High Command has collapsed, the power of Umbrella Corporation in this world cannot be underestimated.

In fact, when Mei ordered the emergency epidemic prevention work at the beginning, the branches of the umbrella company that first learned of the virus leak had already begun to transfer the main assets and important personnel, and passed the month almost without loss.

Today, this company has become the "world's largest company" in the true sense, lurking in the dark and possessing national-level terrorist forces.


When the two chairmen, Alicia and Isaacs, were destroyed together with the Supreme Command, Mei, the executive director, has become the highest authority owner of the umbrella company, and with the help of the artificial intelligence of the Red Queen...

It can be said with certainty that no one in the umbrella company can shake Mei's position.

"Is this also your arrangement, Ms. Alicia?"

Every time I think of this, Mei will feel puzzled.

While being puzzled, she suddenly remembered a "forgotten person".

"Qian Ji" Mei turned her head and looked at the black-haired priestess beside her, "How is Wesker?"

Facing Mei's question, Qianji was stunned for a moment, then suddenly lowered her head, as if there was something unspeakable.

Seeing this, Mei frowned slightly.

"Did he escape again? That's really troublesome..."

"No, Ms. Mei, he is still trapped in the field! It's just..."

Seeing her haphazardly interrupting her words, Mei was even more puzzled.

"Could it be that Wesker is an indestructible existence? It shouldn't be, no matter how strong the T virus is..."

Faced with Mei's suspicious gaze, Qian Ji bit her lip and finally chose to show her cards.

"Forgive me for having a hard time describing that scene in words, Ms. Mei, let's see for myself!"

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