After talking about the former, it is natural to talk about the latter.

Collect unowned resources - this is one of the things Mei will do every time before leaving the doomsday world.

In this world, except for daily necessities and various food materials, she, who has a high-level status in an umbrella company, of course has a wider and farther perspective.

These include, but are not limited to, gold reserves, unmanned jewelry, emerging composite materials, high-tech electronics... and more.

Needless to say, gold and silver jewelry, no matter in which world, as long as there is human civilization, these are hard currencies with a certain value.

And composite materials and electronic equipment... These advanced technological products can be used as "raw materials", and can also be exchanged for certain resources in a relatively backward world. At the same time, there are some more precious parts that Mei gave to Ellie as gifts. Sarah.

According to the latter, these technological products can be sold to weak super gods in the super god space, so as to obtain a circulation currency called "crystal diamond", which can be regarded as accumulating original funds for the future development of the Thor team.

Of course, for Mei, no matter how many supplies he collects, it cannot compare with the biggest gain of this trip:

That is the artificial intelligence that backed up all the data of the umbrella company - Red Queen.

With the help of this artificial intelligence, Mei relied on her highest authority to "search" the world's largest monopoly company.

The process is not important, Mei only knows that when the scheduled last day comes, a deep mountain in her soul world has been transformed into a special "nuclear arsenal", and the number of annihilation bombs stored inside has exceeded two. number of digits!

And the nuclear warhead and its supporting facilities of [-] tons, one million tons, and ten million tons have more than three digits ...

Because she doesn't know how dangerous the next world is, when Mei realizes that all the strategic weapons of Umbrella Corporation have the highest handling power, she is like an insecure child, taking away everything that these big killers can take away up.

"Maybe, they can help me in the future, no matter how bad they are, they can die together..."

Although she looks like a victim of delusional disorder, Mei still understands the principle of "blessings and sharing".

"Alyssa, do you need nuclear warheads? The kind that grow mushrooms on the map."


"If you think nuclear bombs are not safe... Purification devices are also available! I have asked the Red Queen to remove all permissions, you just need to set a detonation time~"


Alisa and Chihime will never forget that day, the black-haired Nadeshiko Yamato smiled softly while taking out a "nuclear peace" weapon capable of blowing up an entire city as a gift...

"Where's your integrity?! Has it collapsed?!"

"This is not the Raiden Mei I know!"

But in the end, after repeated evasions, they still accepted five annihilation bombs the size of a wooden table. As for the nuclear warheads...they rejected them on the grounds that "the space provided by the Super God Space is not big enough to hold the missiles" up.

In this regard, Mei also expressed regret.

However, Alyssa and the two were already unable to complain.


In the early morning, on a raised hill next to the eastern coast of the United States, the three of Mei stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the hazy gold at the top of the sea level.

"Time flies so fast."

Recalling what happened in the past two months, Mei couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Maybe it was because of the sea breeze, Alisa nodded, her eyes slightly wet.

"Yeah, there are 13 minutes left before the mandatory return..."

She put down the watch, but couldn't let go of the surging emotions in her heart.

Finally, the pink-haired girl couldn't help but grabbed Mei's hand.

"Meichan, I miss you so, can't you really come with us?"

The crying voice and the red eyes made Mei startled.

However, the temperature and strength from that hand made her turn her head away, and continued to look at the sea, trying to avoid the expectant eyes on the left and right.

"Isn't it... okay?" Seeing this, Alyssa slowly lowered her head, and the tightly clenched hand fell powerlessly by her side.

Even so, Mei still didn't turn her head.

"Alisa, you have asked me this question four times, but I always have only one answer... You understand, I can't drag you and Qianji down, because the enemy is too powerful."

"But Miss Mei, are you going to face it alone?" Qian Ji asked with a worried face.

"No." Mei slowly shook her head, smiled slightly, her eyes were full of the reflection of the sea, "I'm betting."


"Yes, I am betting on the size of countless worlds and universes! I am betting that even if he is a god, it is impossible to observe the entire dimension at the same time!"

Sensing the firmness in Mei's words, Alisa and Chihime fell silent.

As if not noticing their expressions, Mei shrugged her shoulders and said with an optimistic face: "And if I go back with you, I will really fall into a trap, after all, I don't think the super god space is bigger than the whole dimension." Big, isn't it?"

"But that's too dangerous after all..." Alisa hesitated and wanted to say something else.

However, Mei suddenly rubbed her head, and at the same time interrupted, she showed a nostalgic smile.

"Believe in yourself, believe that you will be able to overcome all difficulties, as long as you don't give up, the future is right in front of you!... This is what a fool once said to comfort me. This time, I will pass it on to Alisa."

"Besides caring about me, you should pay more attention to yourself~"

Having said that, Mei's tone changed and her face was serious.

"Although the so-called Thunder God doesn't know that we have had contact, but to be on the safe side, I think you two should pretend that you don't know me, or even be hostile to me, so that it will be safer in the super god space! After all, there are The rules set by the Lord God, they should not do anything to you."

"Mei, Meichan! How is this possible!?"

"Yes, Ms. Mei, we are friends, shouldn't we be so heartless just to survive?"

Hearing Mei's suggestion, Alyssa and Chihime unanimously resisted.

Mei was not surprised by this, but felt warm in her heart.

I really didn't see the wrong person...

Calmly suppressing the comfort in her heart, Mei spread her hands pretending to be helpless.

"I'm just a suggestion. I just want to make you guys safer. After all, I don't want Thor's team to be wiped out again~"

Crude aggressive method.

However, apart from Qianji's awareness, a certain innocent pink-haired girl fell into it.

"No way! Since I am the captain of the Thunder God team, I will definitely not let the group be wiped out!"

Seeing Alisa's cute face with puffed cheeks and earnest face, Mei nodded with a smile and cheered up: "Yes~ yes~ Captain Minghu is the best! Let's work together~"

Initial hints are already working.

Suddenly, a rainbow sun floated above the clouds.

The darkness was dispelled in an instant, and the dawn light pierced the sky and shone on the girls' bodies.

At that moment, the surface of the sea was sparkling, and the cool and salty sea breeze was blowing on the cheeks, a sense of joy from the heart emerged spontaneously.

"It's the sunrise! It's the sunrise! It's so beautiful~"

Alisa was immediately attracted, her eyes sparkling.

And Mei also nodded involuntarily, brushing the hair that kissed her cheek behind her ear.

"Yeah, sunrise. A new day begins, and a new journey begins for us..."

After a while, Alisa's face suddenly changed.

"Not good! There are 3 minutes until the forced return!"

Hearing the girl's scream, Mei also recovered.

"Then I should also..."

"Wait! Mei-chan, please accept this!"

As soon as the words fell, Alisa handed over a card made of transparent material.

Seeing this, Mei took the card with a puzzled face and glanced at it.

"This is?...[Non-staff Member Invitation Card]?"

"Well! This is a special invitation card that I exchanged with crystal diamonds. As long as you write your real name on it, Mei, you can be led by the Lord God to the Super God Space at any time!" Alisa nodded, her tone hurried explained.

Hearing this, Mei slightly opened her eyes wide.

"This... shouldn't be cheap, right?"

In this regard, Alisha shook her head hastily, and denied with a dry smile:

"It's okay! After all, Mei-chan, you have helped us so much... If there is no Mei-chan, Qianji and I will never be able to go back, right?"

That is to say, all the mission rewards for this time have been piled up, there are really not many...

Staring at the girl's face until the other girl lowered her head with a strange expression, Mei nodded and clenched the card in her hand.

"I see, thank you, Alisa."

After finding out that Mei didn't pursue it, Alisa was obviously relieved.

Then her face changed again.

"Ah! There is one last minute left! I, I..."

When Alisa was struggling with how to say goodbye, Mei suddenly smiled.


"Huh?! Yes, yes!"

"Can you sing again for the last time? I really want to hear Alisa singing again~"


After being stunned for about three seconds, the anxiety and panic on the pink-haired girl's face disappeared, replaced by the youthful and sweet smile just like when they met for the first time.

"Well! I see!"

Then, the miraculous song once again echoed through the world:

"Sing a song for you?"

"Is there nothing left to lose?"

"Everyone smiling brightly?"

"Wish the exact day?"

"Can it last forever?"

"Get over again?"

"Towards the sky?"

"Get over again?"

"Spread your wings and fly high?"


"Goodbye, Mei-chan."

"Goodbye, Super God Space, Miss Mei."

As the sun rose, the two girls turned into rays of light and disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the place where the two disappeared, Mei pursed her lips, reached out and took off the left earring, and threw it forward.


The earrings turned into balls, and the colored light rippled like ripples.

Space is distorted, time is stagnant, and the colorful vortex is the door to the next world.

"Goodbye, I look forward to seeing you again."

Taking a last look at this world, the girl stepped into the vortex with firm steps.

The cliff returned to solitude.


The next volume will be Mei and the only male (not) protagonist Kiyana Kaslana's home game. It can be regarded as a successful conclusion to this book. The author is really tired.

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