Chapter 160 Chapter 150 Three Gods Intercept!

The world is like foam, sinking and floating in the sea called chaos, endless and countless.

And traveling across the world is actually the process of going from one bubble to another, and must pass through the chaotic medium with an unknown distance-the realm of nothingness.

Because the concept of time and space in the realm of nothingness is very vague, Mei's time travel has always been a matter of closing and opening her eyes, with almost no chance to think and observe.

This time, however, was different.


"A luck value of 33000... Is that world called "Resident Evil"? It suddenly increased my luck value by more than 2..."

"Is it because I saved 20 billion humans? Or... because I changed the trajectory of Alice's fate?"

At the moment when she started her world tour, Mei was sorting out the gains from the previous world in her mind, just to forcefully concentrate, so as to dilute the parting melancholy and...

The sense of nothingness brought about by the world shuttle.

This is a feeling of loss of five senses, uncertain direction, not only floating but also slowly sinking like drowning. It is unknown and mysterious, which makes people feel uneasy from the bottom of their hearts.

However, Mei has experienced this feeling three times, and now it is the fourth time.

Compared to the first time traveling to "Zhan!At this time, she has gradually gotten used to the feeling of uneasiness and fear in the world of Scarlet Eyes.

Anyway, it's just a moment, so there's nothing to be afraid of, right?

This time Mei also thought so.


When this idea appeared in her heart, she subconsciously noticed something was wrong.

Why... this feeling hasn't gone away?

According to past experience, the sense of emptiness is fleeting, and there is almost no time to savor it carefully.

But this time? !

I suddenly felt a strong anxiety in my heart, and before I could feel the down-to-earth touch, the inexplicable sense of impatience drove Mei to open her eyes, wanting to find out.


The girl was stunned for a moment, then her purple black eyes widened instantly.


What catches the eye is not a brand new world, but a bizarre scene:

Dark and cold main colors, hazy and wonderful halo, colorful and countless "stars" flickering and moving in a certain order, reminiscent of the light and floating gold sand in the water-filled glass bottle...

"This is, the chaotic space?"

The words that blurted out were replaced by words that suddenly appeared in his mind, Mei's face was full of confusion and trance, and it was difficult to regain consciousness for a long time.

The scene in front of me really challenges people's cognition, and it is even more unbelievable than the wonderful fairy tale world.

However, the sense of crisis and anxiety in my heart became more and more intense.

No, no... can't indulge in it!

When the eyeballs and even the soul were deeply attracted by the scenery in front of him, the remaining rationality drove his teeth to bite down fiercely.


Pain came from the tip of her tongue, the girl cried out in pain, her dilated pupils gradually solidified.

As soon as consciousness returned, Mei heard the call from her heart:

"Hey! Crybaby! Wake up! If this goes on, you're doomed..."

It's the personality of a lawyer!

Resisting the urge to exclaim, Mei quickly calmed down and returned to her previous state.

"Thank you……"

"Don't thank you! Take a look at your current situation! Crybaby, the big crisis is coming!"

Sensing the urgency in Herrscher's personality, Mei collected herself, forcibly skipped the fatally attractive chaotic scene, and began to carefully observe the surrounding situation.

My whole body is a colored barrier, which firmly isolates the dangerous and mysterious chaotic space outside, allowing myself to be in a relatively safe environment.


"Aren't I traveling through the world? Why stop here?"

After a little thought, Mei grasped the key to the problem.

"Crybaby! Look at the top of your head!"

Almost subconsciously, Mei followed the hint of Herrscher's personality and raised her head.

There is no so-called direction in the chaotic space, and there is no reference, because all the scenes are changing every moment, which is very confusing.

So when Mei raised her head, she didn't immediately understand what Herrscher's personality wanted to express, and almost fell into a daze again.

But in the end, she avoided the worst.

There is no other reason, because Mei has a faint premonition: if she is once again deeply trapped in the appearance of chaos, no one will be able to wake herself up.

"What are you trying to say?"

"You're hopeless, crybaby! I'm talking about the enemy, the enemy! Enemy of the Stars!"


Shaking her head, she got rid of the expression of "hating iron but not steel" on the face of Herrscher's personality, Mei concentrated her attention, and began to observe the shining "stars" above her head.

Soon, she discovered the clue.

"That is……?!"

In the chaotic space, except for the darkness of nothingness, almost all luminous bodies are changing all the time.

However, above Mei's head, in a very "close" position, there are three "immobile stars".

I saw them clustered together in a triangular shape, the distance between them was very short, as if they were close together, emitting golden, green and blue light respectively.

In addition, Mei also saw a series of strange lines surrounding them, as if containing some kind of truth, constantly affecting the surrounding chaotic space.

Because they are too small compared with those huge and bright nebulae, Mei has always ignored them. Now it seems that they are not "natural existence" at all!but...

man-made product.In other words, they are "people" at all!

And as if aware of it, the moment Mei found them, the golden, green, and blue lights suddenly became more dazzling!

In an instant, Mei found that everything around her was "fleeing" in all directions, and she seemed to be covered by a "glass cover", unable to move her whole body.


Fear and panic spread uncontrollably in her heart. Even though Mei tried her best to calm down, she was horrified to find that she couldn't even move a finger.

The power of law—this series of explanations suddenly appeared in my mind.

This is the law, the transcendent power that can crush the mortal world, transcend the world, and roam the chaos.

At this moment, Mei understood that, not to mention being in the state of a half-herrscher, at this time, even if she was transformed into a herershermer, she might not be able to resist the suppression of the law.

Because this is the true God.

"It's really... a big crisis, but..."

Suddenly, she found that the golden "star" felt so familiar to people, as if she had seen it not long ago...

In an instant, she understood something.

"Thunder God..." Mei smiled wryly, her eyes were full of sadness, her lips were even bitten bloody, "I didn't expect that my little me could attract three true gods, and even used special means to intercept me in the In this chaotic space...hehe, shouldn't I be honored?"

Although she didn't know if the other party could hear what she said, Mei's heart had already fallen into the ice cellar at this time.

The three real gods, each representing a kind of worldly law, can swim in the chaos with their own power...

In contrast, her Leiden Mei can only hide in this colorful barrier. Once the barrier is broken, the chaotic airflow from the outside will easily twist her, who is not even a demigod, into pieces...

Desperation, come again

And she had prepared for the worst.

Chapter 161 Chapter 150 Four Transformation!The real Herrscher of Thunder!

"Why, you specifically called me and Qingzhi just because of such a diamond-level ant? Sac, are you still the Thor God who once slaughtered a race and billions of lives in a fit of anger? You shouldn't be killed by a Is it worthless to seize the house?"

"I need an explanation, Alan Thor."

In the chaotic space, two gods exuding the breath of storm and frost respectively are communicating with their spiritual thoughts while looking at the partner in the middle:

A handsome man in thunder gold armor with golden electric current flowing all over his body.

He is the Thor who came to the world of "Resident Evil" before. His real name is Alan Sack, and he possesses the terrifying power of a six-star median god.

"Don't worry, Terry. I will secretly inform you of a seven-star highgod..."

He looked at the middle-aged Leng Jun who was covered in frost, and then smiled and looked at the impatient young man of the wind, "And a six-star midgod came here, of course it's not just for a mere lowgod None of them are ants."

Seeing this, the middle-aged Leng Jun frowned.

"Quickly tell me something, we haven't reached God's Realm yet, and we will be affected if we stay in the chaotic space for a long time."

Hearing this, the suave young man also nodded and echoed:

"Aokiji is right! Sak, when I received your notice, I thought the enemy was a high-god, and I made a lot of preparations for it. As a result, this is the situation now... If you don't give us a If you confess, don't blame me for not remembering the old love of more than a dozen worlds!"

Facing the impatience and doubts of the two gods, although Allen was a little sullen, he hid it well in his heart and did not show it on the surface.

The two pheasant gods of the Super God Alliance dare to show face in front of me?

After I get what I want, I must watch you all be crushed to death by the deputy hall master!

Even though he kept slandering in his heart, Allen had a humble smile on his face.

"Let me just say it, that ant has clues about the anime world."

"What did you say?!"

The moment they heard the words "Anime World", the expressions of the two gods changed in unison.

Then, they were finally willing to lower their "noble" heads to look down on the weak "ant".

"Are you serious? Although our Super God Space has always accepted reborn people from the anime world, so far we have never heard of anyone who can go back there in reverse..."

The two gods obviously didn't believe it.

Seeing this scene, Alan raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"It's absolutely true. Not only does that woman possess weapons from the world of "Zhan! Crimson Eyes", but she can also travel through the chaotic space alone. She has only mere colored diamond-level strength. You have just seen it with your own eyes..."

"This information was bought back by my younger brother at the price of death. For this reason, I also lost a precious avatar that was used to snare lower-class women. Seeing it with my own eyes, there is absolutely no way I can make a mistake!"

Sensing the affirmation in his tone, the young man of the wind began to gear up excitedly.

"Then let's break her tortoise shell now! The anime world... I heard that an era has been lost! If we can really find a way to go to the anime world, then countless resources will definitely allow us to advance to the God Master Realm... ...No! Even becoming the second [Supreme Divine Lord] is possible!!!"

The supreme god, the founder and rule maker of the legendary super god space, the "lord god" familiar to all super gods, his body is still a mystery.

An epoch means one billion years.

Although the concept of time in the boundless chaotic space is very vague, an ancient race named [Time Devourer] faithfully recorded every moment of the endless universe since its birth, and divided the corresponding measurement. Time is also subject to this.

"Yes, it is said that more than an epoch ago, our current super god space was just a part of a certain world. At that time, the way to the world of anime and games was still there, but suddenly their coordinates were all lost, and [Supreme Divine Lord] It is very likely that they are just remnants of that era..."

Leng Jun's middle-aged man also straightened his expression, and the frosty aura emanating from his body even froze the chaotic air around him.

Obviously, both gods became excited because of this news.

However, as a god who practiced the law of ice, Aokiji's mind quickly calmed down.

He faintly felt that something was wrong.

"Alan Thor, you didn't disclose this information to the members of the five major organizations, did you? I heard that you seem to be getting closer to the Temple of Heaven recently..."

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