Hearing this, feeling the sudden change in the eyes of the two gods, Allen smiled lightly and shook his head.

"How is it possible? The three of us have known each other for so many years and fought in more than a dozen worlds together. Don't you believe me? What's more, how can I tell others such secret news?"

snort!Ice bump that gets in the way, you will be the first one to get rid of it later!

Although he smiled harmlessly on the surface, the malice in Allen's heart could not be added.

Seeing this, even though Aokiji and Terry were still a little concerned, they couldn't fault it.

"Okay, I believe you."

After taking a deep look at Allen, the ice god with the appearance of a middle-aged man began to formulate a plan skillfully:

"Alan Thor, you will continue to suppress later, Terry Fengshen and I will break the strange barrier, and then we will deploy the enchantment of the gods together to block the erosion of the chaotic airflow, and capture the woman together. After all, she is only a mere The strength of the colored diamond level will die the moment it is exposed to the chaotic space."

"Hmm! No problem!"

Allen and Terry nodded together, expressing no objection.

"Okay then, let's go together!"


Time goes back to before.

While Allen and the others were still discussing, Mei, who had been ignored all this time, also made up her mind.

"Just do it."

"Are you sure? Coward, I don't even know what the result of a forced fusion will be! Maybe you will explode and die with a bang!"

"Is there any other way? Even if I hand over my body to you, can I deal with the three true gods?"


"Hehe, it's also the first time I've seen you silent. It seems that this time it's really a dead end..."

With a wry smile, Mei had a thought, and sent out a needle from the soul space.

Here's the loot for defeating werewolf Hamanda Revo in the world of Resident Evil - the only thing in the silver chest:

Blood fusion potion.

That's right!The werewolf who had been taking drugs before his death still left behind a potion.

When the potion fell from the top of her head and was held in Mei's mouth, the notes about it also came to her mind:

blood fusion potion

Grade: God Grade

Effect: After using it, there is a certain probability that the power of all the characteristics in the body will be forcibly fused, greatly improving the strength, and there is a 1% possibility for demigod-level super gods to comprehend the law

Note: There is a high probability that the power in the body will fall into chaos, resulting in unknown results, which will lead to the explosion and death!Use with caution!

"God level? It seems that this is the most precious thing of that uncle. It seems that my luck is not bad..."

While comforting herself in her heart, Mei sank her mind into the soul space again, looking for another thing.

Although the body cannot move under the pressure of the three true gods, the opening and closing of the soul space has no direct factor with the body.

For Mei, it only takes one thought to put things in or out.

"Well, this is it, the most important item..."

As a space inside the barrier rippled again, a ball of golden light was "spit" out.

This is the last item in the golden chest obtained after defeating the former captain of the Thor team - Neil Thacker:

The marrow of Jin Lei.

In fact, it's not so much a trophy from defeating Neil Thacker as it is the "remnant of his brother... the clone" of Thor above.

Although at that time, the demigod avatar had been cut off by the Herrscher turned Mei, but its core and the most important thing - the law of a trace of thunder was preserved for some reason, and was sucked into the treasure chest to become a reward.

Everything is fate in the dark.

And what Mei is going to do is:

Using the blood fusion medicine as a guide, combine the law of that trace of thunder with the core of the Herrscher, the power of the golden thunder and the power of the Herrscher, and finally merge into one, risking his life to advance to the true god, as a last-ditch effort.

Rather than waiting to die or being captured alive, the girl is more willing to burn herself in battle, even if there is no hope, even if the fusion fails and she dies...

She doesn't want to give up!I don't even want to compromise!

For this reason, Mei let go of her previous grudges and chose to seek help from Herrscher Personality.

That's where the previous conversation came from.

"You will die." Seeing that Mei had already made up his mind, Herrscher personality warned again.

"If you don't do this, you will die as well." Mei closed her eyes.

After prior guidance, the law of thunder has begun to integrate into the body.

Due to the invasion of foreign things, the power of the Herrscher and even the body of the Herrscher began to have a rejection reaction, and even started to riot.

Incomparably intense pain hit, but Mei held the needle tightly, silent, waiting for the best time to come.

At this time, the Herrscher's personality gave a strong dose of medicine:

"You'll never see her again, let alone change that."


For a moment, Mei opened her eyes.

"She", at any time, is the most important existence in the heart of the girl named Raiden Mei.

Funny, right?

Obviously not afraid of death, not afraid of pain, not afraid of loneliness, not afraid of darkness, but...

Mei is always afraid that she will never see that white-haired girl again...



Suddenly, the pressure on my body became heavier.

When I opened my eyes, two of the three "stars" began to fall slowly!

"Are you here?"

As the two kinds of light, one green and one blue, became brighter and brighter, the powerful divine power even made Mei a little breathless, and her body was even more shaky.

"I can't... wait any longer..."


Almost at the next moment, Mei bit the needle tube in her mouth hard, and let the liquid in it, together with the sharp fragments, go down her throat.

The pain became more and more severe.

"I'm sorry... Kiyana... I'm still so useless... I can't do anything."

In the pain that came like a tide, Mei kept her mind firmly, trying not to let her consciousness collapse.



Gradually, she felt that her body no longer belonged to her, and all the feelings were slowly disappearing, together with the light in front of her eyes.

"Okay, timid... No, Raiden Mei, you have finally grown up and gained my approval..."

The voice of Herrscher's personality came again, but Mei was in such pain that she couldn't even think of asking.

"I seem to understand why 'she' always cares about you so much, protects and cares about you so much...Although you are weak, your will is unexpectedly strong. Compared with your courage, I am really inferior How about the next one..."


"Well, I lost to you. Go! It's time! Go devour me and bury me! The winner deserves everything, and you! You will become the real queen of thunder and lightning!"

In the haze, Mei seemed to see a purple light wheel disappearing, and the power in her body was surging like never before...


The extremely intense pain made Mei almost faint, but the scenes of the past came to mind at this moment.

The Herrscher awakened, and millions of people in the city died unexpectedly...

Killing all the way, countless ghosts are screaming for their lives...

Collapsing expansion, blood, ruins and cries reverberate...

This is the darkness that the Herrscher's personality has been burdened and suppressed for a long time, and the past that a Herrscher girl can't bear to look back on.

However, now...

"I am Raiden Mei...and also the Herrscher of Thunder...for Kiana, for the only light...I am willing to fall into darkness! To endure all the pain!"

"I will face the past! I will open up the future!"

"I am willing... to accept all the sins of the past!"

The hatred and loneliness that had been accumulated in my heart seemed to be released all at once. The golden and purple thunder blended with each other, and under the influence of this, it turned into a strange and alluring blood red.

Bloody and violent thunder... The Herrscher's lightning has evolved into a brand new form!

Immediately afterwards, this represented the disappearance of the Herrscher's personality, and the bloody thunder released by the dark side sprang out like a mad snake, hitting the surrounding colorful barriers, causing spectacular ripples!

You know, this is a powerful barrier that can penetrate the world wall and resist the erosion of chaos and turbulence!

At the same time, the momentum and power fluctuations that Mei radiated reached unprecedented heights, and the whole person was shrouded in a mass of bloody light, experiencing the biggest transformation since birth.

At this moment, the girl officially accepted everything in the past, whether it was blood, killing or crime...

If the Herrscher represents darkness, then she is the real Herrscher of Thunder at this time!

Click! ! !

Finally, the cocoon was broken.


The long-lost four thousand chapters (for individuals)!For the birth of the Thunder Queen!

The next world goes straight to the theme, go to Honkai III!Qi Ya will finally usher in a long-lost reunion!

As for the sword...

I was disgusted by the latest plot, so I put it on hold temporarily, and I will write it later when I feel in the mood. Damn NTR or something!Pure love is number one in the world!

Chapter 162 Chapter 150

I vaguely remember that when I was a child, I asked my father like this:

"Father, what is a samurai? What is the way of the sword?"

At that time, what impressed me deeply was that my father, who had always been very serious, actually smiled, then touched his head and replied earnestly:

"Samurai, since ancient times, have been loyal men who have defended their homes and defended the country, galloped on the battlefield, and fulfilled their duties! And the way of swordsmanship is the best way to sharpen your body and soul! Mei, if you want to become strong, if you want to To protect the most important person in the future, the practice of swordsmanship must not be neglected!"

"Mei understands! In order to protect my father and the Raiden family, Mei will become a real warrior in the future!"

After hearing his promise, the father smiled happily.On that day, he rarely stayed at home, chose to push away all the work, and accompanied me to explain all kinds of knowledge and legends about kendo and samurai.

Looking back now, it was one of the few happy days in my memory.

It was also since then that I fell in love with kendo, and dreamed that one day I would be able to wear red and black armor like a legendary samurai, gallop on the battlefield and defend my homeland with the sword in my hand.


The thunder light dissipated.

Memories of the past faded like a tide, and all the pain disappeared in an instant.

As the girl slowly but firmly opened those purple eyes, the scarlet pupils quickly solidified.


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