At that moment, with her as the center, the eternally silent chaotic space suddenly swayed with ripples, and the invading space turbulence was dispelled and smoothed, and at the same time, the two gods who wanted to attack were forced back.

"what happened?!"

"She has advanced to the god level!"

Seeing this sudden scene, the two gods of Feng and Bing were extremely surprised.

Obviously before, he was only a little ants of the color diamond level, but suddenly he crossed the king level and demigod level in a very short period of time, and crossed three major realms to become a true god like them...

God!Where did this evildoer come from? !

"This...damn it!" Allen, who had been hiding behind and maintaining the suppression circle, suddenly became extremely ugly.

However, no matter how shocked the three gods were, Mei at this moment was in a wonderful state of being calm and calm, without any distracting thoughts in her heart.

Heart like water.

Opposite to her wonderful state of mind is that weird and gorgeous appearance:

The first is clothing.

The dress with samurai elements is covered on the upper body, and the red and black colors are bright and dark, like stars wrapped in the scorching sun.

The red armor that exudes a dangerous atmosphere is wrapped around the right arm to form a protective armor, and it is dotted around the neck and waist at the same time, showing the style of a warrior;

The lower body is white stockings paired with red and black tube-style high-heeled shoes. The double-layer armor on the left waist also extends down half of the black skirt with flowing moiré patterns, which flutters gently and looks heroic.

The hairstyle is still the princess-like Ji hairstyle, but the color of the hair has gradually changed from black to purple, and it is tied with a black armor hair ornament, and the length is extremely exaggerated.

Even though Mei already has a height of 1.7 meters, which is tall for women, her long hair still hangs down to her legs, swinging freely without wind.

In addition, the fragrant shoulders are touched, the breasts are half exposed, and the beautiful back is revealed... Although the girl's face is expressionless, but these are paired with those cold purple eyes and red pupils, still giving people a kind of evil charm. With awe-inspiring feeling.

It is worth mentioning that on the back of the girl, the purple divine ring that symbolizes the gods and the Herrscher is dazzling; on the forehead, two thin and long blood-colored ghost horns point directly to the sky.

Samurai, gods, ghosts... The three major elements of Japanese myths and legends are vividly displayed in Mei at this time.

Because this is the first time that a girl has fully controlled the power of Herrscher in the true sense, and her changed image is more inclined to "self-consciousness" than the previous Herrscher transformation.

Perhaps in her heart, this is her most powerful posture...

The Herrscher of Thunder welcomes a new life.

"Ahh... this is... my sin. Kiyana will definitely not like the way I am now..."

At this moment, I have completely bid farewell to "human beings", regardless of body or mind.

The white-haired girl tried her best to pull herself into the light, but now she voluntarily fell into the darkness for the sake of strength, and became a real physical discipliner...

It was me who trampled on that protective heart.

This sin can never be redeemed, nor does it deserve to be forgiven...

The girl slowly closed her eyes, and a touch of red eyeshadow soaked in the corners of her eyes disappeared into the empty space.


"Aokiji! Let's go! Even if she advances to the god level? Are we afraid of a mere lower god?!"

Seeing that the girl did not move and her power fluctuated and fell into silence, it seemed that the shocking power she just showed was just a short-lived illusion, and Fengshen Terry started to move again.

There is no way, the way to go to the anime world is too tempting... It's tempting, even though they have become true gods for many years, it is still difficult to dispel their desires.

Of course, following one's inclinations is one of the attributes of the law of wind. If it is easy to be bound by external objects, what is wind?

Regarding this, although Ice God Aokiji was good at controlling his own desires, he nodded in deep agreement.

"Well! While the suppression effect is still there, we will use all our strength to fight for the law of stripping her with one blow! Late will change!"

Immediately afterwards, they summoned their natal artifacts, the light radiating from their bodies suddenly brightened, and together they launched a full blow to the enemy!

At that moment, the surrounding space began to fluctuate violently, causing the chaotic air to explode, and the laws of the surrounding star fields even fell into chaos.

Facing this combined blow that could obliterate the stars, Mei slowly opened her eyes.

The deep and indifferent eyes are enough to make the heart stop.


Gently raising his hand, the blood thunder burst open, easily smashing the invisible shackles that he couldn't break free with all his strength before, and pointed his palm at the surging wave of law.

As if in response, the moment the girl raised her hand, a huge red and black gauntlet slowly emerged in front of her.


The power surged, and the killing intent emerged.

As the divine ring on the back of Mei's head trembled slightly, the blood-colored thunder centered on the gauntlet, striking towards the enemy's offensive with an indomitable momentum.


Thunder and lightning represent unparalleled destruction and destruction.

Frost and Storm barely lasted a moment in front of him before being shattered by the blood thunder.

"How is it possible?! One against two... Is she a nine-star highgod?!"

Seeing this scene, Allen was dumbfounded.

Maybe he doesn't know that the Herrscher of Thunder itself represents and controls the thunder and lightning. No one can fit the law of thunder better than Mei.

As for successive breakthroughs... With the support of endless Honkai energy, it is a matter of course, which is the result of the girl's continuous efforts.

This is the road to success that belongs to Mei alone and cannot be copied.

After easily disintegrating the enemy's attack, the Blood Thunder's offensive did not end. Instead, it rushed straight to the two gods at an unavoidable speed, tightly wrapped around their gods, and did not enter them.

In an instant, phantoms of Shura's bloody slaughter appeared before them, deeply affecting their souls and spirits, and boundless darkness enveloped them, gradually infecting their godheads.

At this moment, they finally regretted it.

"Damn it! We were tricked by that bastard Sack!!!"

"She is not an ant at all, but a strong man who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!"

Not complacent because of this, when the blood thunder paralyzed the enemy's body and infected the enemy's mind, Yai's mouth was slightly hooked, and he stretched out his right hand to hold it.

Immediately afterwards, the demon sword that she had not seen for a long time——Murayu appeared in her hand together with the sword and sheath.At the same time, on the right side of Mei, another huge gauntlet emerged, which was also slightly grasped.

"Turn my blade into lightning!"

As soon as Mei's words fell, blood-colored lightning suddenly appeared in the five fingers of the right gauntlet, and quickly extended to both sides in long strips, and finally turned into a huge sword with a total length of more than two meters!


In an instant, an incomparable sharpness spread out, and along with the murderous aura, it continued to spread.

That feeling... The three gods of Allen seemed to feel that there was a knife on their necks.

"No! Let's go!"

Seeing this, Fengshen Terry no longer had the slightest will to fight.

As a god, the longer you live, the more you see and get, the more you fear death.

Even the Ice God Aokiji is no exception to this point.

"Alan Thor! Get rid of the suppression formation and use the forced return crystal!"

In this regard, it seemed that they had intercepted the words conveyed in their spiritual thoughts, and there was a sneer on Mei's face.

"Want to go? Dreaming!"

Afterwards, she put her left hand on the hilt of Murasame's knife and began to slowly unsheath it.


The gauntlets on both sides did the same, and slowly pulled out the huge sword formed by the blood-colored thunder.

The momentum gradually reached its peak.

The sound of the blade being unsheathed directly rang in the hearts of the three gods.

Immediately afterwards, Mei swung Murame with a knife in her hand, and the huge gauntlets also attacked simultaneously.


The blood-colored thunder exploded wildly, and the blood-colored knife light cut through time and space... The sound of thunder resounded through the chaos for the first time!

I, Raiden Mei, the new Herrscher of Thunder, join me!

At this moment, the girl announced her existence to the chaos.

Chapter 163 Chapter 150 The Sixth Unspeakable Turning Point

In the empty, dark space, there is a vast and huge tree.

Its height cannot see the top, its branches are endless and stretching, and each of its leaves even represents a world, and its origin can be traced back to the beginning of the world and the origin of all things.

Obviously, if there is a god in the world, it is undoubtedly the real "innate god".

And under the giant tree, there is a vast ocean, which is also boundless, and I don't know how deep it is.

It turns out that the concept of "competition" has been around since the beginning.

The giant tree is deeply rooted in the "sea", absorbing nutrients from it all the time to grow itself.

And the sea is not willing to disappear, it swallows up the fallen leaves (worlds) one by one, while nourishing its own body, it expands endlessly to the surroundings...

This is a battle that has existed since the birth of heaven and earth, and the result has not yet been resolved.


At a certain moment, when a colorful spot of light breaks through the void and darkness and appears in this chaotic world, the situation that has been stalemate for countless epochs will finally be broken.


Opening his eyes, he suppressed the discomfort he had been resigned to, and quickly glanced around.

What came into view was a very strange world.

There are white squares floating above the head, and the platform under the feet is also composed of huge squares. The light is dim and hazy, as if in a dream.And around...

It is an endless abyss.

There was no trace of life, not even a little sound, and the silence was terrifying.

But for now it looks safe.


At the moment when her mind was slightly relaxed, the black-haired girl knelt down on the ground instantly, her expression was dull, her upper body leaned forward slightly, her hands rested on the ground, and her whole body was trembling constantly.


There were slight abrasions on her face, and the red and black dress with samurai elements on her body was also tattered. The spring was leaking out, as if she had just experienced a big battle.


After a while, the girl's sobbing gradually disappeared.

"We have to go back and find her!"

As if thinking of something, her purple eyes stopped trembling, and she immediately got up, turned around and walked back.

However, as soon as she took a step, the girl froze.

Of course, it's not because there is an abyss ahead, and there is no way to go, but...

"The energy to travel through the not enough..."

As if she had recognized the reality, she bit her lip tightly, lowered her head, and her tightly clenched fists made a "click".


A tear fell on the platform and broke into a small splash.

Memories spread out from here:

Time is pushed back to the past.

In the chaotic space, under the full blow of the girl Raiden Mei, the wind god Terry fell on the spot, and the ice god Aoji was also seriously injured.

However, there is one figure exception.

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