That's Thor Alan Sack.

I don't know if it was planned in advance, or if he was unwilling to suppress the failure of the suppression operation, he summoned an extremely powerful enemy at a critical moment-the deputy master of the Temple of Heaven, one of the five most powerful forces in the Super God Space.

As soon as the opponent appeared on the stage, his posture was like a giant of light picking up the stars and the sun, and the coercion he exuded caused countless stars to vibrate, and even the law of chaos began to actively respond.

In front of Him, the four true gods, including Mei, are like babies learning to speak, completely incomparable.

"The young ones came and the old ones came", this situation made Mei complain endlessly, at that moment, she even felt that the so-called main god had descended in person.

However, compared to thinking about these things, escape is of course the most important thing.

Although Mei is very confident in her new power, but self-confidence is not arrogance. If you still go up and fight hard under the obvious power gap in front of you, it is not courage but stupidity.


Every time you travel through the world, you need to consume at least 100% of the power of luck - this is the conclusion she has reached after several travels so far.

Although the power of luck collected by the indicator sometimes overflows...for example, in the last world, 20% was collected because of saving 159 billion humans and greatly changing the fate of Alice...But!

The moment Mei opened the shuttle door, the remaining energy in the indicator had dropped to 59%. Even if the transmission was interrupted by the three gods, this value still remained unchanged!

That is to say...

She no longer has enough energy to open the passage to the next world.

At that moment, Mei's heart felt as if it had fallen into a cellar of ice.

First, he was intercepted and killed by the three gods, and he fell into despair; after a desperate fight, he was reborn from desperation, and finally started to fight back; and now he was put to death again...

This roller coaster experience is enough to cause a person to collapse.

However, since she has completely merged with the Herrscher personality, Mei is already different from the past after voluntarily accepting the dark side of her past.

This is not only in strength, but also in mentality.

Now that you have experienced despair and fallen into darkness, there is no reason to fear their arrival again!

Fortunately, no matter whether it was the former Allen three gods, or the absolute powerhouse who came later, they had no intention of killing Mei.


Mei has something they desperately need.

"On purpose?"

Regarding this point, the girl herself was also aware of this, but she didn't know the reason. She thought that the other party had a chance to win, and deliberately teased her.

The most important thing is that during the battle, although she was teased and suppressed by the deputy palace master, she became more and more familiar with her new power because of this, and also found an opportunity to turn the corner...

It turns out that the power of each Herrscher comes from another world!

This discovery came by accident.

Because the enemy is too powerful, in order to fully activate the law of thunder to resist, the girl almost consumes all her strength in every defense and attack.

And even if he advances to the god level, the power of the Herrscher is continuous, but it is not unlimited, and he cannot withstand such frequent "hollowing out" behaviors.

Therefore, although the power was exhausted once, the Herrscher's core could not be replenished in time, and even suffered damage!

At that moment, Mei's heart really went cold!


As the saying goes: "Fortune and misfortune depend on each other."

At the moment when a crack appeared in Herrscher's core, she keenly sensed the atmosphere of time and space that was different from the chaotic space!

For a long time, Mei was very puzzled:

If the core function of the Herrscher is to transform the Honkai energy into the power of the Herrscher with the nature of lightning, then where does the continuous Honkai energy come from?Obviously I have left that world, why can I still use the Houkai energy of that world?

Since then, she has guessed that the Honkai Energy was not directly generated by the Herrscher's core, but was absorbed from another world.

This guess is now confirmed.

There is no choice but to fight.

While the enemy was still trying to get something out of her body, she skillfully dealt with it, and at the same time used all the remaining power of luck in the earring indicator without hesitation.

Goal: The world connected by Herrscher's core!

A miracle happened.

This time, it seems that because of the core of the Herrscher as the "key" and the body of the Herrscher as the "gate", even if the energy is not enough, the crossing passage still slowly emerges in front of Mei.

"How did you do it?!"

In this regard, the deputy hall master was extremely surprised, as if he did not expect that he had already blocked the surrounding chaotic space, why the "ant" could open a portal under such circumstances.

After surprise, comes anger.

This time, the peerless powerhouse finally got serious.


Mei will never forget, under the blow of the giant of light, the terrifying scene of stagnant space and broken world, and finally understand why the other party has always seemed so leisurely:

Because under absolute power, all plots and tricks are futile.

Seeing that the time travel cannot be carried out smoothly, and even the critical moment when she herself is about to die...

"She" appeared.

Even if it's just a moment, a moment, a back view...

But Mei still recognized "her" at a glance.


In response, the figure turned his head, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Mei, wait for me."

Afterwards, the stagnation of time and space was lifted, the enemy's attack was blocked, and the time travel continued.

When the eyes are closed and opened, there is everything that happened at the beginning.


"Don't worry, Kiyana, I will always wait for you in this world, no matter how long."

In this strange world, the girl wiped her tears and began to stagger forward.

I believe in her, always have been.

Since she wants to wait by herself, she will wait for thousands of years, and if it is the other party, I believe it will be the same.

Hatred, complaints, etc., have completely dissipated from the moment they saw each other, leaving only longing like wine and uncontrollable worries.

Because I am Raiden Mei, and she is Kiana Kaslana.

Love is always greater than hate (love is always greater than hate).

Chapter 164 Chapter 150 Opening!Collapse the world!

"It's here..."

In a strange "square stone forest", Mei stopped walking with scars all over her body.

Because the wound caused by the deputy hall master was difficult to heal for a long time, and the world in front of her was too strange, so she didn't stay in any place, but kept looking for a way to leave.

Sitting still and waiting to die is by no means the best choice - this is Mei's experience summed up after several time travels.

Even if you can't leave, you have to check the surroundings carefully...

With this thought in mind, she kept walking in this dark world full of blocks. I don't know how long it has passed, until the call from somewhere...

It was a very familiar feeling, as if someone who had been away from home for a long time suddenly heard the name of his hometown, which made the bewildered Mei find the target and stopped wandering around like a headless chicken.

Guided by that feeling, she finally came here.

"Is it Kiana?"

"anyone there?"

In the huge block stone forest, the girl's voice kept echoing, from far to near, from near to far...


No one answered.

A sense of emptiness and loneliness arises spontaneously.

"What the hell is this place? Why can't I receive any magnetic field feedback except me?"

"Why is the collapse here so abundant?"

Looking at everything around her, Mei looked at a loss.

Obviously, this is not the earth, not even in the universe.

There are no animals here, nor any plants. There are only various "blocks" made of Houkai energy.

"how so……"

That feeling reappeared, but when he raised his head, he still saw the oddly shaped stone forests in front of him.

"What the hell is... what!"

Loneliness and inner irritability began to ferment, and anxiety catalyzed anger.

I saw a beating blood-colored electric current suddenly appearing all over Mei's body, and then he suddenly raised his hand and slapped down...


a bolt from the blue.

The tyrannical power of the Herrscher wiped out the surrounding large stone forest.

The moment it came into contact with the Scarlet Thunder, all the cubes disintegrated and disappeared into nothingness.


After venting, Mei gasped violently, her purple pupils trembled slightly, and she half-kneeled on the ground again.

Driven by anger just now, she used the law of thunder again, which aggravated the serious injury, and the pain came like a tide.

This is a "combat reflex" that has not been forgotten.

As we all know, there are no so-called elements or Houkai energy in the chaotic space, only energy that is extremely chaotic and cannot be used.

In this case, apart from foreign artifacts or artifacts, the battle between gods and gods relies on laws.

As long as your comprehension of the law is higher than that of the opponent, even if it is only a little bit, you can use this to suppress the opponent.

And Mei had gone through the previous battle, her body had already remembered that fighting style, even if she didn't use it deliberately, her every move still carried the law.

However, this good habit brought great pain to her at this time.


The stone forest was still collapsing, countless cubes were falling into the abyss continuously, and loud noises reverberated throughout the world, the scene was once extremely shocking.

This is because the law consumes a lot, and the damage caused is naturally far greater than the power of the Herrscher.

Soon, the crack spread to Mei's feet.

Holding her head, she slowly stood up.

Of course not afraid of falling into the abyss.

For a true god... no, for any true Herrscher, it is impossible for such a laughable thing to happen.

And even if it accidentally falls from a high place, the powerful Herrscher's body can withstand the impact and quickly complete the repair.


"This calling... This familiar feeling is getting stronger and stronger... What is it?"

Intentionally shielding the pain from her body, Mei frowned and kept scanning everything around her.

Soon, she discovered:

In the place where the thunder of death just fell, a faint crack is emerging.

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