"That is!?"

With a light kick on her toes, the platform was broken into cubes and fell into the abyss, while the girl herself flew towards the crack in the flash of lightning.

During the process, a large amount of Honkai energy suddenly surged from all directions, gathered on Mei's body, and actively repaired the core of the heart.

God rings, ghost horns, and gauntlets that would not appear under normal conditions are also automatically emerging...

Herrscher form is liberated again!


As Mei's hand wrapped in black and red gloves touched the crack, the world in front of her eyes suddenly shattered like a mirror!

Dazzling light appeared in sight, as well as the familiar breeze and warmth...

The bloody Herrscher's mark was thus launched.


At this time, in Canghai City, Shenzhou, Saint Freya Academy.

In the headmaster's office building, which looks like a European medieval castle, the alarm blared.

"Alert! Alert! A large-scale Houkai has occurred in the Far East region. The initial value of the Houkai energy has exceeded 5000HW, and the risk factor has risen to S-level!"

"Alarm! Alert..."


Hearing the siren, the white-haired nun who was sitting on an office chair fishing and reading comics suddenly spewed out a mouthful of green water.

"Five...five thousand watts?! It's still only the initial value?!"

The immature and lovely young girl's voice has a maturity beyond her age in her tone.


"My "Humu Adventure"!"

Putting the teacup in her hand on the desk, the little nun screamed and got up from the office chair, and wiped the bitter melon juice flowing from the comic book with the sleeve of her custom-made black nun uniform in a panic.

"Alarm! Alert..."

The siren still echoed in the office, but the little nun turned a deaf ear to it, and just focused on "rescuing" her comic book, her eyes as blue as the sea were full of seriousness.

1 minute later.

After all the water stains were wiped off, she locked the comic book in the box like a treasure, and then tiptoed to pick up the tablet terminal on the desk.

Looking at the scarlet alarm on the display, the little nun frowned.

"Isn't the detector broken? How is this possible... Ai-chan! Is Ai-chan here?"

As she shouted, a cartoon girl with a cabbage head suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Hello! Boss, today is also a sunny and happy fishing day~ I wish you good health and grow taller! Hehe~ I just don't know when my salary will be..."

As soon as she appeared, the cartoon girl chattered a lot, making people admire her eloquence.

However, the little nun called "Boss" puffed up her cheeks and interrupted her impatiently:

"Don't talk nonsense! Connect me to the satellite system and confirm the authenticity of the alarm!"

In response to this, the cartoon girl was stunned for a moment, then pouted in a very humane manner, with an aggrieved expression on her face.

"Oh...why are you being so vicious..."

Speaking of this, she seemed to feel the "serious" look in the little nun's eyes, and she quickly changed her words:

"Yes, yes, yes! Isn't it okay for others to do it? It's hard to steal half of the electricity and say..."

Immediately afterwards, the cartoon girl showed a thoughtful expression on her face, waving her hands continuously, and corresponding data information appeared on the screen.


Seeing this, the little nun breathed a sigh of relief.


At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a tall red figure rushed in quickly.

"Hey! Principal, the alarm is real..."

Regarding this, as if she had expected it long ago, the little nun waved her hand, showing a reassuring expression.

"Jizi! Don't be so reckless, I've asked Ai-chan to confirm... By the way, what about Kiyana and the others?"

Because the little nun called "Principal" is too short, apart from that immature and mature voice, the visitor only saw a small white hand protruding from under the desk...

If this scene was put in some horror movies, it would definitely be scary enough.

But the visitor seemed to have gotten used to this scene long ago, and also breathed a sigh of relief, with a little peace of mind in those amber eyes.

"I also prepared them before coming, but Bronya..."

"Aren't you awake yet?" The little nun climbed up the seat again, and finally revealed her head, but at this moment, her immature and lovely face was full of anger, "Those guys in the academy who do research all day long What are you eating?!"

Seeing her angry look, the red-haired sister Yu who was standing at the desk slowly shook her head with a helpless face.

"You also know, principal, only the headquarters has the treatment technology for cranial nerves..."

"I know! I just feel very disappointed..." The little nun sighed and leaned on the backrest like a salted fish.

Just when the atmosphere in the office was a bit heavy, the voice of the cartoon girl came from the terminal again:

"Boss, Boss! It's true! Far East Changkong City really had a super-large-scale collapse 3 minutes ago! The value displayed by the detector has exceeded 8000HW...it's still rising! Woohoo, it's scary! Ai-chan doesn’t want to go! I won’t go even if I’m killed!”


Regarding this, the little nun and the red-haired sister Yu looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, the former straightened his back with a serious face.

"Notify the headquarters, we can't intervene in this situation, let Qiyana and the others stand by at the academy, don't go."

Hearing this, the red-haired sister Yu nodded solemnly and agreed:

"Well, with such a high concentration of Houkai energy, even I'm afraid... Kiyana and the others are only B-rank Valkyrie, it's too dangerous. It's just that I remember Changkong City's third Houkai two years ago. It's already..."

"I don't know." The little nun shook her head, and her words and deeds revealed a mature and steady aura, "Fortunately, it has almost become a no-man's land there, and it shouldn't cause too many casualties like last time. It’s a blessing in misfortune.”

As if she had been unraveled, the red-haired sister Yu supported her forehead and smiled slightly.

"That's what you said. It's just that I'm worried that such a high concentration of Houkai energy will..."

"Forget it! We just finished our trip to New Zealand not long ago, this time let the people in the headquarters have a headache! Anyway, Grandpa must have a way, we just need to wait for the order."

The two looked at each other and smiled, with a different kind of tacit understanding.

But at this moment...

"Huh!? Old...boss! The strength of the Houkai energy in Changkong City suddenly dropped sharply... No, the value disappeared!"



Chapter 165 Chapter 150 Chapter [-] Changkong City

In 2016, on the coast of Honshu Island in the far east, Changkong City.



Over the abandoned city, there are dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the concentration of Houkai energy in the air is constantly rising, just like when the third Houkai happened two years ago.

At the same time, the sea water poured in due to the sinking of the land has already flooded the streets, and it is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. Many white and pink monsters—Honkai Beasts also seem to be attending some kind of banquet, becoming Very active, you can see them everywhere.

This made Changkong City, which was originally a no-man's land, suddenly become extremely dangerous.

The root cause of all this is a "crack" located directly above the center of the city.

"This is... Changkong City?!"

"I... I'm really back?"

In front of the space crack, Mei stared blankly at the familiar yet unfamiliar city below, muttering to herself, her long black hair fluttering in the wind.

No one knew that the memory deep in her mind was constantly being awakened at this time, and scenes of warm or sad scenes uncontrollably emerged before her eyes:

Changkong City, "Academy City" with a population of 300 million, the place where I grew up...

Father Raiden Ryoma, Senyu Academy, Homu Swordsman...

Meet Kiana in front of Sakura Road in the academy, rescue Bronya in the ME club building, the three of them encounter the Valkyrie troops as soon as they leave Changkong City, and are caught on the battleship Hyperion after a conflict...

Since then, I have made a big fuss about Hyperion, joined the St. Freya Academy, and spent a happy and unforgettable school life until...

Anti-entropy invasion, Moonlight Throne crash, final arrival...

Looking back on the past, it seems like a lifetime away.

"How long has it been since you came back?"

For a moment, Mei's expression was in a trance, and it was difficult to recover for a long time.

What she doesn't know is that the world in front of her is just a "similar but different flower", not her real "hometown", and various cognitions are also different...

Just when Mei was stuck in memories and couldn't extricate herself, the space crack behind her suddenly expanded automatically!

"Croak! Boo——!"

A large amount of Honkai energy spewed out from it, like a dark pink veil, subconsciously absorbed by Mei.

In an instant, the blood-red imprint of the Herrscher of Thunder appeared high in the sky, shining like stars at night.

At the same time, the Honkai Energy in Changkong City rioted.


A beam of light began to rise, and the plants growing in the city withered in an instant, then turned into pink light particles and dissipated, and some abandoned buildings and even the ground began to crystallize!

Obviously, Honkai Neng's terrifying erosion and assimilation ability has begun to show its fangs.

At this moment, the Houkai energy released from the leylines and the Houkai energy ejected from the crack in the sky formed a convection current, covering the entire city, and Mei, the Herrscher of Thunder, was like an endless black hole. Those who come will not refuse to absorb both.

Maybe this matter is really not bad for the person involved, but this process seems to make the whole city a hell on earth...

That's right!Even though it has been abandoned for two years, there are still some survivors in Changkong City!


At this time, Dongcheng District, Changkong City.

If Mei observes carefully, he will find that there is a shanty town that has never been seen before:

They take the building as the pillar and are densely built at a height away from the water surface. The materials are all sandwich panels that are easy to assemble and disassemble, and the structure is very simple.

And among them, there are more than a dozen children under the age of 15, all of whom are women, and they all have incomplete and strange marks on their bodies-stigmata!


Due to Mei's arrival, the concentration of Honkai Energy has risen rapidly, and the Honkai Beasts have simultaneously started large-scale operations, and they have gradually fallen into desperation.

"Akong! Come back!"

"Xiaokong! Don't go out again! It's dangerous!"

Because the incident happened suddenly, most of the children chose to stay in the shanty at this time, but a figure did the opposite, constantly shuttling between the shanty towns.

"Don't worry everyone! I'll go to the teacher! She must have a solution! Definitely..."

This is a little girl with lavender short hair, red eyes, wearing a blue hooded jacket, with a flying little robot on her right hand.

"Danger! Danger! Empty! Please return to the original area. Wait. Wait. Rescue!"

"Mark Rabbit, don't be afraid, let's go to the teacher~"

I saw the little girl running, while "comforting" the little robot beside her, and then as if to cheer herself up, she clenched her fist and moved forward in one direction.


The sea is still rising.

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