Soon, she found that the road she usually walked had been submerged, and the seawater polluted by the Houkai energy was like a big mouth of an abyss, eroding the little girl's livelihood step by step.

In the end, she had no way to go forward, was also difficult to retreat.

To make matters worse, due to the rising concentration of Houkai energy, even the little girl with incomplete stigmata and a resistance to Houkai energy that surpasses ordinary people still feels confused and tingling all over at this moment...

Pain, loneliness, helplessness... all these brought back the deepest terrible memories in her heart.

That was the collapse that happened two years ago...

"Teacher... Where are you, teacher?! Kong, Kong is so scared!"

For a while, the little girl squatted on the ground, holding her head, crying helplessly.

However, in reality, misfortunes often come singly.

When she was besieged by the rising sea water on the roof, she was discovered by a breakthrough Honkai beast the size of a vulture by coincidence!


The strange cry of the Honkai Beast came together with the "buzzing" sound when the wings vibrated at high speed, like the whisper of death. When the little girl looked up, she fell into fear for a moment.

"No, don't come here!"

Obviously, she knew what kind of monster it was.

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky.

Immediately after...

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

The advance-level Honkai beast was instantly torn apart by its sharp claws, turning into pieces of white fragments and falling into the sea without a trace.


At the same time, as if hearing the girl's panicked cries, Mei regained consciousness in an instant.

"What's the situation? This Honkai can..."

Just when she was puzzled by the situation in front of her, she felt a kind of deep call from the crack in the space behind her.

Turning around and looking intently, I saw an indescribably giant tree appearing in another world.

Of course, it's just a phantom.

But even so, the coercion that shook the soul still made Mei's face full of dignity.

"That is……!?"

The Tree of Imaginary Numbers—seemingly seeing her doubts, Mingming Will took the initiative to reveal her own information and put it into Mei's mind.

"Imaginary numbers...Honkai Will...Quantum...Elimination Mechanism..."

"Did I be in the imaginary space just now? No wonder I can't see any creatures..."

"You mean... you want me to join? Executing the trial!?"

At this moment, countless "shadows" suddenly overflowed from the cracks, transforming into various strange-looking alien creations.

Quantum shadows—the first glance at them, the relevant information has already appeared in Mei's mind.

Immediately afterwards, a steady stream of shadows took the initiative to launch an attack, which was bound to wipe out Mei, a visitor from "outside".

The fissure thus continues to expand, approaching a circular shape.

In response, Mei frowned, and slowly raised her hand while deploying the electromagnetic barrier.

"I finally understand that this world is not what I'm looking for... Whether you are friends or enemies, I'm not interested in cooperating! Go back!"

The law of thunder began to appear, and Mei seemed to be "isolated" from the whole world at this moment. External interference could not take effect, and the Herrscher's mark also disappeared.

In this regard, the will in the dark dissipated resentfully; while the black shadow seemed to be irritated. After a long attack was ineffective, they suddenly gathered together and turned into a huge dark purple monster, and their momentum suddenly exploded.

However, this happens to expose someone's scars.

He was tortured by the "Giant of Light" in the chaotic space before, and now there is another "Giant of Darkness"?

Do you really think I, Mei Lei, have no temper?

"That's it? Die, bastard!"

In anger, Mei drove the gauntlet expressionlessly, followed the law, and pulled out the huge sword and sheathed it!


Almost instantly, the quantum aggregate that covered the sky and the sun was divided into two, collapsing and disintegrating like a sandcastle, turning into light particles and dissipating.

Obviously, the fusion of Herrscher's personality not only changed Mei's character, but also affected her words and deeds to a certain extent, at least Mei never looked down on her opponents like this before.

But contempt is contempt, and the experience and wisdom accumulated all the time have never disappeared.

In order to prevent the so-called "quantum side" from attacking and harassing again, Mei took the initiative to consume power, and used the power of law to neutralize the space crack, that is, the "imaginary wormhole", and successfully closed it.

After the cracks above the city completely disappeared, the concentration of Houkai energy in the air began to drop rapidly, and what gushed out of the leylines was quickly absorbed by Mei, and Changkong City and its survivors escaped a catastrophe.

Chapter 166 Chapter 150 Chapter [-] Raven

"Are you Raiden Mei?"

After the turmoil caused by the arrival dissipated, Mei scanned the current Changkong City again, and soon found the survivors, so she took a look with curiosity and inquiry.

Unexpectedly, she was discovered by a gray-haired woman in a cloak and with sharp claws.

"Huh? You know me? But I have no impression of you." Staring at the woman's face for a while, Mei frowned and asked.

An old acquaintance?

But there are no relevant clues in my memory...

While thinking, she slowly descended from the sky, stood on the roof of a shed and looked around curiously.

Seeing Mei's actions, the gray-haired woman moved intentionally or unintentionally, blocking the purple-haired little girl named "Kong" behind her, while holding a strange black gun with a serious face, her claws Put it on the trigger.

In this regard, Mei had a faint premonition:

As long as you show a little attack intention, the opponent will definitely pull the trigger without hesitation!

Obviously, the gray-haired woman saw the powerful power she showed when she killed the Quantum Shadow aggregate just now.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to hurt you, what happened just now was just an accident... Do you really know me?" Mei waved her hand, indicating that she had no malice.

In this regard, although the gray-haired woman nodded, she still did not intend to put down her gun, appearing extremely cautious.

"It doesn't count as acquaintances, after all, we have never really met before. It's just... According to my information, you were still in the Saint Freya Academy in Shenzhou an hour ago, why did you suddenly..."

"One hour?!"

Hearing this, Mei seemed a little surprised.

But as if thinking of something, her expression returned to normal.

"Is it another me? Sure enough, there is another 'Raiden Mei' in this world... So, don't Kiana and Himeko-sensei also..."

When she thought of meeting those figures again soon, Mei was very excited.

Since getting part of the truth about this world from the so-called "imaginary will", the joy of "going home" has been diluted, but now it is "ignited" again because of this idea.

The most precious thing in the world is "lost and found".

"I'm sorry about the previous incident. It was my negligence that led to this place... May I ask if there is anything I can do to help the children?" Mei, who was in a good mood, not only didn't care about the other party's rudeness, but instead asked enthusiastically.

Although she knew in her heart that the other party was not a good man and a faithful woman, the act of protecting the children and the look in her eyes did not seem to be fake, so Mei didn't want to delve into anything further, after all, everyone has their own past, right?


Hearing Mei's words, the gray-haired woman blinked her beast-like vertical pupils, turned her head and glanced at a small spot in the sky, her expression relaxed a little.

"...It's okay, the danger has passed. Although the children's situation is a bit unsightly, I will pick them up soon and send them to a safe place. After all, the Valkyrie troops of destiny are rushing here at full speed ..."

"It's you, Raiden Mei, are you really 'Raiden Mei'? I have read your profile, but I always feel..."


Mei subconsciously glanced at her current attire.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, she has returned to normal. Apart from the strange samurai armor-like dress on her body, she did not reveal anything else. No matter the god ring, ghost horn or gauntlet disappeared. up.

"Could it be..."

As if thinking of something, Mei touched her brow.

Since she advanced to the god level, her eyes have turned into a deep purple, and she can't return to the original black eyes no matter in the Herrscher form or in the normal state. It can be regarded as a "permanent" change...

Sensing the strange gaze of the other party, Mei slowly shook her head, put down her hand, and forced a smile.

"Yes, or not..."


Seeing the doubt in the other party's eyes, Mei, who was in a complicated mood, waved her hand again, and smiled pretendingly: "Okay, I've told you so much, but I still don't know your name! It's not fair. ~"


Seeing that Mei didn't want to say more, the gray-haired woman pursed her lips, was silent for a while, and then spit out a few words:

"Raven, call me Raven."

"Raven? Is that your code name? It fits you very well... Well, since you don't need help, then I'll leave first, and see you later."

As soon as the words fell, Mei took a deep look at the strangely shaped sniper rifle in the opponent's hand, and it turned into a blood-colored thunder that pierced the sky and disappeared into the sky.

After the dark clouds in the sky slowly dispersed, the gray-haired woman staggered suddenly and almost collapsed to the ground.

"Teacher! Are you okay?!" Seeing this, the purple-haired little girl quickly supported her.

"I'm fine, empty, go back to the 'nest' and tell everyone to come out and gather, we have to leave here quickly." The gray-haired woman shook her head slowly and said weakly.

"Okay, okay! I'll inform everyone right now! Mark Rabbit, take me back quickly!"

The little girl nodded immediately, and went back the same way with the little robot.

After the little girl gradually went away, the gray-haired woman supported her head, using the weapon in her hand as a crutch to support her body, her rose red eyes looked at the direction Mei left, trembling slightly.

"Another Raiden Mei... Suspected to be from another world... or a fully awakened Herrscher... This information should be able to exchange for a lot of money..."

"The lord was trapped in the Quantum Sea and has not yet escaped, and now there is such an existence... It seems that the recent actions of 'Snake' need to be more cautious..."

Muttering to herself, she slowly lowered her head, looked at the black sniper rifle that was still glowing under her paw, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Did she see the clues to the third God's key... It's really dangerous."

The weapon in her hand is not an ordinary firearm, but a lost technology belonging to the pre-civilization era, which is called the third key of God.

[God's Key] This series of equipment is made of the hardest creation in the world-soul steel as the shell, and its energy source is the core of each Herrscher that appeared in the last era. This civilization is specially used to deal with or even eliminate the trump card of Herrscher.

And the third god's key is loaded with the energy of the third herrscher of the last era—the herrscher of thunder. Its power is so powerful that it can easily turn soul steel into atoms, even if the herrscher is hit It may also be reduced to ashes on the spot...

Of course, that's what she thought all along.

But just now, facing the black-haired girl, she wanted to pull the trigger, but at the critical moment, she suddenly felt chills.

"Can the Thunder Key really cause damage to a full Herrscher of Thunder?"

At that time, she was still a little hesitant, but now it seems...

Not shooting is the wisest choice.

if not……

"Although the house is almost finished, I can't care too much now. Let's put Kong and the others there first. The world is about to change." Shaking her head, the gray-haired woman thought with lingering fear.

"That direction... is Shenzhou?"


Chapter 167 Chapter 160

After leaving Changkong City, Mei began to fly towards the direction of the school in his memory.

"Humans in this world are able to steal the power of Houkai, and some people have reached the origin of the universe, known the existence of truth, and created their own method of sealing Houkai... It's really amazing."

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