During the process, while maintaining a certain speed and flying forward, she was amazed at the information conveyed by the imaginary will.

Regarding the wooing and targeting of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum... To be honest, Mei doesn't care.

Even though she used to be a pure Herrscher, she was a member of the "imaginary side", but since she advanced to the god level and comprehended the law, the body of the Herrscher has been upgraded to a "body of the gods", detached from the world .

This means:

As long as the law of thunder can be effective, no matter how powerful the tree of imaginary numbers or the sea of ​​quantum is, as long as they are still in the category of [universe], they cannot control or interfere with Mei, the god from the chaotic space.

Although she herself never considered herself to be the so-called god, this was the truth.

This is like a frog in a well:

The tree of imaginary numbers is the "frog" at the bottom of the well, the sea of ​​quantum is the "well water", and Mei is already the "person" at the edge of the well.

Even though she has jumped into the "well" now, she is still an existence outside the well in essence. As long as she collects enough power of luck, she can leave this world again.

No matter what can be stopped, no one can follow suit.

This is the fundamental gap between Meiyi and them.

All in all, there are countless universes in the chaotic space, no matter how big this world is, it is just that remote well, which cannot interfere with the freely roaming gods.

Closer to home.

"I don't know what I and Kiyana are like in this world? Have you saved Bronya? Have you become stronger? And everyone... Judging from the situation in Changkong City, it should not be too bad Far is right."

Even knowing that this is just a parallel world, Mei still couldn't help but want to go and see it.

To see "myself", to see how those people live...

But, just look at it.She didn't mean to disturb too much, and she didn't intend to replace "Raiden Mei".

Because, she has always understood that she does not belong here, and all the development and future here have nothing to do with her...

Once this sense of estrangement and distance appears, it is difficult to eliminate.

What's more, Mei already has her own goal and hope - that is to wait for the arrival of the Kiana Kaslana who really met, knew, and stayed with her, and then find the way home with her.

Maybe this process will be very difficult, very long, and even a little "seeking far away", but she believes in herself... I believe that Kiyana will make the same choice.

"I found Qiyana before my luck reached [-], and I also found a very similar parallel universe... It feels like I'm dreaming~"

Who said no?

Since leaving the world of "Resident Evil", a series of accidents have followed one after another, making people have the illusion that their dreams are about to come true, and their hard work has finally borne fruit...

This is like a social animal who works hard, saves money every year, and hopes to buy a house and a car as soon as possible, and suddenly one day wins the first prize in the lottery, feeling financially free instantly...

At this moment, the excitement in Mei's heart can be imagined.

Obviously, getting rich overnight is more desirable than working hard step by step.


Because she was so excited, she even forgot to restrain the energy fluctuations she emitted.

This world is not like the umbrella company in "Resident Evil". Regardless of the Destiny or the Anti-Entropy Organization, their technology for detecting Houkai is quite mature, and it has even been applied to individuals.

Without the camouflage ability of the evasion clothes, Mei is like a light bulb shining in the dark in the eyes of some people at this time, and it is hard not to notice it!

So, when Mei was a little flustered, a floating warship with the sign of destiny was approaching rapidly on her forward route.


"Hey! I didn't expect that I couldn't escape in the end. Is the headquarters treating our Far Eastern branch as free labor?"

On the command bridge of the floating battleship Huberian, the red-haired Yujie named "Wuliangta Jizi" was complaining displeasedly, and the aura emanating from her body made the few sitting in front of the battleship manipulating The drivers were sweating profusely, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

Seeing this, the little white-haired nun who is keeping in touch with the battleship... Teresa Apocalypse, who is also the principal of St. Freya Academy and the head of the Far Eastern Branch of Destiny, sighed softly.

"Stop complaining, Jizi, who made our Far East branch the closest to the outbreak point? Although the current concentration of Houkai energy in Changkong City has dropped to the normal range, we still can't be careless. As an advance team, our branch must be serious. , until the arrival of the main force at the headquarters."

Immediately afterwards, as if thinking of something, Teresa raised her hand and added: "By the way, this time the headquarters dispatched Youlandelle again. Last time we fooled her in New Zealand, I'm afraid we won't succeed this time. "

Hearing this, Ji Zi bit her red lips lightly and frowned.

"The strongest S-rank Valkyrie? It seems that this time is in trouble..."

Valkyries, a special force specially set up by the Mandate of Heaven organization with a thousand-year history to fight against the Houkai disaster, are all female, with advanced combat experience and weapons and equipment.

Among them, the S rank is the highest establishment in the Valkyrie army, and it is specially awarded to those with outstanding strength. So far, there are only a few Valkyrie who have been able to win this honor.

And she, Wuliangta Jizi has been a Valkyrie for eight years. She has gained countless military exploits and entered the battlefield several times. She is powerful and has good qualifications.

But even so, she is only an A-level Valkyrie up to now, and there is still an insurmountable natural barrier from the S-level.

This shows how difficult it is to advance.


Although the S-rank Valkyrie is powerful and rare, there is one in front of me now...

That's right!The white-haired little girl who looked only eleven or two years old was a veritable S-rank Valkyrie!

He is also Himeko's boss for many years.

It's just that no matter how you look at the little girl's performance all the time, it's hard to associate her with the legendary existence...

Thinking of this, Ji Zi rubbed his forehead.

"Okay, I've ordered Huberley to move forward safely, and it will take about half an hour to reach the surrounding area of ​​Changkong City... Headmaster, are you still in the meeting now?"

Hearing this, Teresa on the screen shook her head.

"The meeting is over. This time, the headquarters will be the main force. As long as our Far East Branch obeys orders, it's no big deal... By the way, I'm in the database of the central church. Bronya's injury is not serious. I must hurry up." Find a cure."

"Well, then we will contact you later, and I will notify you as soon as possible, principal."

"Well, good luck, Himeko."

After the remote communication ended, Ji Zi yawned a little tiredly.

"Ha~ I'm so tired. I just gave those little devils a whole morning class in the morning, and this kind of thing happened in the afternoon... After this task is over, I must ask the principal to grant me a vacation!"

But at this moment, it seemed that her hard-working nature started to show off, and the alarm suddenly went off in the command cabin!


"What's the matter?!" Immediately, Ji Zi no longer felt sleepy.

"Report to the captain! I found a strong Houkai reaction ahead! According to the file records... yes, it is the power fluctuation of the Third Herrscher!"

Hearing the report, Ji Zi instantly opened his eyes wide.

"The Third Herrscher?! Didn't Mei stay in the academy with Kiyana? How could..."

But before she finished speaking, the operator's extremely hasty report came again:

"Captain! The opponent's speed is too fast! We are about to be hit!"

In this regard, years of combat command experience brought Ji Zi back to his senses immediately, raised his hand and began to calmly issue orders:

"Hurry up and avoid it!"


Afterwards, the thrusters at the tail of the Hyperion stopped operating, and the speed dropped sharply. At the same time, the jets on the side started to spray blue flames again, generating strong thrust that caused the battleship to tilt to one side, deviating from its original flight path.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red "meteor" flew towards the battleship at a frightening speed, and the air wave caused the latter's hull to shake violently.

The collision disappears into the invisible.

At that moment, everyone in the command cabin felt like they were alive after a catastrophe.

"That's definitely not Mei!"

On the bridge, Ji Zi grasped the surrounding railings, staring at the rapidly disappearing red glow on the screen while shaking violently, her face full of solemnity.

But after a while, including her, what everyone on the battleship did not expect was:

That meteor flew back again!

Chapter 169 Chapter 160

"Just now that was... the Hyperion?!"

After flying over the first ten kilometers, Mei suddenly realized how familiar the "fleeting" floating battleship before...

"Go back and have a look."

At the same time as she thought this way, Mei suddenly turned her direction, and the bloody meteor transformed by her also drew an arc several thousand meters above the sky, and then flew in the same direction as when it came and went.

Due to the advancement of technology, there are many people who observed this scene, but they don't know the specific reason, so they can only spread countless suspicions on the Internet.

The truth of the world is always in the hands of some people.


Soon, that familiar battleship appeared in Mei's sight again.

"Sure enough, it's Huberian..."

Streamlined hull, rotating turrets on both sides, closed hatches, tubular propellers, flat decks... From a distance, it looks like a flying "iron box".

For that battleship, Mei can be described as "impressed".

Because she and two friends were caught in a cell inside the battleship, and launched a series of funny and thrilling escapes:

I vaguely remember that at that time, the three of them tried every means to break through the prison door, accidentally destroying the control system of the hatch, which led to the invasion of the anti-entropy troops, and the three of them took this opportunity to scurry inside the battleship, looking for a way out while wreaking havoc , and even finally counterattacked the bridge...


Whenever she thinks of the madness and ignorance at that time, Mei can't help but chuckle, her face full of nostalgia.

Obviously, it was an extremely fond memory for her, although the final ending was very sad...

After suppressing her smile, this time Mei was not as reckless as before, but stopped after keeping a certain distance from the battleship.

"It seems that we need to pretend a bit. After all, there is an 'other me' in this world, and it would be bad to be recognized again..."

Thinking of this, Mei took out her exclusive Teigu from the soul space - the clothes of escape.

Although she has not been fully restored like Murura and Hachifang, it is more than enough to activate the camouflage ability.

Holding the core of the evasion clothes, following Mei's thoughts, a silvery-white light enveloped the whole body, gradually changing into a black hooded windbreaker.

In this way, there is no need to worry about being easily recognized, and the evasion clothes have a strong shielding effect, which can cover up the Herrscher waves emanating from her body, so as not to be discovered by things like the Houkai Energy Detector.

"It's time to go. The evasion clothes, the camouflage ability is fully activated!"

After tidying up her ponytail and putting on a hat, Mei suddenly became "colorful", "adapting" to the surrounding environment like a real chameleon, and at the same time flew towards the battleship again at a "slow" speed.

In less than 5 minutes, she successfully boarded the deck of the Huberian under careful "chasing".


There was a slight vibration under the feet, and the wind howled on the deck, but no one was seen.

Mei walked forward slowly, without making any sound, while looking down at the crack on the deck that went straight ahead, thoughtfully.

"Is the Nexus system just below? The sharp blade of the Hyperion, Mr. Jizi's corona epee..."

Outsiders may not know the purpose of the gap on the deck, but as a member of the Valkyrie Troop of St. Freya Academy, she clearly understands that the killer feature of this floating battleship is not the conspicuous large-caliber turrets , but a man and a sword.

That's right!It was a Honkai energy output system secretly developed by the Destiny Organization that could rival the Herrscher, but it was still under development in the "previous life" until the end came and the world was destroyed.

"It's just that it does too much damage to the human body."

Shaking her head slowly, Mei came to the hatch at the end of the deck.

After a pause, I saw that she didn't use the dimensional formation, but closed her eyes, and her whole body suddenly turned into a surge of blood-colored lightning and slipped into the crack of the door!


Since advancing to the god level, Mei has become a true "chaos god". Herrsrscher's body has been completely elementalized, and ordinary physical attacks can no longer cause any damage to it.

And as a true god of chaos, even if the body of the god collapses, the soul bound to the law can easily take away ordinary people and live another life.

This is another kind of "immortality and immortality".

It is worth mentioning that, thanks to this feature, except for special external factors (such as using artifacts or using divine power), under normal circumstances one can kill gods... only gods.

Because the power of the laws can cancel each other out, thus annihilating the soul while destroying the body of the god, cutting off the hope of rebirth.

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